Irrigação para cafeeiros em diferentes densidades de plantio
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
A irrigação associada ao adensamento da lavoura cafeeira tem sido prática de destaque na cafeicultura nacional. O experimento foi conduzido no Setor de Cafeicultura do Departamento de Agricultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), no período de 2001 a 2009. O objetivo foi avaliar a influência de diferentes critérios de irrigação e densidades de plantio sobre o crescimento vegetativo e a produtividade de cafeeiros, antes e após a poda por esqueletamento acompanhada de decote. Os tratamentos constaram de três critérios de irrigação (irrigado três vezes por semana, com lâmina calculada por meio do balanço hídrico climatológico, efetuado pelo software Irriplus; irrigações quando a tensão da água no solo atingiu valores próximos a 20 kPa e 60 kPa) além de uma testemunha não irrigada, os quais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em cinco densidades de plantio (2.500; 3.333; 5.000; 10.000 e 20.000 plantas ha -1 ). Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, em esquema de parcela subdividida, sendo as parcelas compostas pelas densidades de plantio e as subparcelas pelos critérios de irrigação. As avaliações de crescimento foram realizadas trimestralmente, analisando-se as seguintes características: altura de planta (cm), diâmetro de caule (cm), diâmetro de copa (cm) e número de ramos plagiotrópicos por planta. Avaliou-se ainda a produtividade média de café beneficiado (sacas ha -1 ) em cinco colheitas (2003-2007), antes da poda. Verificou-se que a irrigação promoveu maior crescimento das plantas de cafeeiros, tanto antes quanto após a poda. Além disso, o efeito da irrigação no aumento da produtividade do cafeeiro variou em função da densidade de plantas por área. Para as densidades de 10.000 e 20.000 plantas ha -1 , independente do critério utilizado para manejo da irrigação (20 kPa, 60 kPa e balanço hídrico climatológico), podem ser obtidos aumentos médios de produtividade acima de 49,6% em relação ao cultivo não irrigado.
Irrigation associated to the plant densification of coffee farming has been a prominent practice in national coffee growing. The experiment was conducted in the Coffee Growing Sector of the Agriculture Department of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) in the period from 2001 to 2009. The objective was to evaluate the influence of different irrigation criteria and planting densities on the vegetative growth and productivity of coffee plants, before and after pruning. The treatments consisted of three irrigation criteria (irrigated three times a week, with the water depth calculated through the climatic water balance, made by the Irriplus software; irrigations when the soil water tension reached values close to 20 kPa and 60 kPa) besides a non-irrigated control, which were randomly distributed in five planting densities (2,500; 3,333; 5,000; 10,000 and 20,000 plants ha -1 ). The random block experimental design was used with four replications, in a split plot design with plots being composed by planting densities and the subplots by the irrigation criteria. The growth evaluations were conducted quarterly, analyzing the following characteristics: plant height (cm), stem diameter (cm), crown diameter (cm) and number of plagiotropic branches per plant. The average productivity of processed coffee (sacks ha -1 ) in five harvests (2003-2007), before pruning was also evaluated. It was verified the irrigation promoted higher coffee plant growth, before as well as after the pruning. Furthermore, the effect of irrigation on the coffee plant productivity increase varied in function of the density of plants. For the densities of 10,000 and 20,000 plants ha -1 , independent on the criterion used for the irrigation management (20 kPa, 60 kPa and climatic water balance), average productivity increases above 49.6% can be obtained in relation to the non- irrigated cultivation.
Irrigation associated to the plant densification of coffee farming has been a prominent practice in national coffee growing. The experiment was conducted in the Coffee Growing Sector of the Agriculture Department of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) in the period from 2001 to 2009. The objective was to evaluate the influence of different irrigation criteria and planting densities on the vegetative growth and productivity of coffee plants, before and after pruning. The treatments consisted of three irrigation criteria (irrigated three times a week, with the water depth calculated through the climatic water balance, made by the Irriplus software; irrigations when the soil water tension reached values close to 20 kPa and 60 kPa) besides a non-irrigated control, which were randomly distributed in five planting densities (2,500; 3,333; 5,000; 10,000 and 20,000 plants ha -1 ). The random block experimental design was used with four replications, in a split plot design with plots being composed by planting densities and the subplots by the irrigation criteria. The growth evaluations were conducted quarterly, analyzing the following characteristics: plant height (cm), stem diameter (cm), crown diameter (cm) and number of plagiotropic branches per plant. The average productivity of processed coffee (sacks ha -1 ) in five harvests (2003-2007), before pruning was also evaluated. It was verified the irrigation promoted higher coffee plant growth, before as well as after the pruning. Furthermore, the effect of irrigation on the coffee plant productivity increase varied in function of the density of plants. For the densities of 10,000 and 20,000 plants ha -1 , independent on the criterion used for the irrigation management (20 kPa, 60 kPa and climatic water balance), average productivity increases above 49.6% can be obtained in relation to the non- irrigated cultivation.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Cafeicultura irrigada, Produtividade, Adensamento, Crescimento
ASSIS, G. A. Irrigação para cafeeiros em diferentes densidades de plantio. 2010. 97 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2010.