Coffee Science - v.08, n.2, 2013

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Modis images for agrometeorological monitoring of coffee areas
    (Editora UFLA, 2013-04) Volpato, Margarete Marin Lordelo; Vieira, Tatiana Grossi Chquiloff; Alves, Helena Maria Ramos; Santos, Walbert Júnior Reis dos
    Agrometeorological monitoring of coffee lands has conventionally been performed in the field using data from land-based meteorological stations and field surveys to observe crop conditions. More recent studies use satellite images, which assess large areas at lower costs. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor of the Earth satellite provides free images with high temporal resolution and vegetation specific products, such as the MOD13, which provides the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) processed in advanced. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relation between the NDVI spectral vegetation index and the meteorological and water balance variables of coffee lands of the south of Minas Gerais in order to obtain statistical models of this relationship. The study area is located in the municipality of Três Pontas, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The statistical models obtained demonstrate a significant negative correlation between the NDVI and water deficit. NDVI values under 70% may represent a water deficit in the coffee plants. The models developed in this study could be used in the agrometeorological monitoring of coffee lands in the south of Minas Gerais.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Floração e potencial hídrico foliar de cafeeiros sob diferentes regimes hídricos e densidades de plantio
    (Editora UFLA, 2013-04) Castanheira, Dalyse Toledo; Scalco, Myriane Stella; Fidelis, Iraci; Assis, Gleice Aparecida; Pereira, Fábio Santos; Matos, Nagla Maria Sampaio de
    O estudo das relações hídricas do cafeeiro é de suma importância em todas as fases de desenvolvimento da cultura. Objetivou-se ,neste trabalho,avaliar, ao longo de dois anos, o potencial hídrico foliar na “antemanhã” e a produção média total de flores de cafeeiros não irrigados e irrigados sob diferentes regimes hídricos, em quatro densidades de plantio. Foi usada a cultivar Rubi MG-1192, plantada em janeiro de 2001, no delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas com três repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de três regimes hídricos: (i) irrigação quando a tensão da água no solo atingiu valores próximos a 20 kPa e suspensão das irrigações nos meses de julho e agosto; (ii) irrigação quando a tensão da água no solo atingiu valores próximos a 60 kPa e suspensão das irrigações nos meses de julho e agosto (iii) uma testemunha não irrigada e quatro densidades de plantio de: (i) 2500 (4,0 x 1,0m), (ii) 3333 (3,0 x 1,0m); (iii) 5000 (2,0 x 1,0m) e (iv) 10000 plantas ha -1 (2,0 x 0,5m). O potencial hídrico foliar (Yf) “antemanhã” foi determinado utilizando-se uma câmara de pressão. Em 2009, os menores valores observados foram de -1,6 MPa em cafeeiros não irrigados e irrigados a 60 kPa na densidade de 2500 plantas ha -1 . Esses valores foram observados nos meses de setembro, outubro e novembro. No segundo ano, o valor de -1,5 MPa foi alcançado ao final do período de suspensão de irrigação (agosto) e ocorreu em plantios menos adensados. Em ambos os anos, em cafeeiros adensados o regime hídrico não afetou a produção média total de flores. Os valores de potencial hídrico foliar não se correlacionaram com a produção média total de flores.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Flowering and leaf water potential in coffee under different water regimes and planting densities
    (Editora UFLA, 2013-04) Castanheira, Dalyse Toledo; Scalco, Myriane Stella; Fidelis, Iraci; Assis, Gleice Aparecida; Pereira, Fábio Santos
    The study of water relations in coffee is of utmost importance at all stages of crop development. The aim of this study was to evaluate “pre-dawn” leaf water potential and the total average production of flowers in non-irrigated and irrigated coffee plants under different water regimes in four planting densities over a two-year period. The cultivar Rubi MG-1192 was used, planted in January 2001 in a randomized block experimental design in split-plots with three replications. Treatments consisted of three water regimes: (i) irrigation when soil water tension reached values around ​​ 20 kPa and suspension of irrigation during July and August; (ii) irrigation when soil water tension reached values around ​​ 60 kPa and suspension of irrigation during July and August and (iii) a non-irrigated control. Four planting densities were used: (i) 2500 (4.0 x 1.0 m), (ii) 3333 (3.0 x 1.0 m), (iii) 5000 (2.0 x 1.0 m) and (iv) 10000 plants ha-1 (2.0 x 0.5 m). The “pre-dawn” leaf water potential (Yf) was determined using a pressure chamber. In 2009, the lowest values observed ​​ were -1.6 MPa in non-irrigated and irrigated coffee at 60 kPa at a density of 2500 plants ha-1. These values were ​​ observed during September, October and November. In the second year, the value of -1.5 MPa was reached at the end of the period of suspension of irrigation (August) and occurred in less dense plantings. In both years, in dense coffee plantings, the water regime did not affect total average production of flowers. The values of ​​ leaf water potential did not correlate with the total average production of flowers.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Imagens do sensor modis para monitoramento agrometeorológico de áreas cafeeiras
    (Editora UFLA, 2013-04) Volpato, Margarete Marin Lordelo; Vieira, Tatiana Grossi Chquiloff; Alves, Helena Maria Ramos; Santos, Walbert Júnior Reis dos
    O monitoramento agrometeorológico de áreas cafeeiras tem sido realizado convencionalmente em campo utilizando-se dados de estações meteorológicas terrestres e visitas à lavoura para se observar seu desenvolvimento. Estudos mais recentes utilizam imagens de satélite, que permitem avaliar grandes áreas a custos menores. O sensor Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) do satélite Terra oferece gratuitamente imagens com alta resolução temporal e produtos voltados especialmente para vegetação como o MOD13, que fornece o índice de vegetação Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) previamente processado. Objetivou-se, no presente estudo, avaliar a relação entre o índice de vegetação espectral NDVI e as variáveis meteorológicas e do balanço hídrico, em áreas cafeeiras do sul de Minas Gerais, visando à obtenção de modelos estatísticos dessa relação. A área de estudo localiza-se no município de Três Pontas, estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os modelos estatísticos desenvolvidos demonstram a correlação significativa negativa entre o NDVI e déficit hídrico. Valores de NDVI menores que 70% podem indicar a deficiência hídrica de cafeeiros. Os modelos desenvolvidos no presente estudo poderão ser usados no monitoramento agrometeorológico de lavouras cafeeiras na região sul de Minas Gerais.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Modifications in the metabolism of carbohydrates in (Coffea arabica L. cv. siriema) seedlings under drought conditions
    (Editora UFLA, 2013-04) Brum, Christiane Noronha Fernandes; Melo, Emanuelle Ferreira; Barquero, Luis Orlando Barboza; Alves, José Donizeti; Chalfun-Júnior, Antonio
    Understanding what mechanisms are involved in drought response in coffee plants will generate relevant information to assist breeding and/or genetic engineering to obtain new commercial varieties with drought tolerance. This research aimed at studying the effects of drought on leaf water potential, carbohydrate concentrations, and sucrose synthase and invertase activity in coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica Siriema), originating from a natural cross between C. racemosa and C. arabica Blue Mountain (Carvalho et al., 2008). Seedlings were grown in a greenhouse under non-irrigated and daily irrigated conditions. Plants were evaluated every three days until they reached the permanent wilting point or, at most. 30 days after withholding water. In addition, plants under different drought conditions (as of 30 days) were irrigated and evaluated 24 and 48 hours after water application. The non-irrigated treatment prompted a significant reduction in leaf water potential, whereas re-irrigation promoted partial recovery of plant water potential. There was a significant increase in the levels of total soluble sugars and reducing sugars, both in the leaves and roots of the non-irrigated plants. The re-irrigated plants behaved like the non-irrigated plants; however, lower levels of sugars were detected in these samples. The leaves and roots of the non- irrigated plants also showed a significant reduction in starch levels. The activity of sucrose synthase and invertase, neutral and acid enzymes, increased as a result of water stress.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Morphological plasticity of three coffee cultivars under light gradient
    (Editora UFLA, 2013-04) César, Fábio Ricardo Coutinho Fontes; Matsumoto, Sylvana Naomi; Viana, Anselmo Eloy Silveira; Bonfim, Joice Andrade
    The aim of this study was to fill in gaps in knowledge regarding the interaction among shading systems, stages of development and cultivars on the initial growth of coffee plantlets, with due attention to adequate mathematical models, and to allow interpretations in light of currently emerging knowledge on this theme. The cultivars Catuaí (IAC 144), Catucaí 2SL, and Acauã were subjected to levels of light restriction of 30%, 50%, and 70%, and to full sunlight. The experiment was conducted from January to June 2007 in the experimental field at the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia – UESB, Vitória da Conquista, the state of Bahia, Brazil. In each trial defined by level of light restriction, a randomized block experimental design was used with five replicates, and the treatments were arranged in a split-plot design in which the main plot consisted of cultivars and the assessment times constituted the split-plots. Each experimental unit consisted of 12 plants. Vegetative development assessments began 30 days after emergence and were conducted at 15-day intervals until 90 days. The light restriction levels and assessment periods, as well as the interaction between those factors, affected all the growth characteristics evaluated. With the exception of stem diameter, all other growth parameters had similar behavior in relation to the number of days after emergence and levels of light restriction. In general, the morphological changes in the initial growth of the coffee plantlet were more intense under light restriction values from 30% to 50%, and Catucaí 2SL presented greater development in comparison to Catuaí (IAC 144) and Acauã.