Calcário e gesso na nutrição mineral e produção do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.)
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes combinações de doses de gesso e de calcálio, na nutrição mineral e na produção do cafeeiro e estabelecer correlações entre teores foliares dos nutrientes com a produção, em um experimento conduzido por 11 anos. O experimento foi instalado num LRd, localizado na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG em São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG, em janeiro de 1978, utilizando-se o cafeeiro da cultivar Catuai Vermelho, Linhagem CH 2057-2-5-44, no espaçamento de 2,O X 2,Om com 1 planta por cova. A parcela experimental foi constituída de quatro linhas de quatro covas, num total de 16 covas, sendo as quatro plantas centrais consideradas como parcela útil. Utilizou-se um delineamento em blocos casualidos com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial 4x3 sendo quatro doses de calcário dolomítico (O,750, 1500 e 3000kg/ha) e três doses de gesso agrícola (O,1290 e 2580kg/ha). Cinco anos depois da implantação do experimento reaplicou-se metade das doses aplicadas inicialmente. As adubações de plantio e de manutenção, bem como os cuidados fitossanitários foram os mesmos para todos os tratamentos. Nenhuma fonte de enxofre, além do gesso, foi aplicada no decorrer do periodo experimental. 0 experimento foi conduzido até 1989, avaliando-se anualmente em dezembro/janeiro os teores foliares de nutrientes, em amostras do 3o. ou 4o. pares de folhas, e em julho a produção. Os dados de teores de nutrientes nas folhas e da produção de grãos foram submetidos a análise de variância e regressão polinomial. Os dados dos teores foliares dos nutrientes, bem como os das relações entre eles, foram correlacionados (correlação linear simples) com os dados de produção do mesmo ciclo produtivo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os tratamentos influenciaram de maneira consistente na nutrição do cafeeiro em Ca, Mg, K, S e Mn. Com a sucessão das colheitas os teores foliares dos nutrientes aplicados pelos tratamentos (Ca, Mg e S) diminuíram a valores abaixo da faixa critica. Isso indica a necessidade de aplicações periódicas desses nutrientes. A aplicação anual de K na adubação de manutenção, promoveu um desequilíbrio com o Ca e o Mg com a sucessão das colheitas. O monitoramento periódico destes nutiientes no solo através de análise química é necessário visando uma correta aplicação de K e uma avaliação das necessidades de aplicação de calcário como fonte de Ca e Mg. Os nutrientes cujos teores foliares se correlacionaram melhor com a produção foram o Ca, o S e o P, os dois primeiros positivamente e o último negativamente. As relações entre os teores foliares dos nutrientes se correlacionaram melhor com a produção do que os seus teores isoladamente. Os dados de produção total e de nutrição do cafeeiro indicam que a combinação da maior dose de calcário com a dose intermediária de gesso foi a mais adequada.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term effects of different combinations of gypsum and limestone doses on coffee mineral nutrition and yield, and to stablish correlations between leaf nutrient level and bean yield. The experiment was installed in a dystrophic Dusky Red Latosol, placed at the EPAMIG´s Experimental Farm, in São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG, at January, 1978, using Catuaí Vermelho, cultivar CH 2057-2-5-44, at spacing of 2,0 x 2,0 m between plants, with a single plant per planting hole. The experimental plots were made up of four lines with four holes each one, totalizing 16 planting holes, being harvested only the four central plants from each plot. The experimental design utilized was a randomized blocks with three replications, and the treatments disposed in a 4x3 factorial, being four limestone doses (0, 750, 1500 and 3000 kg/ha) and three gypsum doses (0, 1290 and 2580 kg/ha). After five years after the set up all treatments were reapplied. Every treatments received a basal fertilization at the planting in addition to annual application of NPK and sanitary treatments. No source of S, other than gypsum, was used during the 11 years of the experimental period. The experiment was conducted until 1989 and evaluated yearly in December/January, for foliar level of nutrients in samples of the third or fourth pairs of leaves, and in July for bean yield. Leaf nutrient level and yield data were submitted to statistical analysis. Linear correlations between nutrient level in the leaves and some of their ratios and yield were made. The results showed that the treatments consistently influenced the coffee nutrition in Ca, Mg, K, S and Mn. With the time leaf levels of Ca, Mg and S decreased and reached values below the adequate levels. This fact indicates the importance of periodical applications of these nutrients. Annual applications of K as dressing fertilization, caused an excess of the nutrient in relation to Ca and Mg. Frequent soil testing for Ca, Mg and K is necessary for correct recommendation of K fertilization and liming as source of Ca and Mg. Ca, S artd P showed higher correlations with yield, being Ca and S correlated positively and P negatively with coffee bean yield. Correlations between nutrient ratios and yield were higher than those established with singlen nutrients. Data from coffee mineral nutrition and accumulated yield indicated that the higher doses of limestone with the intermediate doses of gypsum was the best combination for coffee yield.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term effects of different combinations of gypsum and limestone doses on coffee mineral nutrition and yield, and to stablish correlations between leaf nutrient level and bean yield. The experiment was installed in a dystrophic Dusky Red Latosol, placed at the EPAMIG´s Experimental Farm, in São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG, at January, 1978, using Catuaí Vermelho, cultivar CH 2057-2-5-44, at spacing of 2,0 x 2,0 m between plants, with a single plant per planting hole. The experimental plots were made up of four lines with four holes each one, totalizing 16 planting holes, being harvested only the four central plants from each plot. The experimental design utilized was a randomized blocks with three replications, and the treatments disposed in a 4x3 factorial, being four limestone doses (0, 750, 1500 and 3000 kg/ha) and three gypsum doses (0, 1290 and 2580 kg/ha). After five years after the set up all treatments were reapplied. Every treatments received a basal fertilization at the planting in addition to annual application of NPK and sanitary treatments. No source of S, other than gypsum, was used during the 11 years of the experimental period. The experiment was conducted until 1989 and evaluated yearly in December/January, for foliar level of nutrients in samples of the third or fourth pairs of leaves, and in July for bean yield. Leaf nutrient level and yield data were submitted to statistical analysis. Linear correlations between nutrient level in the leaves and some of their ratios and yield were made. The results showed that the treatments consistently influenced the coffee nutrition in Ca, Mg, K, S and Mn. With the time leaf levels of Ca, Mg and S decreased and reached values below the adequate levels. This fact indicates the importance of periodical applications of these nutrients. Annual applications of K as dressing fertilization, caused an excess of the nutrient in relation to Ca and Mg. Frequent soil testing for Ca, Mg and K is necessary for correct recommendation of K fertilization and liming as source of Ca and Mg. Ca, S artd P showed higher correlations with yield, being Ca and S correlated positively and P negatively with coffee bean yield. Correlations between nutrient ratios and yield were higher than those established with singlen nutrients. Data from coffee mineral nutrition and accumulated yield indicated that the higher doses of limestone with the intermediate doses of gypsum was the best combination for coffee yield.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Café Nutrição mineral Calagem Gessagem Nutrientes Teor Relações Produção, Coffee Mineral nutrition Gypsum Liming Nutrient Levels Relations Yield
Marques, Eduardo Sampaio. Calcário e gesso na nutrição mineral e produção do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.). Lavras : UFLA, 1995. 66p. : il. (Dissertação - mestrado em Agronomia, área de concentração: Solos e Nutrição de Plantas) Orientador: Valdemar Faquin