Indicadores biológicos de dois solos com a incorporação de subproduto da agroindústria de café
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Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo
A adição de subprodutos orgânicos ao solo pode ocasionar mudanças na dinâmica da matéria orgânica dele, influenciando a atividade e utilização do carbono pelos microrganismos presentes nele. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da aplicação de doses crescentes de subproduto da agroindústria de café nos atributos biológicos de dois solos com textura distinta, em diferentes tempos de incubação. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 × 8, sendo dois solos e oito doses de subproduto de café, com cinco repetições. Foram realizadas coletas de subamostras dos solos aos 30, 60, 90 e 125 dias após a incorporação do subproduto nesses. Nessas datas foram avaliados o carbono microbiano (C-CBM), a respiração basal microbiana (RBM) e o carbono orgânico total (COT). A adição do subproduto do café proporcionou aumentos nos valores de C-CBM, C-CO 2 e COT dos dois solos utilizados. A maior atividade microbiana ocorreu no período de 30 dias, com maior liberação de C-CO 2 ; o COT foi superior no solo argiloso por ele permitir maior proteção dos compostos orgânicos à decomposição pelos microrganismos.
The addition of organic residue byproducts in the soil may lead to changes in the dynamics of soil organic matter, influencing the activity and the use of C by microorganisms in the soil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the application of increasing rates of a byproduct from a coffee agroindustry on the biological properties of two soils with different clay contents as a function of incubation time. A randomized block experimental design was used in a 2 × 8 factorial arrangement of two solos and eight sources of coffee byproduct, with five replicates. Subsamples were collected from the soil at 30, 60, 90, and 125 days after incorporation of the byproduct in the soil. On these days, microbial biomass carbon (C-MBC), microbial basal respiration (MBR), and total organic carbon (TOC) were evaluated. Application of the coffee byproduct led to increases in the values of C-MBC, MBR and TOC in the two soils. The greatest microbial activity occurred at 30 days, with greater release of C-CO 2 , and the TOC was higher in the clayey soil because it provides greater protection of organic compounds from decomposition by microorganisms.
The addition of organic residue byproducts in the soil may lead to changes in the dynamics of soil organic matter, influencing the activity and the use of C by microorganisms in the soil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the application of increasing rates of a byproduct from a coffee agroindustry on the biological properties of two soils with different clay contents as a function of incubation time. A randomized block experimental design was used in a 2 × 8 factorial arrangement of two solos and eight sources of coffee byproduct, with five replicates. Subsamples were collected from the soil at 30, 60, 90, and 125 days after incorporation of the byproduct in the soil. On these days, microbial biomass carbon (C-MBC), microbial basal respiration (MBR), and total organic carbon (TOC) were evaluated. Application of the coffee byproduct led to increases in the values of C-MBC, MBR and TOC in the two soils. The greatest microbial activity occurred at 30 days, with greater release of C-CO 2 , and the TOC was higher in the clayey soil because it provides greater protection of organic compounds from decomposition by microorganisms.
Adubação orgânica, Biomassa microbiana, Atividade microbiana
PADILHA, K. M. et al. Indicadores biológicos de dois solos com a incorporação de subproduto da agroindústria de café. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Viçosa, v. 38, n. 5, p. 1377-1386, 2014.