Evapotranspiração e efeito do déficit hídrico na floração do cafeeiro arábica
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Em experimento conduzido na área experimental do Setor de cafeicultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras, MG, numa cultura de café Acaiá Cerrado (Coffea arabica L.) com 4 anos pós-recepa, objetivou-se avaliar: o efeito do déficit hídrico na uniformidade de florada, na maturação dos frutos, na produtividade e no tamanho dos grãos; a performance de um lisímetro de pesagem mecânica constituído de célula de carga, no monitoramento da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc); e o coeficiente de cultura (Kc) do cafeeiro cultivado dentro e fora de ambiente protegido. Para evitar o umedecimento do solo pela chuva, o cafeeiro foi cultivado sob ambiente protegido. A cultura foi irrigada pelo sistema de gotejamento. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições e quatro tratamentos. Sendo T1 = Irrigação o ano todo; T2 = Paralisação da irrigação após a colheita e retorno quando o potencial hídrico foliar fosse igual ou inferior a -1 MPa; T3 = Paralisação da irrigação após a colheita e retorno quando o potencial hídrico foliar fosse igual ou inferior a -1,5 MPa; e T4 = Paralisação da irrigação após a colheita e retorno quando o potencial hídrico foliar fosse igual ou inferior a -2,0 MPa. Para o monitoramento da evapotranspiração da cultura, um lisímetro de pesagem mecânica foi instalado dentro do ambiente protegido e outro na parte externa. Os resultados obtidos com este trabalho permitiram as seguintes conclusões: Não se identificou o efeito de déficit hídrico na ocorrência de floradas, tanto sob o aspecto da intensidade, quanto, da duração; Não se identificou efeito do reinício das irrigações (após período de déficit hídrico) sobre a ocorrência de floradas. Identificou-se relação entre queda de temperatura brusca (> 3oC h-1) e as floradas, para todos os tratamentos. A irrigação realizada durante todo o período do ano promoveu maior desuniformidade de maturação; Não foi verificado efeito dos tratamentos sobre a produtividade e o tamanho dos grãos do cafeeiro. Os lisímetros apresentaram facilidade operacional e grande sensibilidade no monitoramento da evapotranspiração; o ambiente protegido propiciou menor amplitude de variação tanto nos valores de ETc e quanto nos de Kc.
In an experiment conducted at the experimental site of coffee of the Federal University of Lavras in the SE Brazil, in a cafe culture Acaiá Cerrado (Coffea arabica L.) with four years post-receptions aimed to evaluate: the effect of water deficit in the uniformity of flowering, at fruit maturity, yield and in grain size, the performance of a weighing lysimeter consisting of mechanical load cell in the monitoring of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and crop coefficient (Kc) of coffee grown inside and outside greenhouse. To avoid wetting the soil by rain, the coffee was grown under protected. The crop was irrigated by drip system. We used a randomized block design with five replications and four treatments. T1 = irrigation throughout the year, T2 = stoppage of irrigation after the harvest and return when the leaf water potential was equal to or less than -1 MPa, T3 = stoppage of irrigation after the harvest and return when the leaf water potential was equal or below -1.5 MPa and T4 = stoppage of irrigation after the harvest and return when the leaf water potential was equal to or less than -2.0 MPa. To monitor the crop evapotranspiration, a mechanical weighing lysimeter was installed inside the greenhouse and one outside. The results of this work led to the following conclusions: not identified the effect of water deficit on the occurrence of flowering, both from the point of intensity, as, duration, has not been identified effect of the resumption of irrigation (after a period of drought ) on the occurrence of flowering. Identified a relationship between sudden drop in temperature (> 30C h-1) and the flowering period for all treatments. Irrigation held throughout the period a year also increased uneven ripening; there was no effect of treatments on yield and grain size of coffee. The lysimeters show high performance in operates and in the measurement precision, the protected environment showed lower amplitude of variation for the values of ETc as well as Kc.
In an experiment conducted at the experimental site of coffee of the Federal University of Lavras in the SE Brazil, in a cafe culture Acaiá Cerrado (Coffea arabica L.) with four years post-receptions aimed to evaluate: the effect of water deficit in the uniformity of flowering, at fruit maturity, yield and in grain size, the performance of a weighing lysimeter consisting of mechanical load cell in the monitoring of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and crop coefficient (Kc) of coffee grown inside and outside greenhouse. To avoid wetting the soil by rain, the coffee was grown under protected. The crop was irrigated by drip system. We used a randomized block design with five replications and four treatments. T1 = irrigation throughout the year, T2 = stoppage of irrigation after the harvest and return when the leaf water potential was equal to or less than -1 MPa, T3 = stoppage of irrigation after the harvest and return when the leaf water potential was equal or below -1.5 MPa and T4 = stoppage of irrigation after the harvest and return when the leaf water potential was equal to or less than -2.0 MPa. To monitor the crop evapotranspiration, a mechanical weighing lysimeter was installed inside the greenhouse and one outside. The results of this work led to the following conclusions: not identified the effect of water deficit on the occurrence of flowering, both from the point of intensity, as, duration, has not been identified effect of the resumption of irrigation (after a period of drought ) on the occurrence of flowering. Identified a relationship between sudden drop in temperature (> 30C h-1) and the flowering period for all treatments. Irrigation held throughout the period a year also increased uneven ripening; there was no effect of treatments on yield and grain size of coffee. The lysimeters show high performance in operates and in the measurement precision, the protected environment showed lower amplitude of variation for the values of ETc as well as Kc.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Irrigação, Ambiente protegido, Florada, Coeficiente de cultura, Lisimetria
FIGUEIREDO, W. S. C. Evapotranspiração e efeito do déficit hídrico na floração do cafeeiro arábica . 2010. 108 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2010.