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No norte pioneiro do Paraná, a degradação da fertilidade do solo causa baixa produtividade e ataques de Cercospora coffeicola em cafeeiros. No cultivo orgânico a restrição a produtos químicos e falta de opções para substituí-los é entrave à conversão dos cafezais. Redução no consumo de adubos minerais, aumento da capacidade produtiva do solo e melhora da sanidade ocorrem com os adubos verdes nos cafezais. Para validá-los no controle da C. coffeicola instalaram-se naquela região dois ensaios, em Carlópolis e Jacarezinho, com cafeeiros IPR – 98, resistentes a Hemileia vastatrix e suscetíveis à C. coffeicola, com delineamento de blocos ao acaso, quatro repetições e dez tratamentos. Cada tratamento teve duas subparcelas de oito cafeeiros, uma sem e outra com adição de matéria orgânica. Os tratamentos foram: uréia; mucuna preta (Mucuna aterrima); labe labe (Dolichos lab lab L.); Crotalaria mucronata; amendoim cavalo (Arachis hypogaea); mucuna anã (Mucuna deeringiana); Crotalaria spectabilis e Crotalaria breviflora; uma testemunha sem adubo verde e sem matéria orgânica e outra sem adubo verde e com matéria orgânica. Para avaliar o inóculo residual do patógeno fez-se uma leitura em folhas do 4o ao 7o par de folhas dos ramos plagiotrópicos do início dos trabalhos nas safras 2008/2009 e 2009/2010. Para determinar a evolução dos tratamentos sobre a doença, fizeram-se leituras mensais em folhas do 2o e 3o pares apicais de ramos plagiotrópicos e, após a colheita, em frutos cereja. O inóculo residual interferiu nos ciclos vegetativo e reprodutivo dos cafeeiros em 2009. Os adubos verdes reduziram os danos causados por C. coffeicola em folhas e frutos, sendo os melhores Labe labe, C. mucronata, C. spectabilis, C. breviflora. O melhor comportamento na produção e qualidade da biomassa, nos ensaios, foi de Labe Labe, Mucuna preta, C. mucronata, C. spectabilis e Mucuna anã. Pela suscetibilidade a Fusarium spp., C. mucronata e C. spectabilis não devem ser cultivadas por mais de um ano no mesmo local. Os teores de N-NO3 + N-NH4 foram maiores na superfície do solo e relacionaram-se com os totais de N e produção de biomassa das espécies.
In the Pioneer North of Parana state, degradation of soil fertility causes low productivity and attacks of Cercospora coffeicola on coffee plants. In organic farming the restriction of chemicals and lack of options to replace them is a constraint to the conversion of coffee plantations. Reduced consumption of mineral fertilizers, increased productive capacity of the soil and improvement of sanity occur with the use of green manure in coffee. To validate options of green manure in the control of C. coffeicola, two field tests were installed in that region, in the municipalities of Carlópolis and Jacarezinho, with the coffee cultivar IPR - 98, resistant to Hemileia vastatrix and susceptible to C. coffeicola, in a completely randomized blocks with four replications and ten treatments. Each treatment had two subplots with eight coffee plants, one without and one with addition of organic matter. The treatments were: urea, velvet bean (Mucuna aterrima), labe labe (Dolichos lab lab L.), Crotalaria mucronata; horse peanut (Arachis hypogaea); dwarf mucuna (Mucuna deeringiana), Crotalaria spectabilis and Crotalaria breviflora, a control without green manure and without organic matter and another without green manure and with organic matter. The residual inoculum of the pathogen was evaluated in leaves from the 4th to 7th pair of leaves of primary branches in the beginning of the field work of 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 seasons. The assessment of the effects of treatments on the disease was made through monthly readings in leaves of the second and third pairs of apical primary branches, and after harvest in fruits cherry. The residual inoculum interfered in vegetative and reproductive cycles of the trees in 2009. The green manures reduced the damage caused by C. coffeicola in leaves and fruits, with best results for labe labe, C. mucronata, C. spectabilis and C. breviflora. The best performance in terms of production and quality of biomass in the experiments was obtained with labe labe, velvet bean, C. mucronata, C. spectabilis and dwarf mucuna. Due to their susceptibility to Fusarium spp., C. mucronata and C. spectabilis should not be grown for more than one season in the same location. The levels of NO3-N + NH4-N were higher at the soil surface and were related to the total N and biomass production of the manure species.
In the Pioneer North of Parana state, degradation of soil fertility causes low productivity and attacks of Cercospora coffeicola on coffee plants. In organic farming the restriction of chemicals and lack of options to replace them is a constraint to the conversion of coffee plantations. Reduced consumption of mineral fertilizers, increased productive capacity of the soil and improvement of sanity occur with the use of green manure in coffee. To validate options of green manure in the control of C. coffeicola, two field tests were installed in that region, in the municipalities of Carlópolis and Jacarezinho, with the coffee cultivar IPR - 98, resistant to Hemileia vastatrix and susceptible to C. coffeicola, in a completely randomized blocks with four replications and ten treatments. Each treatment had two subplots with eight coffee plants, one without and one with addition of organic matter. The treatments were: urea, velvet bean (Mucuna aterrima), labe labe (Dolichos lab lab L.), Crotalaria mucronata; horse peanut (Arachis hypogaea); dwarf mucuna (Mucuna deeringiana), Crotalaria spectabilis and Crotalaria breviflora, a control without green manure and without organic matter and another without green manure and with organic matter. The residual inoculum of the pathogen was evaluated in leaves from the 4th to 7th pair of leaves of primary branches in the beginning of the field work of 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 seasons. The assessment of the effects of treatments on the disease was made through monthly readings in leaves of the second and third pairs of apical primary branches, and after harvest in fruits cherry. The residual inoculum interfered in vegetative and reproductive cycles of the trees in 2009. The green manures reduced the damage caused by C. coffeicola in leaves and fruits, with best results for labe labe, C. mucronata, C. spectabilis and C. breviflora. The best performance in terms of production and quality of biomass in the experiments was obtained with labe labe, velvet bean, C. mucronata, C. spectabilis and dwarf mucuna. Due to their susceptibility to Fusarium spp., C. mucronata and C. spectabilis should not be grown for more than one season in the same location. The levels of NO3-N + NH4-N were higher at the soil surface and were related to the total N and biomass production of the manure species.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Coffea arabica, leguminosas, nutrição nitrogenada, Cercospora coffeicola., Coffea arabica, leguminous plants, nitrogen nutrition, Cercospora coffeicola.
Cardoso, Rogério Manuel de Lemos; Chaves, Júlio César Dias; Lourenço Junior, Valdir; Fantin, Denílson; Marianowski, Tatiana. Eficiência de adubos verdes na redução de danos causados por Cercospora caffeicola em cafeeiros no norte pioneiro no Paraná. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 6p.