Resposta do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) à lâminas de irrigação por gotejamento
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Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento vegetativo, produção e qualidade de grãos do cafeeiro Rubi, linhagem MG-1192, cultivado sob lâminas de irrigação durante cinco anos consecutivos. O experimento foi conduzido num Latossolo Vermelho distrófico de textura argilosa, na Fazenda Experimental do Glória, situada a 18o58’ de latitude sul e 48o12’ de longitude oeste, e altitude de aproximadamente 890 m, no município de Uberlândia, em Minas Gerais, Brasil. O clima local é do tipo Cwa, sendo o inverno seco e o verão quente e chuvoso. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e oito tratamentos de lâminas de irrigação, iguais a 0% (sem irrigação), 30%, 60%, 90%, 120%, 150%, 180% e 210% da Evaporação em tanque “Classe A” – ECA. O plantio foi realizado em janeiro de 2001, no espaçamento de 3,5 m entre linhas e 0,7 m entre plantas. As parcelas foram constituídas por três fileiras com oito plantas cada, sendo avaliadas as quatro plantas centrais da fileira central. Foi adotado o sistema de irrigação por gotejamento, com emissores autocompensantes de vazão 3,5 L h-1, sendo as irrigações realizadas às segundas, quartas e sextas-feiras. Diariamente, foram coletados os dados de precipitação pluvial, evaporação de água em tanque “Classe A”, temperatura e umidade relativa do ar. O manejo da lavoura foi realizado com aplicação de micronutrientes, via foliar, e adubação de produção, via convencional, na região da “saia” do cafeeiro. O controle de pragas, doenças e plantas invasoras foi estabelecido conforme a necessidade. As plantas infestantes foram manejadas com roçadeira nas entrelinhas e aplicação de herbicida ao longo das linhas. Anualmente (de 2002 a 2006), foram mensurados a altura do cafeeiro, diâmetro de copa e de caule, comprimento de ramos plagiotrópicos e número de entrenós no ramo ortotrópico. A partir de 2003, em quatro colheitas consecutivas, avaliou-se a produtividade, rendimento e renda, e em 2006, a qualidade dos grãos. Com relação ao desenvolvimento vegetativo do cafeeiro, os melhores resultados foram obtidos com lâminas variando de 136,3% a 149,2% da ECA. A produtividade máxima alcançada foi de 115 sacas de 60 kg por hectare, obtida em 2004, com a lâmina de 164,1% da ECA. A irrigação não amenizou o efeito da bianualidade, já que, em 2005, a produção foi relativamente baixa. Entretanto, o uso desta técnica diminuiu o percentual de grãos grandes (peneiras 19, 18 e 17) e aumentou o de grãos médios (peneiras 16 e 15), não interferindo na qualidade da bebida de café.
This study evaluated coffee plant Ruby, line MG-1192, vegetative development, yield and berry quality, cultivated under irrigation levels during five years. The experiment was done in a loamy red latosol, at Experimental Farm of Glória, located to 18o58’ S and 48o12’ W, and approximately 890 m above sea level, in the county of Uberlândia, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The local climate is Cwa, with dry winter and hot and rainy summer. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four repetitions and eight treatments of irrigation levels, which were 0% (without irrigation), 30%, 60%, 90%, 120%, 150%, 180% and 210% of the Evaporation measured in the “Class A” tank (ECA). Planting was done in January 2001, at the spacing 3.5 m between rows and 0.7 m between plants. The plots consisted of three rows with eight plants each, and the four central plants of the middle row were evaluated. A drip irrigation system was used, with self compensating drippers at a flow of 3.5 L h-1, and the irrigations were always done on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Data on rainfall, water evaporation in “Class A” tank, temperature and air relative humidity were collected daily. Production fertilization was done conventionally under the plant canopy, while the micronutrients were applied as foliar sprays. Pest, disease and weed control was done as required. Weeds were cut with a weeder between rows and controlled with herbicides under the plant canopy. Plant height, canopy and stem diameter, length of the plagiotropic branches and number of internodes in the orthotropic branches were measured yearly (from 2002 to 2006). Starting in 2003, for four consecutive harvests, production, yield and profitability, and in 2006, the berry quality were evaluated. Regarding the coffee plant vegetative development, the best results were obtained with levels varying from 136.3% to 149.2% ECA. The maximum yield obtained was 115 60-kg sacs per hectare, obtained in 2004, with the level of 164.1% ECA. The irrigation did not mitigate the biannual effect, since, in 2005, yield was relatively low. However, the use of this technique reduced the percentage of big berries (sieves 19, 18 and 17) and it increased the number of medium berries (sieves 16 and 15), not interfering in the quality of coffee beverage.
This study evaluated coffee plant Ruby, line MG-1192, vegetative development, yield and berry quality, cultivated under irrigation levels during five years. The experiment was done in a loamy red latosol, at Experimental Farm of Glória, located to 18o58’ S and 48o12’ W, and approximately 890 m above sea level, in the county of Uberlândia, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The local climate is Cwa, with dry winter and hot and rainy summer. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four repetitions and eight treatments of irrigation levels, which were 0% (without irrigation), 30%, 60%, 90%, 120%, 150%, 180% and 210% of the Evaporation measured in the “Class A” tank (ECA). Planting was done in January 2001, at the spacing 3.5 m between rows and 0.7 m between plants. The plots consisted of three rows with eight plants each, and the four central plants of the middle row were evaluated. A drip irrigation system was used, with self compensating drippers at a flow of 3.5 L h-1, and the irrigations were always done on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Data on rainfall, water evaporation in “Class A” tank, temperature and air relative humidity were collected daily. Production fertilization was done conventionally under the plant canopy, while the micronutrients were applied as foliar sprays. Pest, disease and weed control was done as required. Weeds were cut with a weeder between rows and controlled with herbicides under the plant canopy. Plant height, canopy and stem diameter, length of the plagiotropic branches and number of internodes in the orthotropic branches were measured yearly (from 2002 to 2006). Starting in 2003, for four consecutive harvests, production, yield and profitability, and in 2006, the berry quality were evaluated. Regarding the coffee plant vegetative development, the best results were obtained with levels varying from 136.3% to 149.2% ECA. The maximum yield obtained was 115 60-kg sacs per hectare, obtained in 2004, with the level of 164.1% ECA. The irrigation did not mitigate the biannual effect, since, in 2005, yield was relatively low. However, the use of this technique reduced the percentage of big berries (sieves 19, 18 and 17) and it increased the number of medium berries (sieves 16 and 15), not interfering in the quality of coffee beverage.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Crescimento vegetativo, Produção, Qualidade de grãos, Manejo de irrigação
SILVA, C. A. Resposta do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) à lâminas de irrigação por gotejamento . 2007. 68 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia. 2007.