Características de solos da área de influência de valas de infiltração/percolação da água residuária da despolpa dos frutos do cafeeiro
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
No sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, a técnica de disposição da água residuária do descascamento/despolpa dos frutos do cafeeiro (ARC) em valas de infiltração/percolação é muito utilizada por produtores, por necessitar de pequenas áreas para se efetuar a disposição da ARC, ser de baixo custo e fácil implantação, operação e manutenção. No entanto, se esta técnica for realizada de forma inadequada, poderá causar contaminação do lençol subterrâneo e alterações nas características químicas e físicas do solo. Em razão disso, foi realizada a caracterização da ARC disposta em valas, sendo avaliadas também as características químicas e físicas do solo de amostras coletadas na área de influência de valas utilizadas para disposição da ARC, em municípios do sul do Estado do Espírito Santo. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em até 5 m de distância lateral das valas, em diferentes profundidades e no fundo das mesmas. Observou- se que a ARC disposta nas valas apresentou salinidade, pH ácido, grande concentração de sólidos totais e elevada carga orgânica, sendo o N o elemento químico em maior concentração. O K trocável aumentou em praticamente todas as amostras de solo coletadas nas posições laterais às valas, proporcionando aumento da condutividade elétrica do extrato de saturação (CE) e da argila dispersa em água do solo (ADA), notadamente nas amostras coletadas mais proximamente às valas. Além disso, proporcionou diminuição na acidez potencial, em todas as amostras de solo analisadas e, ainda, influenciou os valores do pH, em algumas amostras. As concentrações de Ca e Mg trocáveis também aumentaram em amostras mais próximas às valas, devido à presença destes elementos químicos na ARC, o que proporcionou, na maioria das amostras de solo analisadas, aumento no valor da soma de bases (SB) e na saturação por bases (V). Em amostras de solo coletadas a maiores distâncias das valas, houve diminuição nas concentrações de P disponível. Não foi detectada a presença de Na e as concentrações de Al trocável não foram alteradas nas amostras, independente da posição de coleta, entretanto a saturação por Al diminuiu em amostras coletadas mais proximamente às valas. A capacidade de troca catiônica potencial (CTC a pH 7) diminuiu na grande maioria das amostras de solo e a CTC efetiva aumentou em amostras coletadas mais proximamente das valas. O conteúdo de matéria orgânica (MO) e a concentração de P- remanescente aumentaram em algumas amostras localizadas a 50 cm das valas. Nas amostras coletadas no perfil de solo a partir do fundo das valas, o pH, a concentração de Mg, a SB e V diminuíram, enquanto a CE, a ADA, o equivalente de umidade (EU), a acidez potencial, a saturação por Al, a CTC a pH 7, o conteúdo de matéria orgânica e as concentrações de P disponível, P-remanescente, Ca e Al trocáveis aumentaram. A concentração de K trocável e a CTC efetiva permaneceram praticamente constantes ao longo do perfil de solo amostrado a partir do fundo da vala.
In the south of the Espírito Santo State, Brazil, the wastewater generated in the coffee grain processing (CGPW) is disposed by the farmers in dumping holes in the soil. This practice has the advantages of the requirement of small areas, the low costs, and the feasibility of construction, operation and management. However, it has to be appropriately executed in order to avoid the contamination of the underground water and the occurrence of changes in the soil chemical and physical characteristics. It was made the characterization of the disposed CGPW and determined the chemical and physical characteristics in soil samples collected near the dumping holes used for CGPW disposal in counties from the Espírito Santo State. The samples were collected at distances up to 5 in the lateral of the hole, at different depths and in the bottom of the dumping hole. The disposed CGPW presented salinity, acid pH, high concentration of total solids and high organic content, with the element N being the most concentrated. The exchangeable K increased in almost all soil samples collected in the lateral positions. This caused a higher electrical conductivity in the saturation extract, a higher percentage of dispersed clay in the soil, mainly in the samples closer to the dumping hole, a decrease in the potential acidity, and changes in the pH of some samples. The soil exchangeable Ca and Mg also increased in the samples closer to the dumping holes with increase of the sum of bases and index of base saturation. The available P decreased in the samples more distant from to the dumping holes. There was no detection of Na in the samples and no variation of exchangeable Al concentration, but the Al saturation index decreased closer to the dumping hole. The cation exchangeable capacity (CEC), at pH 7, decreased in most of the samples whereas the effective CEC increased in the samples closer to the dumping holes. The organic matter content and the remaining P increased in some samples located at 50 cm from the dumping holes. In the soil samples collected at the bottom of the holes, the pH, the Mg concentration, the sum of bases and índex of base saturation decreased whereas the electrical conductivity, clay disperse in water, organic matter content, moisture equivalent, potential acidity, Al saturation and CEC, at pH 7, increased. There was increase also in the available P, remaining P, and exchangeable Ca and Al. The exchangeable K and the effective CEC did not show variation in the samples collected in different depths at the bottom of the hole.
In the south of the Espírito Santo State, Brazil, the wastewater generated in the coffee grain processing (CGPW) is disposed by the farmers in dumping holes in the soil. This practice has the advantages of the requirement of small areas, the low costs, and the feasibility of construction, operation and management. However, it has to be appropriately executed in order to avoid the contamination of the underground water and the occurrence of changes in the soil chemical and physical characteristics. It was made the characterization of the disposed CGPW and determined the chemical and physical characteristics in soil samples collected near the dumping holes used for CGPW disposal in counties from the Espírito Santo State. The samples were collected at distances up to 5 in the lateral of the hole, at different depths and in the bottom of the dumping hole. The disposed CGPW presented salinity, acid pH, high concentration of total solids and high organic content, with the element N being the most concentrated. The exchangeable K increased in almost all soil samples collected in the lateral positions. This caused a higher electrical conductivity in the saturation extract, a higher percentage of dispersed clay in the soil, mainly in the samples closer to the dumping hole, a decrease in the potential acidity, and changes in the pH of some samples. The soil exchangeable Ca and Mg also increased in the samples closer to the dumping holes with increase of the sum of bases and index of base saturation. The available P decreased in the samples more distant from to the dumping holes. There was no detection of Na in the samples and no variation of exchangeable Al concentration, but the Al saturation index decreased closer to the dumping hole. The cation exchangeable capacity (CEC), at pH 7, decreased in most of the samples whereas the effective CEC increased in the samples closer to the dumping holes. The organic matter content and the remaining P increased in some samples located at 50 cm from the dumping holes. In the soil samples collected at the bottom of the holes, the pH, the Mg concentration, the sum of bases and índex of base saturation decreased whereas the electrical conductivity, clay disperse in water, organic matter content, moisture equivalent, potential acidity, Al saturation and CEC, at pH 7, increased. There was increase also in the available P, remaining P, and exchangeable Ca and Al. The exchangeable K and the effective CEC did not show variation in the samples collected in different depths at the bottom of the hole.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Águas residuais; Valas; Infiltração; Percolação; Café; Despolpa;, Wastewaters; Dumping holes; Infiltration; Percolation; Coffee processing;
Pereira, Victor Almeida. Características de solos da área de influência de valas de infiltração/percolação da água residuária da despolpa dos frutos do cafeeiro. Viçosa : UFV, 2009. 100 f. : il. (Dissertação - mestrado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas). Orientador: Renildes Lúcio Ferreira Fontes. T 631.4 P436c 2009