Produção e maturação de frutos do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. Topázio MG-1190) em função de diferentes épocas de irrigação
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O experimento conduzido em Lavras/MG teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes épocas de irrigação na produtividade, rendimento e uniformidade de maturação de grãos de café cultivar Topázio MG-1190 submetida a recepa aos 65 meses após plantio (setembro de 2001). A lavoura foi implantada com um espaçamento de 1,8 x 0,7 m e irrigada por gotejamento. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com seis parcelas e quatro repetições sendo comparadas cinco diferentes épocas de irrigação definidas por E1 (irrigação de abril a julho), E2 (irrigação de abril a junho), E3 (irrigação de setembro a novembro), E4 (irrigação de maio a junho), E5 (irrigação de Agosto a outubro) e E0 (testemunha sem irrigação). As irrigações foram realizadas às terças e sextas-feiras. A lâmina aplicada foi equivalente a 100% do balanço entre a evaporação do Tanque "Classe A" (ECA) e as precipitações (P) ocorridas no período entre duas irrigações consecutivas (ECA - P). Quando o balanço entre ECA - P era nulo ou negativo, não se irrigava. A adubação com Nitrogênio e Potássio foi realizada em 4 parcelamentos aplicados de outubro a março sob a copa da planta. Foram analisados os dados relativos à colheita da safra 2003/2004 de seis plantas de cada tratamento, separando os frutos colhidos no pano dos frutos de varrição. Os resultados indicaram que o rendimento observado no tratamento irrigado de setembro a outubro (E3) foi melhor que os demais tratamentos e que a maturação dos frutos nos estádios cereja e seco foi influenciada pelas épocas de irrigação, sendo que a irrigação de abril a junho retarda a maturação dos frutos.
An experiment was carried out in Lavras/MG aiming to evaluate the effects of different irrigation periods on total yield, volumetric yield, and bean ripening uniformity from coffee (Cv. Topazio, MG1190) that was submitted to a severe pruning 65 months after planting (September 2001). The orchard was implanted in a 1.8 X 0.7m spacing and was drip irrigated. A complete randomized experimental design with six treatments and four replications was implemented. Treatments corresponded to six different irrigation periods: E1 (Irrigation from April to July), E2 (irrigation from April to June), E3 (irrigation from September to November), E4 (irrigation from May to June), E5 (irrigation from August to October) e E0 (control without irrigation). Irrigations were held every Tuesday and Friday. Applied irrigation depth was equivalent to 100% of the balance including the evaporation depth from a class "A" pan and the precipitation depth measured during the time interval between two successive irrigations (ECA-P). No irrigation was applied when the balance ECA-P was negative or zero. Fertilization with Nitrogen and Potassium was split in 4 applications, under canopy throughout the period from October to March. Data from the 2003/2004 harvest, corresponding to all coffee beans collected from six plants in each replication, were analyzed. Results indicated that volumetric yield under the treatment receiving irrigation from September to October (E3) was significantly different from the ones observed under other treatments. The ripening at cherry and dry bean stage was also influenced by irrigation period.
An experiment was carried out in Lavras/MG aiming to evaluate the effects of different irrigation periods on total yield, volumetric yield, and bean ripening uniformity from coffee (Cv. Topazio, MG1190) that was submitted to a severe pruning 65 months after planting (September 2001). The orchard was implanted in a 1.8 X 0.7m spacing and was drip irrigated. A complete randomized experimental design with six treatments and four replications was implemented. Treatments corresponded to six different irrigation periods: E1 (Irrigation from April to July), E2 (irrigation from April to June), E3 (irrigation from September to November), E4 (irrigation from May to June), E5 (irrigation from August to October) e E0 (control without irrigation). Irrigations were held every Tuesday and Friday. Applied irrigation depth was equivalent to 100% of the balance including the evaporation depth from a class "A" pan and the precipitation depth measured during the time interval between two successive irrigations (ECA-P). No irrigation was applied when the balance ECA-P was negative or zero. Fertilization with Nitrogen and Potassium was split in 4 applications, under canopy throughout the period from October to March. Data from the 2003/2004 harvest, corresponding to all coffee beans collected from six plants in each replication, were analyzed. Results indicated that volumetric yield under the treatment receiving irrigation from September to October (E3) was significantly different from the ones observed under other treatments. The ripening at cherry and dry bean stage was also influenced by irrigation period.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : 2005 : Londrina, PR). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2005.
Irrigação Café Produtividade Frutos, Irrigation Coffee Yield Fruits
Faria, Manoel Alves de; Oliveira, Sérgio dos Reis; Rezende, Fátima C.; Silva, Mirian de L. O. e; Andrade, Gustavo Pereira Costa; Matiolli, Wesley. Produção e maturação de frutos do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. Topázio MG-1190) em função de diferentes épocas de irrigação. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : Londrina, PR : 2005). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2005. (1 CD-ROM), 5p.