Efeito de tinturas de café na osteoporose e no diabetes e do flavonóide hesperidina na osteoporose
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O consumo de café tem sido associado com um menor risco de diabetes. Entretanto, os compostos específicos e os mecanismos responsáveis por este efeito não estão claros. Foram realizados três experimentos para avaliar tinturas do café (Coffea arábica) catuaí vermelho em ratos com diabetes induzido pela administração de aloxano (60mg/kg de peso corporal). No primeiro experimento foram utilizadas as tinturas da casca cereja, fruto verde e fruto cereja do café. No segundo experimento os animais foram tratados com as tinturas da folha seca e folha verde do café. E no terceiro experimento foi utilizada a tintura de café solúvel torrado de uma marca comercial. Todas as tinturas foram testadas nas doses de 0,5 mL, 1,0 mL e 2,0 mL. Após 30 dias de tratamento, foram coletados amostras de sangue dos animais para dosagens séricas de glicose, colesterol e triacilglicerídeo. As tinturas de casca cereja (1,0 mL), fruto verde (0,5 mL, 1,0 mL e 2,0 mL), fruto cereja (1,0 mL e 2,0 mL), folha verde (0,5 mL, e 1,0 mL) e café solúvel (1,0 mL e 2,0 mL) promoveram um pequeno aumento, porém significativo, nos níveis de colesterol comparado ao grupo doente não tratado. A tintura folha seca (2,0 mL) foi a única capaz de reduzir significativamente as concentrações de colesterol. Com relação aos níveis de glicose e triacilglicerol, observou-se que todas as tinturas reduziram significativamente estes parâmetros, com exceção do tratamento com a tintura de café solúvel (2,0 mL) que não reduziu o triacilglicerol. As porcentagens de redução das concentrações de glicose e triacilglicerol variaram entre 20 a 49% e 27 a 57%, respectivamente. Os benefícios das tinturas de café utilizadas neste trabalho nos níveis de glicose e triacilglicerol se sobrepõem ao possível efeito negativo sobre o parâmetro colesterol, indicando que estas tinturas podem ser promissoras para o tratamento do diabetes. Com relação a osteoporose, o consumo de cafeína, substância presente no café, tem sido associado como um fator de risco. E o flavonóide cítrico hesperidina tem sido avaliado como um potente antiinflamatório por apresentar atividade antioxidante. Seu efeito antioxidante inibe a formação de superóxidos, compostos que estão sendo envolvidos no aumento da atividade osteoclástica. Portanto, a hesperidina pode ser benéfica na prevenção da perda óssea. O objetivo da segunda parte deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do flavonóide hesperidina e tinturas de café em coelhos com osteoporose induzida por dexametasona (7mg/kg de peso corporal). Os animais foram distribuídos em 6 grupos: G1: ração + dexametasona (controle com osteoporose 1); G2: ração (controle); G3: ração + dexametasona + 1mL de fruto cereja , G4: ração + dexametasona + 1 mL de casca cereja, G5: ração + dexametasona (controle com osteoporose 2), G6: Ração + dexametasona + 30 mg de hesperidina. Os grupos 1 a 4 foram representados por coelhos fêmeas mais jovens (48 dias de idade). Os grupos 5 e 6 foram constituídos por animais com 140 dias de idade. Devido à diferença de idade dos animais, provavelmente eles encontravam-se em períodos de remodelação óssea distintos. Assim, o experimento foi constituído com dois grupos doentes não tratados, o grupo 1 e o grupo 5, com 48 e 140 dias de idade, respectivamente. Após 30 dias de tratamento, foram coletados amostras de sangue dos animais para determinação dos parâmetros bioquímicos do soro (uréia, creatinina, proteínas totais, cálcio, fósforo, colesterol total, triacilglicerídeo, glicose, fosfatase alcalina total, gama GT e albumina) e dos parâmetros hematológicos, tais como: leucócitos, linfócitos, monócitos, granulócitos, hemoglobina, hematócrito, eritrócitos, volume corpuscular médio (VCM), amplitude de distribuição do tamanho das hemáceas (RDW), hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM) e concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular (CHCM). No grupo dos animais mais jovens, observou-se que no grupo normal os níveis de uréia, fósforo, fosfatase alcalina total e albumina foram estatisticamente maiores comparados ao G1. Já os níveis de glicose, triacilglicerídeo e colesterol foram menores. Com relação à glicose, o grupo tratado com fruto cereja promoveu um aumento neste parâmetro, porém não foi significativo. Os níveis de colesterol foram estatisticamente menores no grupo tratado com fruto cereja e casca cereja com relação ao G1. A concentração de triacilglicerídeo foi significativamente maior no grupo 3 comparado ao G1. Os animais tratados com fruto cereja tiveram concentrações de fósforo significativamente maiores comparados ao G1. Não houve diferenças significativas nos parâmetros de uréia, creatinina, proteínas totais, cálcio, fosfatase alcalina total, gama GT e albumina entre os tratamentos e ao G1. O tratamento com o flavonóide hesperidina reduziu significativamente os valores de uréia, glicose, triacilglicerídeo e colesterol comparado ao G5. Com relação aos parâmetros hematológicos, observou-se que no grupo normal os níveis de leucócitos, linfócitos, mielócitos, eritrócitos totais e hematócrito foram estatisticamente maiores comparados ao G1. As concentrações de leucócitos, mielócitos, granulócitos e VCM foram significativamente maiores no tratamento com fruto cereja, comparado à G1. No tratamento com casca cereja observou-se uma redução significativa na hemoglobina e no hematócrito, comparados à G1. Não houve diferenças significativas nos parâmetros de RDW, HCM e CHCM entre os tratamentos e o ao G1. No grupo dos animais mais adultos, observou-se que não houve diferenças significativas nos parâmetros de creatinina, proteínas totais, cálcio, fósforo, colesterol, glicose, fosfatase alcalina total, gama GT e albumina entre os tratamentos e o grupo doente não tratado dos animais com 140 dias de idade (G5). Não foi observada nenhuma diferença estatística nos parâmetros hematológicos entre o tratamento com hesperidina e o grupo que recebeu apenas dexametasona (G5).
Coffee consumption has been associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. However, the specific compounds and mechanisms responsible for this effect are not clear. Three experiments were carried out to evaluate catuaí red coffee (Coffea arábica) tincture in rats with diabetes induced by alloxan administration (60mg/kg of corporal weight). The first experiment used cherry coffee hull, green coffee and cherry coffee tincture. In the second experiment the animals were treated with coffee dryleaf and coffee green leaf tinctures. The third experiment used the tincture of a commercial soluble coffee. All the tinctures tested in the 0.5 mL, 1.0 mL and 2.0 mL doses. After 30 days of treatment, samples of blood of the animals by dosages of the glucose serum, cholesterol and tryacylglicerols were collected. The cherry coffee hull (1.0 mL), green coffee (0.5 mL, 1.0 mL and 2.0 mL), cherry coffee (1.0 mL and 2.0 mL), grean leaf (0.5 mL, and 1.0 mL) and soluble coffee (1.0 mL and 2.0 mL) tinctures promoted a small increase, however significant, in the levels of cholesterol compared to the non-treated sick group. The dryleaf tincture (2.0 mL) was only one capable of reducing cholesterol concentrations significantly. In relation to the levels of glucose and tryacylglicerols, it was found that all the tinctures had significantly reduced these parameters, except the treatment with soluble coffee tincture (2.0 mL) did not result in a decrease the tryacylglicerols. The reduction percentages of the glucose and tryacylglicerols concentration varied from 20 to 49% and from 27 to 57%, respectively. The benefits of coffee tinctures used in this work in the glucose and tryacylglicerol levels overlap the possible negative effects with cholesterol, indicating that these tinctures can be promising for diabetes treatment. In relation to osteoporosis, the consumption of caffeine, a substance present in coffee, has been considered a risk factor. And hesperidin, the citrus flavonoid, has been evaluated as a powerful antiinflammatory agent,for its apparent antioxidant activity. Its antioxidant effect inhibits the superoxide formation, composites which are involved in the increase of osteoclast activity. Therefore, the hesperidina can be beneficial in the prevention of bone loss. The objective of the second part of this study was to evaluate the influence of the hesperidin flavonoid and coffee tinctures in rabbits with osteoporosis induced by the administration of glucocorticoid (7mg/kg of corporal weight). The animals were distributed in 6 groups: G1: ration + dexametasone (control with osteoporosis 1); G2: ration (control) G3: ration + dexametasone + 1mL of cherry coffee; G4: ration + dexametasone + 1 mL of cherry coffee hull; G5: ration + dexametasone (control with osteoporosis 2); G6: ration + dexametasone + 30 mg of hesperidin. Groups 1 to 4 had younger rabbits (48 days old). Groups 5 and 6 had 140 day olds. Due to the difference in age of the animals, they were probably in distinct periods of bone remodeling. Thus, the experiment was constituted with two non-treated sick groups, groups 1 and 5, with 48 and 140 days old, respectively. After 30 days of treatment, the samples of blood were collected from the animals to determine of the serum biochemists parameters (calcium, phosphorus, glucose, total fosfatase alkaline, urea, creatinine, total proteins, total cholesterol, tryacylglicerols, gamma GT and albumin) and of hematological parameters, such as: leukocytes, linphocytes, erythrocytes, mielocyte, granulocyte, hemoglobin, hematócrito, width corpuscular volume (MCV), red cell distibuition width (RDW), corpuscular hemoglobin width (MCH), corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). In the youngest animal group, it was found that in the normal group the levels of urea, phosphorus, total fosfatase alkaline and albumin were statistically higher in the non-treated sick group (G1). The levels of glucose, tryacylglicerols and cholesterol were lower. In relation to the glucose, the group treated with cherry coffee had an increase in this parameter, but not significant. The cholesterol levels had been statistically lower in the group treated with cherry coffee and cherry coffee hull in relation to G1. The concentrations of tryacylglicerides had been statistically higher in G3 compared to G1. The animals treated with cherry coffee had significantly higher concentrations of phosphorus compared to G1. There were no significant differences in the following parameters of urea, creatinine, total proteins, calcium, total fosfatase alkaline, gamma GT and albumin when comparing the treatments to G1. The treatment with the hesperidin flavonoid significantly reduced the values of urea, glucose, tryacylglicerols and cholesterol in comparison to G5. In relation to the hematological parameters, it was found that in the normal group the total levels of leukocytes, linfphocyte, mielocyte, eritrocyte and hematocrit where statistically higher compared to the non-treated sick group (G1). The concentrations of leukocytes, mielocyte, granulocyte and MCV had been significantly higher in the treatment with cherry coffee, compared with G1. Cherry coffee hull treatment a significant reduction in the hemoglobin and hematocrit was observed, compared to G1. Significant differences in the parameters there were in (RDW), MCH and MCHC when comparing the treated and non-treated sick group (G1). In the older animal groups, no significant differences in the parameters of creatinine, total proteins, calcium, phosphorus, cholesterol, glucose, total fosfatase alkaline, gamma GT and albumin were observed among the treatments and the non-treated sick group (G5). No statistical difference was observed in the hematological parameters between the treatment with hesperidin and the group that received only dexametasone (G5).
Coffee consumption has been associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. However, the specific compounds and mechanisms responsible for this effect are not clear. Three experiments were carried out to evaluate catuaí red coffee (Coffea arábica) tincture in rats with diabetes induced by alloxan administration (60mg/kg of corporal weight). The first experiment used cherry coffee hull, green coffee and cherry coffee tincture. In the second experiment the animals were treated with coffee dryleaf and coffee green leaf tinctures. The third experiment used the tincture of a commercial soluble coffee. All the tinctures tested in the 0.5 mL, 1.0 mL and 2.0 mL doses. After 30 days of treatment, samples of blood of the animals by dosages of the glucose serum, cholesterol and tryacylglicerols were collected. The cherry coffee hull (1.0 mL), green coffee (0.5 mL, 1.0 mL and 2.0 mL), cherry coffee (1.0 mL and 2.0 mL), grean leaf (0.5 mL, and 1.0 mL) and soluble coffee (1.0 mL and 2.0 mL) tinctures promoted a small increase, however significant, in the levels of cholesterol compared to the non-treated sick group. The dryleaf tincture (2.0 mL) was only one capable of reducing cholesterol concentrations significantly. In relation to the levels of glucose and tryacylglicerols, it was found that all the tinctures had significantly reduced these parameters, except the treatment with soluble coffee tincture (2.0 mL) did not result in a decrease the tryacylglicerols. The reduction percentages of the glucose and tryacylglicerols concentration varied from 20 to 49% and from 27 to 57%, respectively. The benefits of coffee tinctures used in this work in the glucose and tryacylglicerol levels overlap the possible negative effects with cholesterol, indicating that these tinctures can be promising for diabetes treatment. In relation to osteoporosis, the consumption of caffeine, a substance present in coffee, has been considered a risk factor. And hesperidin, the citrus flavonoid, has been evaluated as a powerful antiinflammatory agent,for its apparent antioxidant activity. Its antioxidant effect inhibits the superoxide formation, composites which are involved in the increase of osteoclast activity. Therefore, the hesperidina can be beneficial in the prevention of bone loss. The objective of the second part of this study was to evaluate the influence of the hesperidin flavonoid and coffee tinctures in rabbits with osteoporosis induced by the administration of glucocorticoid (7mg/kg of corporal weight). The animals were distributed in 6 groups: G1: ration + dexametasone (control with osteoporosis 1); G2: ration (control) G3: ration + dexametasone + 1mL of cherry coffee; G4: ration + dexametasone + 1 mL of cherry coffee hull; G5: ration + dexametasone (control with osteoporosis 2); G6: ration + dexametasone + 30 mg of hesperidin. Groups 1 to 4 had younger rabbits (48 days old). Groups 5 and 6 had 140 day olds. Due to the difference in age of the animals, they were probably in distinct periods of bone remodeling. Thus, the experiment was constituted with two non-treated sick groups, groups 1 and 5, with 48 and 140 days old, respectively. After 30 days of treatment, the samples of blood were collected from the animals to determine of the serum biochemists parameters (calcium, phosphorus, glucose, total fosfatase alkaline, urea, creatinine, total proteins, total cholesterol, tryacylglicerols, gamma GT and albumin) and of hematological parameters, such as: leukocytes, linphocytes, erythrocytes, mielocyte, granulocyte, hemoglobin, hematócrito, width corpuscular volume (MCV), red cell distibuition width (RDW), corpuscular hemoglobin width (MCH), corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). In the youngest animal group, it was found that in the normal group the levels of urea, phosphorus, total fosfatase alkaline and albumin were statistically higher in the non-treated sick group (G1). The levels of glucose, tryacylglicerols and cholesterol were lower. In relation to the glucose, the group treated with cherry coffee had an increase in this parameter, but not significant. The cholesterol levels had been statistically lower in the group treated with cherry coffee and cherry coffee hull in relation to G1. The concentrations of tryacylglicerides had been statistically higher in G3 compared to G1. The animals treated with cherry coffee had significantly higher concentrations of phosphorus compared to G1. There were no significant differences in the following parameters of urea, creatinine, total proteins, calcium, total fosfatase alkaline, gamma GT and albumin when comparing the treatments to G1. The treatment with the hesperidin flavonoid significantly reduced the values of urea, glucose, tryacylglicerols and cholesterol in comparison to G5. In relation to the hematological parameters, it was found that in the normal group the total levels of leukocytes, linfphocyte, mielocyte, eritrocyte and hematocrit where statistically higher compared to the non-treated sick group (G1). The concentrations of leukocytes, mielocyte, granulocyte and MCV had been significantly higher in the treatment with cherry coffee, compared with G1. Cherry coffee hull treatment a significant reduction in the hemoglobin and hematocrit was observed, compared to G1. Significant differences in the parameters there were in (RDW), MCH and MCHC when comparing the treated and non-treated sick group (G1). In the older animal groups, no significant differences in the parameters of creatinine, total proteins, calcium, phosphorus, cholesterol, glucose, total fosfatase alkaline, gamma GT and albumin were observed among the treatments and the non-treated sick group (G5). No statistical difference was observed in the hematological parameters between the treatment with hesperidin and the group that received only dexametasone (G5).
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Flavonóides; Coffea arabica; Diabetes; Osteoporose;, Flavonoids; Coffea arabica; Diabetes; Osteoporosis;
Cardoso, Luciana Marques. Efeito de tinturas de café na osteoporose e no diabetes e do flavonóide hesperidina na osteoporose. Viçosa, MG : UFV, 2008. 196 f. : il. (Dissertação - Mestrado em Bioquímica Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Orientador: Tânia Toledo de Oliveira. T 572.59 C268e 2008