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O esqueletamento de lavouras cafeeiras vem sendo realizado tanto para sanar o fechamento das lavouras quanto para facilitar a colheita e reduzir os custos da mesma. Tal tipo de poda é realizado pelos produtores na maioria das vezes de agosto a novembro. Objetiva-se nesse trabalho, determinar a melhor época de esqueletamento para as variedades Catuaí e Mundo Novo, plantadas no espaçamento 3,5 x 1,0m. Para tanto, instalou-se um ensaio na Fazenda Experimental de Varginha no delineamento inteiramente casualizado no ano agrícola 2005/2006 para verificar qual a melhor época de poda para as cultivares Mundo Novo 379-19 e Catuaí 144. As podas foram realizadas mês a mês iniciando em junho e terminando em dezembro do mesmo ano. Observou-se na safra de 2007 uma maior produtividade nos tratamentos podados logo após a colheita (julho e agosto) já na safra de 2008 observou-se uma maior produtividade nas podas mais tardias (novembro e dezembro). No entanto recomenda-se podar o quanto antes possível para se ter uma alta produtividade 24 meses e não 36 meses após a poda.
The primary branches cutting-back pruning (parrot-perching) is usually intended to open trees to light and to ease harvesting aiming cost reduction, and it is generally done from August to November regardless of the variety. This work was conducted to determine the best pruning time for the Red Catuaí IAC 144 and Mundo Novo IAC 379/19 varieties, grown in 3.5x1.0m spacing. An experiment was conducted in Varginha/MG, in a completely randomized design, to test five pruning times. Pruning was done once a month from June to December of 2005. It was observed that in 2007 yield was higher in the treatments pruned soon after harvesting (July and August), but in 2008 higher yield was obtained when pruning was later (November and December.). It is recommended to prune as early as possible to obtain maximum yield 24 months after pruning instead of at 36 months.
The primary branches cutting-back pruning (parrot-perching) is usually intended to open trees to light and to ease harvesting aiming cost reduction, and it is generally done from August to November regardless of the variety. This work was conducted to determine the best pruning time for the Red Catuaí IAC 144 and Mundo Novo IAC 379/19 varieties, grown in 3.5x1.0m spacing. An experiment was conducted in Varginha/MG, in a completely randomized design, to test five pruning times. Pruning was done once a month from June to December of 2005. It was observed that in 2007 yield was higher in the treatments pruned soon after harvesting (July and August), but in 2008 higher yield was obtained when pruning was later (November and December.). It is recommended to prune as early as possible to obtain maximum yield 24 months after pruning instead of at 36 months.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Fagundes, Alysson Vilela; Garcia, Antônio Wander Rafael; Reis Junior, Rogério Pinto. Determinação da melhor época de esqueletamento em lavouras de café. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.