Marketing para jovens consumidores de café: estratégias para o mercado brasileiro
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Empresas de diferentes setores, dentro da nova estrutura competitivas, cientes da importância de satisfazer as necessidades dos consumidores, vêm provocando mudanças nos hábitos e costumes da população. Novos alimentos e novas formas de distribuição têm sido introduzidos, acompanhados de agressivas campanhas publicitárias. O setor de café, confiante na sua tradição, não acompanhou o ritmo de modernização e de marketing do setor de bebidas, tendo como consequência uma significativa perda de participação no mercado e redução no consumo. Este trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer o consumidor jovem de café no Brasil e sugerir estratégias mercadológicas que possam estimulá-lo a consumir mais o produto. Através da técnica de análise de grupos foram realizados estudos qualitativos na cidade "de São "Paulo e estudos quantitativos na cidade. de Belo Horizonte. Analisados os resultados, e identificado o significado do café para este público jovem, foram sugeridas estratégias genéricas que contribuam para o aumento do consumo de café no mercado interno. Os resultados mostram que predomina, entre os jovens universitários, uma imagem negativa em relação ao café. Muito associado ao cigarro e ao vicio, 54% dos entrevistados não têm o hábito de tomar café, além de associar a imagem do café a uma pessoa adulta, que trabalha muito, estressada e cheia de responsabilidades. Quem toma aprendeu com a família, por um hábito, ou no trabalho. Como aspectos positivos consideram o café como estimulante e muito associado a um intervalo, descanso e relaxamento. Consideram que o café ainda mantém sua postura tradicional, não é um produto prático e adequado ao jovem e as propagandas não falam com o jovem. Estratégias de marketing elaboradas com vistas ao futuro consumidor de café devem descobrir os valores que norteiam os interesses dos jovens de hoje para construir produtos, embalagens, formas de consumo e de comunicação que façam sentido em seu mundo. Pois esse mundo é diferente daquele onde o café tem ou teve um lugar de honra: o lar brasileiro. Da forma como vem sendo percebido hoje pelos jovens, constata-se que é preciso mudar se quiser permanecer.
Enterprisesof different sectors, within the new competitive structure, aware of the importance ofrneeting the consumer,sneeds has been causing changes-both in the population'sconstumes and habits. New foodsand new ways of distribuition have been introduced, accompanied by aggressive advertising plans. The coffee sector, relying upon .its.tradition has not kept pace with the rhytm of modernization and marketing of the beverage sector presenting, asa significant-Ioss of sharing in themarket and reduced-consumption. This work aims to know the young consumer of coffee in Brazil and to suggest marketing strategies which can stimulate him to consume the product further. Bymeans of fQCUS groupstechnique were performed qualitative studies in the city of São Paulo and quantitative studies in the cityof Belo -Horizonte. Analysed the .results and by identifying the meaning of coffee to this young public, generical strategies which contributed to increased coffee consumption in horne market were presented. The results showed that, among the young university students,- a negative image concerning coffee predominates. Highly associated with cigarrette and vice, 54% of the interviewees has -not the habitof taking coffee in addition to associating the coffee image toan adult, who works - hard, very stressedand full of responsabilities. Who takes it, has learnt with the family as a habitor at work. As . positive aspects, they regardcoffee as a stimulant-and much associated with a break, rest and relaxo They think that coffee still holds its traditional status, it is not a practical product suitable for the young as the advertisiment does not taIk to the young. Marketing strategies designed having in mind the future coffee consumer should fmd out the values which guide today's young people's concems to build products, packages and ways of consumption and communication which makesense in their world. Because this worldisdifferent from thatwhere coffee has or had its honor place: the Brazilian home. The way as it has been realized by the young today, it follows that it is needed to change if one wants to stay.
Enterprisesof different sectors, within the new competitive structure, aware of the importance ofrneeting the consumer,sneeds has been causing changes-both in the population'sconstumes and habits. New foodsand new ways of distribuition have been introduced, accompanied by aggressive advertising plans. The coffee sector, relying upon .its.tradition has not kept pace with the rhytm of modernization and marketing of the beverage sector presenting, asa significant-Ioss of sharing in themarket and reduced-consumption. This work aims to know the young consumer of coffee in Brazil and to suggest marketing strategies which can stimulate him to consume the product further. Bymeans of fQCUS groupstechnique were performed qualitative studies in the city of São Paulo and quantitative studies in the cityof Belo -Horizonte. Analysed the .results and by identifying the meaning of coffee to this young public, generical strategies which contributed to increased coffee consumption in horne market were presented. The results showed that, among the young university students,- a negative image concerning coffee predominates. Highly associated with cigarrette and vice, 54% of the interviewees has -not the habitof taking coffee in addition to associating the coffee image toan adult, who works - hard, very stressedand full of responsabilities. Who takes it, has learnt with the family as a habitor at work. As . positive aspects, they regardcoffee as a stimulant-and much associated with a break, rest and relaxo They think that coffee still holds its traditional status, it is not a practical product suitable for the young as the advertisiment does not taIk to the young. Marketing strategies designed having in mind the future coffee consumer should fmd out the values which guide today's young people's concems to build products, packages and ways of consumption and communication which makesense in their world. Because this worldisdifferent from thatwhere coffee has or had its honor place: the Brazilian home. The way as it has been realized by the young today, it follows that it is needed to change if one wants to stay.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Marketing, Consumidor, Estratégia, Mercado, Bebidas
SETTE, R. S. Marketing para jovens consumidores de café: estratégias para o mercado brasileiro. 1999. 167 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 1999.