Efeitos de cultivares e número de linhas de soja (Glycine max (L) Merrill) sobre o cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) em sistema de consórcio
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Objetivando adequar e viabilizar o sistema de consórcio entre as culturas do café e da soja para as condições do Sul de Minas, foram testadas tres cultivares de soja, Paranaíba, IAC-8 e Doko, diferindo quanto ao ciclo e quatro diferentes distâncias entre a soja e a linha do cafeeiro, resultando em 5, 4, 3 e 2 linhas de soja nas entrelinhas do cafeeiro. O experimento foi instalado numa lavoura de café Catuaí Vermelho, com 5 anos de idade e espaçamento 0,80 x 3.50 m. O delineamento experimental empregado foi o em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 4 x 3 + 1, com tres repetições. Pelos resultados verificou-se que para o cafeeiro as carcterísticas analisadas - crescimento de ramos plagiotrópicos, crescimento em altura, emissão de ramos secundários e teor foliar de nutrientes - não foram significativamente influenciadas pelos cultivares nem pelo número de linhas de soja intercalar. Para produção de café em coco verificou-se uma tendência de superioridade da testemunha sobre todos os
tratamentos, apesar de só detectar diferença significativa para os tratamentos Paranaíba, 5 linhas e IAC-8, 4 linhas. Para a soja verificou-se que o cultivar Doko apresentou maiores rendimentos de massa total e de grãos, apesar de não diferirem estatisticamente para este último parâmetro do cultivar IAC-8, e maior porcentagem de sobrevivência de plantas, indicativo de uma boa resistência à competição exercida pelo cafeeiro. Quanto ao número de linhas verificou-se que 3, 4 e 5 linhas apresentaram resultados equivalentes para rendimentos de massa total e de grãos, número de sementes por vagem, número de
vagens por planta e altura de plantas. Para índice de acamamento e porcentagem de sobrevivencia de plantas, os tratamentos com 3 linhas apresentaram resultados superiores. Os tratamentos com 2 linhas apresentaram os piores resultados para rendimentos de massa total e de grãos.
Aiming to adequate and make the consortium system between coffee and soybeans cultures feacible for the South of Minas Gerais state´s conditions, three soybeans cultivares were tested - Paranaíba, IAC-8 and Doko (differing in cycle) - and four different distances between the soybeans row and the coffee row were also tested, resulting in 5, 4, 3, and 2 soybeans rows at the coffee´s between rows. The experiment was installed in a Catuaí Vermelho coffee plantation aged 5 years old spacing 0,80 x 3.50 m. The experimental design chosen was the randomized blocks experimental design in a factorial scheme 4 x 3 + 1, with three replicates. It was verified through the obtained results that regarding the coffee all the features which were analised - plagiotropic stems growth, height growth, secondary stems delivery and nutrient content of leaf - weren't significantly influenced neither by the cultivares nor by the number of soybeans rows. As to coffee production it was verified a tendency of test superiority on all treataments, although the only significantly difference detected for the treataments Paranaiba, 5 rows and IAC-8, 4 rows. As to the soybeans, it was verified that c.v. Doko showed better production of total matter (straw + grain) and grain - although it does not differ statistically from c.v. IAC-8 for the last feature - and greater plants survival percentage, which is an indication of a good resistence for the competition made by the coffee. Concerning the number of rows, it was observed that 3, 4 and 5 rows demonstrated equivalent results for production of total matter and grain, seed number per pod, pod number per plant and plants height. For lodging index and plant survival percentage, 3 rows' treatments gave better results. 2 rows' treatments demonstrated the worst results for production of total matter and grain.
Aiming to adequate and make the consortium system between coffee and soybeans cultures feacible for the South of Minas Gerais state´s conditions, three soybeans cultivares were tested - Paranaíba, IAC-8 and Doko (differing in cycle) - and four different distances between the soybeans row and the coffee row were also tested, resulting in 5, 4, 3, and 2 soybeans rows at the coffee´s between rows. The experiment was installed in a Catuaí Vermelho coffee plantation aged 5 years old spacing 0,80 x 3.50 m. The experimental design chosen was the randomized blocks experimental design in a factorial scheme 4 x 3 + 1, with three replicates. It was verified through the obtained results that regarding the coffee all the features which were analised - plagiotropic stems growth, height growth, secondary stems delivery and nutrient content of leaf - weren't significantly influenced neither by the cultivares nor by the number of soybeans rows. As to coffee production it was verified a tendency of test superiority on all treataments, although the only significantly difference detected for the treataments Paranaiba, 5 rows and IAC-8, 4 rows. As to the soybeans, it was verified that c.v. Doko showed better production of total matter (straw + grain) and grain - although it does not differ statistically from c.v. IAC-8 for the last feature - and greater plants survival percentage, which is an indication of a good resistence for the competition made by the coffee. Concerning the number of rows, it was observed that 3, 4 and 5 rows demonstrated equivalent results for production of total matter and grain, seed number per pod, pod number per plant and plants height. For lodging index and plant survival percentage, 3 rows' treatments gave better results. 2 rows' treatments demonstrated the worst results for production of total matter and grain.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Cafe Consórcio com soja, Coffee Soybean Consortium system
Barros, Adriano Tadini e. Efeitos de cultivares e número de linhas de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) sobre o cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) em sistema de consórcio. Lavras : ESAL, 1991. 65p. (Dissertação - mestrado em Agronomia, área de concentração: Fitotecnia) Orientador: Gui Alvarenga T 633.34 B277e 1991