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Item Acão de Inseticidas Organofosforados Utilizados no Controle de Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) Sobre o Ácaro Predador Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae)(Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, 2002-11-27) Fragoso, Daniel B.; Jusselino-Filho, Pedro; Pallini Filho, Angelo; Badji, César A.O controle químico apresenta vantagens como economicidade e rapidez de ação, e tem sido preferencialmente usado no controle de pragas pelos agricultores. Em contrapartida, entre as desvantagens destaca-se o largo espectro de ação dos compostos, que atingem espécies não-alvos, como inimigos naturais, além de contaminarem o meio ambiente. O presente trabalho avaliou a ação dos inseticidas clorpirifós, dissulfotom, etiom e paratiom-metílico, normalmente usados para controlar o bicho-mineiro-do-cafeeiro Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville), sobre o ácaro predador Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma, agente de controle dos ácaros fitófagos Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor) e Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) em agroecossistema cafeeiro. Para verificar o efeito seletivo dos compostos sobre o ácaro predador, concentrações discriminatórias (CLs99) dos quatros inseticidas foram determinadas para o 3º instar larval de L. coffeella, através do método de bioensaios de concentração-mortalidade em papel-filtro, impregnado com resíduo seco de inseticidas. O clorpirifós causou 100% de mortalidade dos ácaros testados; o etiom e o paratiom-metílico causaram 34% e 19% de mortalidade, respectivamente. Dissulfotom foi o mais seletivo em favor do predador, não mostrando ação letal. O efeito diferenciado dos inseticidas foi desta forma verificado, e tal informação possibilita a utilização dos inseticidas seletivos no agroecossistema cafeeiro, preservando populações de I. zuluagai e favorecendo o controle biológico exercido pelo ácaro predador.Item Interactions of Ricoseius loxocheles (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and coffee leafrust(Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2012-07-12) Oliveira, Cleber Macedo de; Pallini Filho, AngeloCoffee crops have economic losses due pests and diseases. Among them, the phytophagous mites deserve attention due to the reducing photosynthetic area caused on the leaves. Besides of mite damages, some pathogens also attack coffee plants, as the coffee rust fungus, Hemileia vastatrix (Uredinales). This pathogen cause yield losses around 30% in some varieties of Coffea arabica. Predatory mites from the Phytoseiidae family normally control phytophagous mites and can develop and reproduce using various alternative food sources than their primary prey, tetranychid mites. Within the Phytoseiidae family that is composed by carnivorous and pollen-feeding mites, we surveyed in the field the species Ricoseius loxocheles (De Leon) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on the necrosis area caused by coffee rust during its reproductive phase. Searching in the literature showed that there is little information related to this mite development, biological parameters and feeding habits. So, this study was carried out to assess the taxonomy, development, survivorship and reproduction parameters of R. loxocheles feeding on coffee rust fungus, its predation capacity on Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor, 1971) and its reproductive success. Coffee rust supported the survival, development and reproduction of the phytoseiid mite and that it was not able to feed on different stages of O. ilicis. Survival and oviposition of R. loxocheles was only observed when this mite was in arenas with fungi. In arenas without fungi these parameters were equal as arenas without food. It is known that reproduction has a higher nutritional requirement than development. The fertility of R. loxocheles fed on coffee rust is highest that the other phytoseiid fed in others fungi or some mites or pollen. We suggest that this mite is a phytoseiid generalist and it is necessary more studies to measure the ability of this mite specie to feed on other food sources, such as herbivore mites pests of coffee crops. It is possible that R. loxocheles has a role in the control of coffee rust since it feeds on a large amount of rust uredospore.Item Intercropped plants as a reservoir of predatory mites in coffee crop with a description of a new species(Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2021-08-27) Ferla, Júlia Jantsch; Pallini Filho, Angelo; Perez, André Lage; Araújo, Gustavo Júnior de; Venzon, Madelaine; Ferla, Noeli JuarezThis is the case of coffee crops in Brazil, which are of great importance to the country's economy. Currently, Brazil is the world main coffee exporter and the conventional system production consists in a monoculture with low plant diversification that uses chemical inputs to control pests. This system not only affects the target pest species, different arthropods and pathogens but also many other beneficial species that can play important roles in maintaining the ecosystem due to the services they provide, such as pollination and biological control. Hence, the conservation biological control can be an alternative to pesticides while controlling insect and mite pests in agroecosystems. The use of conservation biological control practices could be done with a variety of integrated strategies using ecological services from the local biodiversity. One strategy is using plants that provide shelter and alternative food to predatory mites, such as nectar and pollen, increasing biodiversity in agroecosystems in order to reach a sustainable control of pests. | studied the mite community from a taxonomic perspective in a coffee system intercropped interspersed on a side strip with plants that provided nectar and pollen for the arthropod community. My aim was to evaluate if the communities of predators and phytophagous mites present on coffee crops changed if their distance from the selected Intercropped Plants Species (IPS) increased. | also investigated the composition of predatory and phytophagous mite species on the IPS and assessed the role of these plants as a conservative biological control strategy. Finally, | described a new Tydeidae species sampled on coffee and Inga plants. The study was carried out at the EPAMIG Experimental Farm, in Patrocínio county, Minas Gerais state. To do so, the mites were recorded on IPS and in different distances on coffee transects of 16 m (4, 8, 12 and 16 meters) extending from IPS. Morphological identification of the new tydeid species was made with a microscope with phase contrast and dichotomous key and drawings were made using Adobe lllustrator® program. | show that the IPS do not modify the community of predators and phytophagous mites in coffee along the distance, but they harbor herbivorous mites that are not pests on coffee. Those mites can be an alternative prey to increase the population of predators on these plants, assisting in the biological control of mite pests in the coffee crops. Keywords: Conservative biological control. Agroecosystem diversification. Ecosystem service. Tydeidae. Taxonomy.Item Intercropped plants as a reservoir of predatory mites in coffee crop with a description of a new species(Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2021-08-27) Ferla, Júlia Jantsch; Pallini Filho, Angelo; Ferla, Noeli Juarez; Venzon, Madelaine; Araújo, Gustavo Júnior de; Lage Perez, AndréThis is the case of coffee crops in Brazil, which are of great importance to the country's economy. Currently, Brazil is the world main coffee exporter and the conventional system production consists in a monoculture with low plant diversification that uses chemical inputs to control pests. This system not only affects the target pest species, different arthropods and pathogens but also many other beneficial species that can play important roles in maintaining the ecosystem due to the services they provide, such as pollination and biological control. Hence, the conservation biological control can be an alternative to pesticides while controlling insect and mite pests in agroecosystems. The use of conservation biological control practices could be done with a variety of integrated strategies using ecological services from the local biodiversity. One strategy is using plants that provide shelter and alternative food to predatory mites, such as nectar and pollen, increasing biodiversity in agroecosystems in order to reach a sustainable control of pests. | studied the mite community from a taxonomic perspective in a coffee system intercropped interspersed on a side strip with plants that provided nectar and pollen for the arthropod community. My aim was to evaluate if the communities of predators and phytophagous mites present on coffee crops changed if their distance from the selected Intercropped Plants Species (IPS) increased. | also investigated the composition of predatory and phytophagous mite species on the IPS and assessed the role of these plants as a conservative biological control strategy. Finally, | described a new Tydeidae species sampled on coffee and Inga plants. The study was carried out at the EPAMIG Experimental Farm, in Patrocínio county, Minas Gerais state. To do so, the mites were recorded on IPS and in different distances on coffee transects of 16 m (4, 8, 12 and 16 meters) extending from IPS. Morphological identification of the new tydeid species was made with a microscope with phase contrast and dichotomous key and drawings were made using Adobe lllustrator® program. | show that the IPS do not modify the community of predators and phytophagous mites in coffee along the distance, but they harbor herbivorous mites that are not pests on coffee. Those mites can be an alternative prey to increase the population of predators on these plants, assisting in the biological control of mite pests in the coffee crops. Keywords: Conservative biological control. Agroecosystem diversification. Ecosystem service. Tydeidae. Taxonomy.Item Ricoseius loxocheles (Acari: Phytoseiidae): relações biológicas e fontes alimentares(Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2015-02-19) Vacacela Ajila, Henry Eduardo; Pallini Filho, AngeloO café constitui um dos principais produtos agrícolas mundiais devido às grandes rendas econômicas que gera nos países onde é cultivado. Nesta cultura, comumente podemos observar pragas como Brevipalpus phoenicis e doenças como Hemileia vastatrix que podem ocasionar grandes perdas econômicas, caso medidas de controle não sejam tomadas. O controle destas pragas e doenças usualmente é feito com a aplicação de agrotóxicos, que podem ocasionar problemas tanto nas pragas que se deseja atingir (resistência) como nos inimigos naturais que podem ser afetados indiretamente. O controle biológico torna-se uma opção viável para a diminuição do uso de agrotóxicos e o ácaros predadores fitoseídeos são objeto de muitas pesquisas sobre sua capacidade de explorar diversos recursos na sua alimentação e sua aplicabilidade nesse tipo de controle. O predador Ricoseius loxocheles (Ácari: Phytoseiidae) tem a capacidade de se alimentar e carregar esporos de ferrugem do cafeeiro e por ser membro de uma família de ácaros predadores possui potencial para agente de controle biológico. No entanto, pouca informação existe sobre sua função ecológica no sistema cafeeiro. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do estudo foi determinar a capacidade predatória de R. loxocheles sobre B. phoenicis e o desempenho do fitoseídeo em diferentes fontes alternativas de alimento avaliando sua sobrevivência e reprodução. Os resultados mostraram que o ácaro B. phoenicis não representa uma presa potencial para o fitoseídeo R. loxocheles, já que o sucesso reprodutivo desse ácaro predador foi negativo quando unicamente tinha a presença da praga, ocasionando a morte do fitoseídeo. O crescimento populacional (r i ) de R. loxocheles foi positivo em mudas de café infectadas por ferrugem. Adicionalmente, foi demonstrado que o ácaro aproveita diversos recursos alimentícios alternativos, como ferrugem de café, ferrugem de trevo e o pólen de taboa para seu sucesso reprodutivo. Das fontes testadas, apenas o pólen apícola foi o único recurso não viável que reduziu a oviposição e ocasionou a sua morte.Item Toxicidade de extratos de nim (Azadirachta indica) ao ácaro-vermelho-do-cafeeiro Oligonychus ilicis(Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2004-08) Mourão, Sheila Abreu; Zanuncio, José Cola; Pallini Filho, Angelo; Guedes, Raul Narciso Carvalho; Camargos, Adonai Bruneli deO objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a toxicidade aguda e crônica de extratos de óleo de torta, de sementes e de folhas de Azadirachta indica A. Juss (nim) a fêmeas do ácaro-vermelho-do-cafeeiro Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae). A mortalidade e a taxa instantânea de crescimento populacional de fêmeas adultas desse ácaro foram avaliadas em discos de folhas de cafeeiro com 3,5 cm de diâmetro, impregna- dos com resíduo seco dos extratos de nim e flutuando em água. As concentrações dos extratos de óleo de torta, sementes e folhas de nim que mataram 50% e 99% dos indivíduos de O. ilicis, após 72 horas de exposição, foram de 0,02, 15,9 e 121,4 mg/mL e de 10,9, 520,9 e 277,4 mg/mL, respectivamente. A taxa instantânea de crescimento populacional de O. ilicis diminuiu, linearmente, com o aumento da concentração dos extratos de óleo de torta, sementes e folhas de nim até 0,075, 15 e 144 mg/mL, respectivamente, a partir das quais as populações desse ácaro foram extintas.Item Varronia curassavica Jacq. (Boraginaceae) as an agroecological tool for coffee pest management(Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2022-08-04) Andrade, Fernanda Pereira; Venzon, Madelaine; Fonseca, Maira Christina Marques; Pallini Filho, AngeloCoffee (Coffea sp.) is a crop of great relevance in agriculture. However, its productivity can be severely affected by the attack of pests, such as Leucoptera coffeella and Hypothenemus hampei. The coffee leaf miner, L. coffeella, is a key coffee pest in the Neotropics. The larvae feed on the parenchyma of coffee leaves decreasing the photosynthesis capacity and leading to significant losses in yield. The coffee berry borer, H. hampei, is the most damaging insect pest of coffee worldwide. This pest lives inside the coffee berry consuming the seeds thus reducing the quantity and quality of the coffee grains. The most common method of control to both pests is the use of synthetic pesticides, which have a low effectiveness due to the selection of resistant populations. Additionally, the excessive use of these products could have a severe impact in the environment and non-target individuals. An alternative for the management of these pests could be the use of specific plants and their secondary metabolites, such as the essential oils. Varronia curassavica is a medicinal species that produces an essential oil with a range of biological activities besides attracting natural enemies, such as the Chrysopidae. The specie Chrysoperla externa is an important biological control agent of a variety of pests, including L. coffeella and H. hampei. In this study, I investigate whether V. curassavica can be used in the management of L. coffeella and H. hampei and benefit their natural enemy C. externa. I performed a greenhouse experiment to evaluate if the association of V. curassavica plants with coffee plants would affect the oviposition of L. coffeella and its predator C. externa (Chapter I). The association of the V. curassavica plants with coffee plants didn’t affect L. coffeella oviposition, however, it increased the C. externa oviposition. I also investigate the effects of the V. curassavica essential oil in the oviposition and the development of eggs and mines of L. coffeella (Chapter II). The V. curassavica essential oil inhibited the oviposition of L. coffeella but did not affect the development of its eggs and mines. I evaluated the lethal and sublethal effects of V. curassavica essential oil on H. hampei, assessing the mortality rates, the mobility of H. hampei, and the repellence of the essential oil to this pest (Chapter III). The essential oil of V. curassavica is toxic to H. hampei and affects its mobility, but it wasn’t repellent to the pest in the concentration tested. This study demonstrates that V. curassavica plant and its essential oil could be a safer alternative in the management of the key coffee pests. Keywords: Coffea sp. Leucoptera coffeella. Hypothenemus hampei. Chrysoperla externa.