Arquitetura urbana do café em Muqui-ES
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Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo
Tipologias, materiais e técnicas construtivas da arquitetura urbana do café produzida em Muqui, sul do estado do Espírito Santo, entre os anos de 1918 (final da Primeira Guerra Mundial) e 1976 (pós Programa de Erradicação dos Cafeeiros Improdutivos) são objetos desse estudo. Em função de diversos determinantes históricos, o município teve boa parte de seu acervo arquitetônico urbano e rural preservados, sendo que somente a partir do ano de 1998 foi iniciado um processo de gestão patrimonial local. Para a compreensão da arquitetura, discutiremos a economia do café e seus reflexos na formação da cidade de Muqui, buscando compreender sua importância no contexto regional e nacional. A partir desse estudo, foi possível dividir a arquitetura remanescente em quatro períodos distintos de evolução, e, posteriormente, classificá-la de acordo com suas características tipológicas. A pesquisa tem como base o levantamento cadastral de trinta e cinco dos quarenta e cinco imóveis estudados, aliado ao conhecimento prévio de todos os 272 imóveis de interesse de preservação remanescentes na cidade, atualmente tombada pelo conselho Estadual de Cultura. A partir dela foi possível classificar os materiais e as técnicas construtivas de forma descritiva e analítica, o que poderá contribuir para a melhoria no processo de gestão do patrimônio local.
This paper aims at studying the typology, materials and construction techniques of the urban architecture of the coffee produced in Muqui city, southern state of Espirito Santo, between 1918 (the end of World War I) and 1976 (after the Eradication Program of Unproductive Coffee Trees). Due to different historical determinants, the city had much of its urban and rural architectural heritage preserved, and only after the year of 1998 a process of local estate management began. In order to understand the architecture, discuss the coffee economy and its impact in shaping the city of Muqui, we will be aiming at understanding its importance in the regional and national context. From this study it was possible to divide the remaining architecture into four distinct periods of evolution, and then classify it according to their typological characteristics. This research is based on the land register survey on thirty-five out of forty-five buildings studied, combined with the prior knowledge of all 272 remaining restoration-interested buildings in the city, currently registered by the State Council of Culture. It was possible then, to classify the materials and construction techniques in a descriptive and analytical way, which may contribute to the improvement of the process of local estate management.
This paper aims at studying the typology, materials and construction techniques of the urban architecture of the coffee produced in Muqui city, southern state of Espirito Santo, between 1918 (the end of World War I) and 1976 (after the Eradication Program of Unproductive Coffee Trees). Due to different historical determinants, the city had much of its urban and rural architectural heritage preserved, and only after the year of 1998 a process of local estate management began. In order to understand the architecture, discuss the coffee economy and its impact in shaping the city of Muqui, we will be aiming at understanding its importance in the regional and national context. From this study it was possible to divide the remaining architecture into four distinct periods of evolution, and then classify it according to their typological characteristics. This research is based on the land register survey on thirty-five out of forty-five buildings studied, combined with the prior knowledge of all 272 remaining restoration-interested buildings in the city, currently registered by the State Council of Culture. It was possible then, to classify the materials and construction techniques in a descriptive and analytical way, which may contribute to the improvement of the process of local estate management.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
Arquitetura eclética, Tipologias arquitetônicas, Materiais e técnicas construtivas, Muqui
HAUTEQUESTT FILHO, G. C. Arquitetura urbana do café em Muqui-ES. 2011. 249 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Artes). Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Vitória. 2011.