Relações hídricas e trocas gasosas em duas progênies de café submetidas a déficit hídrico moderado
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Este trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito do déficit hídrico moderado nas relações hídricas e nas trocas gasosas de duas progênies de café (Catucaí 785-15 e Siriema, respectivamente sensível e tolerante à seca). O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, cultivando-se as plantas em vasos de 12 dm 3 . As plantas receberam 100% da água evapotranspirada por 90 dias; após, um lote continuou sendo irrigado dessa maneira, enquanto noutro lote a irrigação foi reduzida para 50%, 40% e 30% da água evapotranspirada pelas plantas-controle, a intervalos de 20 dias. A progênie Siriema apresentou maior potencial hídrico de antemanhã que Catucaí, sob déficit hídrico, indicando que o estresse foi mais severo na última. O déficit hídrico reduziu a taxa fotossintética, a condutância estomática e a taxa transpiratória, não ocorrendo, contudo, alterações entre progênies. A redução da taxa fotossintética foi associada a limitações estomáticas da fotossíntese. A condutância hidráulica e a condutância hidráulica específica decresceram semelhantemente em resposta ao déficit hídrico, em ambas progênies. O teor relativo de água decresceu nas plantas sob déficit hídrico, sem diferença entre progênies. Catucaí apresentou menor área foliar específica e maior massa seca por área, fato que pode ser atribuído ao maior número de camadas de parênquimas palissádico e lacunoso ou, também, devido a menos espaços intercelulares, mas a deficiência hídrica não alterou esses parâmetros dentro das progênies.
This work aimed to study the effect of a moderate, slowly imposed drought stress, on water relations and gas exchange of two coffee progenies (Catucaí 785-15, drought sensitive; and Siriema, drought tolerant). Plants were grown in 12 dm 3 pots, under greenhouse conditions. They received 100% transpired water during 90 days. Afterwards, one group continued being irrigated in that manner, whereas the other group was droughted by decreasing irrigation by 50%, 40% and 30% of transpired water, at 20 days intervals. Siriema showed larger predawn water potentials than Catucaí, indicating that drought stress was more pronounced in the latter. Drought brought about decreases in net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate; no changes in these parameters were found between progenies, however. Reduction of net photosynthesis was linked to stomatal limitations. Hydraulic conductance and specific hydraulic conductance decreased similarly in both progenies in response to drought stress. Relative water content declined in drought-stressed plants, with no clear distinction between progenies in this regard. Catucaí had smaller specific leaf area and larger dry mass per leaf area, which could be attributed to a greater number of layers of palisade and spongy parenchyma and/or less intercellular spaces, though watering treatments did not alter those parameters in either progenie.
This work aimed to study the effect of a moderate, slowly imposed drought stress, on water relations and gas exchange of two coffee progenies (Catucaí 785-15, drought sensitive; and Siriema, drought tolerant). Plants were grown in 12 dm 3 pots, under greenhouse conditions. They received 100% transpired water during 90 days. Afterwards, one group continued being irrigated in that manner, whereas the other group was droughted by decreasing irrigation by 50%, 40% and 30% of transpired water, at 20 days intervals. Siriema showed larger predawn water potentials than Catucaí, indicating that drought stress was more pronounced in the latter. Drought brought about decreases in net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate; no changes in these parameters were found between progenies, however. Reduction of net photosynthesis was linked to stomatal limitations. Hydraulic conductance and specific hydraulic conductance decreased similarly in both progenies in response to drought stress. Relative water content declined in drought-stressed plants, with no clear distinction between progenies in this regard. Catucaí had smaller specific leaf area and larger dry mass per leaf area, which could be attributed to a greater number of layers of palisade and spongy parenchyma and/or less intercellular spaces, though watering treatments did not alter those parameters in either progenie.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : 2005 : Londrina, PR). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2005.
Café Relações hídricas Trocas gasosas Déficit hídrico Coffea, Coffee Water relations Gas exchanges Drought stress Coffea
Dias, Paulo C.; Araújo, Wagner L.; Batista, Karine D.; Pompelli, Marcelo F.; Moraes, Gustavo A. B. K. de; DaMatta, Fábio M. Relações hídricas e trocas gasosas em duas progênies de café submetidas a déficit hídrico moderado. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : Londrina, PR : 2005). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2005. (1 CD-ROM), 5p.