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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Different nitrogen levels on vegetative growth and yield of conilon coffee (Coffea canephora)
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022-05-11) Busato, Camilo; Reis, Edvaldo Fialho dos; Oliveira, Marcos Góes; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira; Busato, Cristiani Campos Martins; Partelli, Fábio Luiz
    The determination of nitrogen in plants by techniques that allow a fast diagnosis, based on plant growth characteristics, can be a useful tool for the nutritional management of coffee plants. Thus, this study evaluated growth and yield characteristics of irrigated conilon coffee in response to different nitrogen levels, resulting in the determination of the minimum N levels required to achieve the maximum yield, here called critical levels. The experiment was carried out in Colatina, Espirito Santo, Brazil, on plantations of conilon coffee, clonal variety Emcapa 8111, genotype 02. Six nitrogen levels were applied (0, 110, 220, 440, 880 and 1320 kg N ha-1) and the response in growth and yield characteristics periodically evaluated. There was a positive effect of the increasing N levels on yield, in that the N levels that provided 95% of the maximum yield (137.4 bags ha-1 and 108.5 bags ha-1) in the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 growing seasons, respectively, were 420.7 and 543.1 kg N ha-1. There was also a positive effect of N levels on the growth characteristics and nitrogen contents, indicating their use as tools for a rapid nutritional diagnosis, with a view to optimizing the nitrogen management in Conilon coffee.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Yield, quality and water consumption of conilon coffee m. under irrigated and dryland managements
    (Editora UFLA, 2018-07) Dardengo, Maria Christina Junger Delôgo; Pereira, Lucas Rosa; Sousa, Elias Fernandes de; Reis, Edvaldo Fialho dos
    In this study the goal was to make an assessment and comparison of the yield, quality and water consumed by the Conilon coffee plants under irrigated and dryland types of cultivation, from seedlings raised in different containers and under varying shading levels. The experiment which extended from December 2007 to April 2012 was performed at the IFES, Alegre-ES Campus and involved the study of a total of four crops. The findings showed that the irrigated plants had 162% higher yield on average than did the rainfed plants. For the irrigated plants, the yield indices achieved were 4.5 kg of coffee of the planted / benefited area; 1.9 kg of coconut / beneficiated coffee and 5.6 balms of 80 L sc-1; whereas, for the rainfed plants, the values recorded were 8.2 kg of coffee from the benefited field; 3.1 kg of coconut / beneficiated coffee and 12 balloons of 80 L sc-1. The Conilon coffee grains harvested from the irrigated plants were superior in quality to those from the rainfed plants. For the irrigated plants, the water consumed on average was 7.9 m 3 per plant, while for the rainfall-dependent crop, it was 4.95 m 3 . For the irrigated and rainfed plants the relations between the water consumption / kg of the beneficiated coffee was 8.8 m 3 and 30.3 m 3 , respectively. The type of container and levels of shading exerted no influence on the Conilon coffee with respect to productivity, yield and quality.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Wet bulb and Conilon coffee root distribution under drip irrigation
    (Editora UFLA, 2018-01) Souza, Joabe Martins de; Reis, Edvaldo Fialho dos; Bonomo, Robson; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira
    Knowledge of the wet bulb and the root system of the Conilon coffee plant is highly important for the correct management of irrigation. Therefore, the aim of this work was to characterize the wet bulb and Conilon coffee root distribution under drip irrigation. The experiment was conducted in the city of São Mateus, ES, Brazil with five replications of a completely randomized design of a 4 x 6 split-plot scheme, which represents four points located according to plant location and six depths. Two points were located in the plant line and two points between lines. For row spacing, we used a split-plot scheme 5 x 6 with five points in relation with plant location and six depths with five replications. The coffee roots were analysed by volume, superficial area, length and diameter. The wet bulb was measured with tubes located in six points near the plants with two points in the plant row (between two plants) and five points between rows. The measurements were conducted at four depth ranges with three replications. The wet bulb reached a depth of between 0.40 and 0.50 m, providing an excess of water in depth, evidencing the importance of this characterization for the irrigation management of drip-irrigated Conilon coffee. The depth of the radicular system for better irrigation management efficiency of drip-irrigated coffee is 0.30 m, exhibiting 67.4% of root volume and 68.0% of surface area.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Disponibilidade hídrica no solo no desenvolvimento inicial do cafeeiro conilon
    (Editora UFLA, 2015-01) Rodrigues, Rogério Rangel; Pizetta, Samuel Cola; Reis, Edvaldo Fialho dos; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira
    Estresses abióticos como a seca podem reduzir significativamente o rendimento do cafeeiro conilon (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner). Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a influência da fração de água disponível no solo sobre o desenvolvimento inicial do cafeeiro conilon, trabalhando com diferentes disponibilidades hídricas. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, em Alegre, ES, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas 4 x 5, havendo nas parcelas quatro níveis de déficit hídrico (100, 50, 30 e 10% da água disponível no solo), e nas subparcelas cinco épocas de avaliações (1o, 30o, 60o, 90o e 120o dia, após o início do déficit hídrico), em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. As variáveis avaliadas foram: matéria da parte aérea seca, matéria do sistema radicular seco, altura das plantas e área foliar. Objetivando-se avaliar a recuperação das plantas após déficit hídrico, as mesmas foram mantidas, por 30 dias, com umidade do solo próxima à capacidade de campo. Os melhores resultados de desenvolvimento inicial do cafeeiro conilon foram encontrados quando se utilizaram os níveis de 100 e 50% da água disponível no solo, não diferindo entre si, porém diferindo dos níveis de 30 e 10% da água disponível. O cafeeiro submetido a maiores períodos de déficit hídrico apresentou perdas significativas no desenvolvimento inicial, comprometendo o processo de recuperação das plantas após déficit.