Indutores de resistência e os eventos bioquímicos de defesa do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) contra Hemileia vastatrix
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
A ferrugem alaranjada é uma das principais doenças do cafeeiro e, cada vez mais, buscam-se novas alternativas de controle dessa enfermidade que causem menores impactos ao homem e ambiente. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o efeito de produtos alternativos, como formulações à base de extratos vegetais e produtos comerciais, como fertilizantes foliares, no manejo da ferrugem do cafeeiro em condições de campo e mudas de cafeeiro, bem como caracterizar alguns mecanismos bioquímicos envolvidos na resposta de defesa da planta. O ensaio de campo foi instalado em área cultivada com Coffea arabica, cv. IAC-144, com quatro anos, sob sistema convencional de produção. Os produtos utilizados foram: extrato aquoso de folha de café com ferrugem (Nefid), extrato aquoso de casca de fruto de café (Ecfc), acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM), fosfito de cobre (Fulland ® ), mananoligossacarídeo fosforilado proveniente da parede celular de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Viça-Café plus ® e testemunha sem aplicação. Foi utilizado também um fungicida (ciproconazol + azoxistrobina). Foram realizadas pulverizações mensais dos produtos, à exceção do fungicida, que foi pulverizado duas vezes a cada ano. Avaliando-se a severidade da ferrugem de forma acumulada, nos três anos de avaliação (2008 a 2010), observou-se que os extratos vegetais (Nefid e Ecfc) e o fosfito de cobre, na dose 10 mL L -1 , foram capazes de reduzir a área abaixo da curva de progresso da severidade da ferrugem (AACPS) em 32%, 31% e 23%, respectivamente. Em casa de vegetação, foram realizados dois experimentos para avaliar o controle da ferrugem. Para tanto, mudas de cafeeiro cv. Mundo Novo foram pulverizadas com os mesmos tratamentos utilizados em campo, além de uma testemunha inoculada. Verificou-se que o extrato Nefid e o produto à base de fosfito de cobre, na dose 10 mL L -1 , conferiram proteção às mudas de cafeeiro em relação à testemunha, com controle médio nos dois experimentos de 79% e 75%, respectivamente. Para as análises bioquímicas, as mudas foram tratadas com Nefid, fosfito de cobre, na dose 10 mL L -1 e ASM, e observou-se aumento nas atividades das enzimas peroxidase, polifenoloxidase, β-1,3-glucanase e quitinase nas folhas, sem alteração dos teores de lignina e fenóis solúveis totais. No presente estudo observou-se que o extrato Nefid e fosfito de cobre apresentaram controle parcial da ferrugem em condições de campo e em mudas de cafeeiro, provavelmente pela indução de resistência, pois promoveram aumento nas atividades de algumas proteínas relacionadas à patogênese .
Leaf rust is one of the main diseases of coffee trees. Currently, researchers are studying alternatives to control this disease without damaging the environment. The aim of this work was to examine the effect of alternative products, such as formulations based on plant extracts and commercial products such as foliar fertilizers, on the management of coffee leaf rust in the field. The experiment was conducted in an area cultivated with a four-year-old Coffea arabica, cv. Catuaí IAC-144, under a conventional coffee production system. The products utilized were: aqueous extract of coffee leaves with rust symptoms (Nefid), aqueous extract of coffee berry husk (Ecfc); acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM); copper phosphite (Fulland ® ), phosphorylated mannanoligosaccharide from cell walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Viça-Café plus ® , a control treatment without spraying, and a fungicide (cyproconazol+ azoxystrobin). The applications were carried out monthly, except for the fungicide, which was sprayed twice a year. Assessing the cumulative severity of leaf rust, during the three year evaluation period (2008-2010), it was noted that the plant extracts (Nefid and Ecfc) and copper phosphite (10 mL L -1 ) were able to reduce the area under the leaf rust severity progress curve by 32%, 31% and 23%, respectively. Also, two experiments were conducted in the greenhouse to evaluate the leaf rust control. For such, cv. Mundo Novo coffee seedlings were sprayed with the same treatments used in the field, plus an inoculated control. It was observed that Nefid and the copper phosphite product (10 mL L -1 ) protected the coffee seedlings when compared with the control, conferring 79% and 75% reduction of the disease, respectively. For the biochemistry analysis, the coffee seedlings were sprayed with Nefid, Fulland ® and ASM. Increases in the activities of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase were observed in the coffee leaves. However, there were no alterations in the lignin and total soluble phenol contents. Therefore, it was demonstrated in this study that Nefid and copper phosphite promoted partial control of leaf rust under field conditions, probably through resistance induction, since they increased the activities of some pathogenesis-related proteins.
Leaf rust is one of the main diseases of coffee trees. Currently, researchers are studying alternatives to control this disease without damaging the environment. The aim of this work was to examine the effect of alternative products, such as formulations based on plant extracts and commercial products such as foliar fertilizers, on the management of coffee leaf rust in the field. The experiment was conducted in an area cultivated with a four-year-old Coffea arabica, cv. Catuaí IAC-144, under a conventional coffee production system. The products utilized were: aqueous extract of coffee leaves with rust symptoms (Nefid), aqueous extract of coffee berry husk (Ecfc); acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM); copper phosphite (Fulland ® ), phosphorylated mannanoligosaccharide from cell walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Viça-Café plus ® , a control treatment without spraying, and a fungicide (cyproconazol+ azoxystrobin). The applications were carried out monthly, except for the fungicide, which was sprayed twice a year. Assessing the cumulative severity of leaf rust, during the three year evaluation period (2008-2010), it was noted that the plant extracts (Nefid and Ecfc) and copper phosphite (10 mL L -1 ) were able to reduce the area under the leaf rust severity progress curve by 32%, 31% and 23%, respectively. Also, two experiments were conducted in the greenhouse to evaluate the leaf rust control. For such, cv. Mundo Novo coffee seedlings were sprayed with the same treatments used in the field, plus an inoculated control. It was observed that Nefid and the copper phosphite product (10 mL L -1 ) protected the coffee seedlings when compared with the control, conferring 79% and 75% reduction of the disease, respectively. For the biochemistry analysis, the coffee seedlings were sprayed with Nefid, Fulland ® and ASM. Increases in the activities of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase were observed in the coffee leaves. However, there were no alterations in the lignin and total soluble phenol contents. Therefore, it was demonstrated in this study that Nefid and copper phosphite promoted partial control of leaf rust under field conditions, probably through resistance induction, since they increased the activities of some pathogenesis-related proteins.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Ferrugem alaranjada, Indução de resistência, Produtos alternativos, Extratos vegetais
TOYOTA, M. Indutores de resistência e os eventos bioquímicos de defesa do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) contra Hemileia vastatrix. 2011. 94 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia - Fitopatologia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2011.