Comportamento da força de desprendimento dos frutos de cafeeiros ao longo do período de colheita
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A fim de se realizar a colheita seletiva do café de forma mais eficiente, quando são retirados preferencialmente os frutos maduros, é necessário que haja parâmetros objetivos para nortear a correta regulagem da colhedora em termos de vibração e velocidade operacional. Um possível parâmetro objetivo pode ser a força de desprendimento dos frutos de café. Para esta determinação foi necessário o desenvolvimento e construção de um dinamômetro portátil para a coleta dos dados de campo. Sua construção e calibração foi realizada no Laboratório de Protótipos do Departamento de Engenharia da UFLA. Os ensaios de força de desprendimento dos frutos foram realizados na Fazenda Capetinga, município de Boa Esperança na safra 2006/2007. As cultivares utilizadas nas avaliações foram: ‘Mundo Novo IAC 376/4’, ‘Catuaí amarelo IAC 99’ e ‘Icatú IAC 3282’, transplantadas no espaçamento 4,0 x 1,0 m com população média de 2,5 mil plantas por hectare. Os ensaios foram realizados com três repetições, utilizando-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) dentro de uma mesma gleba, em parcelas aleatórias, contendo cinco plantas. Buscou-se levantar a força de desprendimento dos frutos de café na planta de acordo com a maturação dos frutos, sendo classificados para a determinação da força, os frutos verdes, cereja, passa e seco. Concluiu-se que há diferença significativa entre os estádios de maturação dentre as cultivares avaliadas. As cultivares ‘Mundo Novo’ e ‘Catuaí’ foram as que apresentaram menores valores médios de força de desprendimento. Foi possível correlacionar a força de desprendimento dos frutos, tratando-se de parâmetro objetivo, para determinar o grau de maturação da cultura.
In order to carry out selective harvest of coffee more efficiently, in which ripe fruits are preferably picked, there must be objective parameters to guide the proper regulation of the harvester in terms of vibration and operating speed. A possible objective parameter can be the detachment force of coffee fruits. For this determination it was necessary to develop and produce a portable dynamometer for the collection of data from the field. Its production and calibration were completed in the calibration and laboratory prototypes of the Department of Engineering at UFLA. Tests of detachment force fruit were made in Capetinga farm in the municipality of Boa Esperança in the 2006/2007 season. The cultivars used in the were: Mundo Novo IAC 376/4, Catuai amarelo IAC 99 and Icatu IAC 3282, transplanted in spacing 4.0 x 1.0 m with average population of 2.5 thousand plants per 10.000 m 2 . The tests were conducted with three replicates using the completely randomized design (DIC) in the same soil, in random parcels containing five plants. The aim was to raise the detachment force of the coffee fruits in the plant according to fruit maturation, being ranked for the determination of force: the green fruit, cherry, passes and dry. It was concluded that there are significant differences between stages of maturity among the cultivars and progenies evaluated. Cultivars Mundo Novo and Catuai presented smaller average values of strength of detachment. It was possible to correlate the strength of fruit detachment to determine the degree of maturation of the culture, since it is an objective parameter.
In order to carry out selective harvest of coffee more efficiently, in which ripe fruits are preferably picked, there must be objective parameters to guide the proper regulation of the harvester in terms of vibration and operating speed. A possible objective parameter can be the detachment force of coffee fruits. For this determination it was necessary to develop and produce a portable dynamometer for the collection of data from the field. Its production and calibration were completed in the calibration and laboratory prototypes of the Department of Engineering at UFLA. Tests of detachment force fruit were made in Capetinga farm in the municipality of Boa Esperança in the 2006/2007 season. The cultivars used in the were: Mundo Novo IAC 376/4, Catuai amarelo IAC 99 and Icatu IAC 3282, transplanted in spacing 4.0 x 1.0 m with average population of 2.5 thousand plants per 10.000 m 2 . The tests were conducted with three replicates using the completely randomized design (DIC) in the same soil, in random parcels containing five plants. The aim was to raise the detachment force of the coffee fruits in the plant according to fruit maturation, being ranked for the determination of force: the green fruit, cherry, passes and dry. It was concluded that there are significant differences between stages of maturity among the cultivars and progenies evaluated. Cultivars Mundo Novo and Catuai presented smaller average values of strength of detachment. It was possible to correlate the strength of fruit detachment to determine the degree of maturation of the culture, since it is an objective parameter.
Cultivares, Maturação, Colheita mecanizada
SILVA, F. C. et al. Comportamento da força de desprendimento dos frutos de cafeeiros ao longo do período de colheita. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras,v. 34, n. 2, p. 468-474, mar./abr., 2010.