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Avaliou-se a influência da fertirrigação no desenvolvimento do sistema radicular e na concentração de nutrientes na folha de cafeeiros cv catuaí amarelo cultivado sob diferentes densidades de plantio. O experimento foi realizado em Mococa-SP, onde os tratamentos constituíram-se da combinação de dois espaçamentos entre linhas de plantio (1,60 e 3,20 m) e de três espaçamentos entre plantas (0,50; 0,75 e 1,00 m), ou seja, correspondentes a 12500, 8333, 6250, 6250, 4167 e 3125 plantas ha-1, e subdividas em parcelas irrigadas (I) e não irrigadas (NI), com quatro repetições. As condições hídricas no perfil do solo foram avaliadas semanalmente através de sondas até a 1 m de profundidade. Os dados climáticos foram obtidos na estação meteorológica automática situada próxima à área experimental. Para o monitoramento das fertirrigações periodicamente foram determinados a condutividade elétrica, o pH e a concentração de nitrato e de amônia na solução do solo coletados através extratores instalados em diferentes posições e profundidade. As avaliações das raízes e das folhas foram efetuadas no período de maior desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo. O sistema radicular do cafeeiro foi avaliado em todos os tratamentos de duas repetições, coletando-se amostras em 3 posições perpendiculares às linhas de plantio, tomando-se como referência o tubo gotejador (localizado a 0,10 m da planta) e a partir deste a 0,4 e 0,8 m, e entre as plantas de cafeeiros. A análise foliar foi efetuada em amostras coletadas no terceiro par de folhas de ramos situados no terço médio das plantas. A diagnose foliar indicou deficiência generalizada em todos os tratamentos, irrigados ou não, dos macronutrientes nitrogênio e de potássio, conseqüência da demanda dos frutos e lixiviação causada pelas precipitações. Os resultados do sistema radicular indicam que o volume de solo explorado pelas raízes de cafeeiros irrigados foi menor que os sem irrigação, independentemente da densidade de plantas. Tal fato permite maior controle das irrigações para imposição do défice hídrico para sincronização e uniformidade das floradas.
The influence of fertirrigation on the development of root system and the concentration of nutrients in the leaf of coffee tree cv yellow catuaí cultivated under different densities of plantation was observed. The experiment was carried out in Mococa-SP, where the treatments consisted of the combination of two spacing regimes between rows of plantation (1.60 and 3.20 m) and three spacing regimes between plants (0.50; 0.75 and 1.00 m), i.e., corresponding to 12500, 8333, 6250, 6250, 4167 and 3125 plants ha-1, and subdivided in irrigated (I) and non-irrigated (NI) factors, with four repetitions. Humidity conditions in the soil profile were evaluated weekly with the use of probes up to 1 m depth. Climatic data were obtained at the automatic meteorological station placed near the experimental area. In order for periodical monitoring of fertirrigation, the electric conductivity, pH, and nitrate and ammonium concentration in the soil solution collected with extractors installed at different positions and depth were determined. Assessments of the coffee tree root system and leaves were performed during the period of the greatest vegetative and reproductive development. The coffee tree root system was evaluated in all of the two-repetition treatments, through sample collection in 3 areas perpendicularly to the rows of plantation, using the drip irrigation tubing (placed at 0.10 m far from the plant) as a reference, at 0.4 and 0.8 m far from the drip irrigation pipe and between the coffee trees. Leaf analysis was performed in samples collected in the third pair of leaves from branches located at the medium third of the plants. Leaf diagnosis indicated widespread lack of nitrogen and potassium macronutrients in all treatments, irrigated or not, as consequence of fruit requirement and lixiviation caused by precipitations. The root system results indicate that the ground volume explored by the irrigated coffee tree roots was smaller than that explored by the non-irrigated ones, irrespective of plant density. This fact allows for a greater irrigation control in order to establish the water deficit imposition for the synchronization and uniformity of the flowering.
The influence of fertirrigation on the development of root system and the concentration of nutrients in the leaf of coffee tree cv yellow catuaí cultivated under different densities of plantation was observed. The experiment was carried out in Mococa-SP, where the treatments consisted of the combination of two spacing regimes between rows of plantation (1.60 and 3.20 m) and three spacing regimes between plants (0.50; 0.75 and 1.00 m), i.e., corresponding to 12500, 8333, 6250, 6250, 4167 and 3125 plants ha-1, and subdivided in irrigated (I) and non-irrigated (NI) factors, with four repetitions. Humidity conditions in the soil profile were evaluated weekly with the use of probes up to 1 m depth. Climatic data were obtained at the automatic meteorological station placed near the experimental area. In order for periodical monitoring of fertirrigation, the electric conductivity, pH, and nitrate and ammonium concentration in the soil solution collected with extractors installed at different positions and depth were determined. Assessments of the coffee tree root system and leaves were performed during the period of the greatest vegetative and reproductive development. The coffee tree root system was evaluated in all of the two-repetition treatments, through sample collection in 3 areas perpendicularly to the rows of plantation, using the drip irrigation tubing (placed at 0.10 m far from the plant) as a reference, at 0.4 and 0.8 m far from the drip irrigation pipe and between the coffee trees. Leaf analysis was performed in samples collected in the third pair of leaves from branches located at the medium third of the plants. Leaf diagnosis indicated widespread lack of nitrogen and potassium macronutrients in all treatments, irrigated or not, as consequence of fruit requirement and lixiviation caused by precipitations. The root system results indicate that the ground volume explored by the irrigated coffee tree roots was smaller than that explored by the non-irrigated ones, irrespective of plant density. This fact allows for a greater irrigation control in order to establish the water deficit imposition for the synchronization and uniformity of the flowering.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Cafeicultura irrigada, desenvolvimento radicular, diagnose foliar., Irrigated coffee plantation, root development, leaf diagnosis.
Sakai, Emilio; Queiroz, Viviane Aparecida; Kobayashi, Emilio Seigui; Silveira, Jane Maria C.; Gallo, Paulo Boller; Barbosa, Eduardo Augusto Agnellos. Sistema radicular e concentração de nutrientes na folha de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica cv Catuaí) fertirrigados e cultivados sob diferentes densidades de plantio em Mococa, SP. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 6p.