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Colletotrichum gloeosporioides tem sido associado a doenças como antracnose e mancha manteigosa em cafeeiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a agressividade de C. gloeosporioides em frutos de cafeeiro de cinco diferentes cultivares. Frutos verdes dos cultivares IPR-59, IPR-102, IPR-103, Catuaí vermelho e Icatu vermelho foram lavados, desinfestados superficialmente, perfurados com agulha e mantidos em bandejas contendo areia úmida esterilizada. A inoculação foi realizada por deposição sobre o ferimento de 10 μl de suspensão do isolado I-12 de C. gloeosporioides na concentração de 106 conídios/ml. Frutos controle foram inoculados com água destilada esterilizada. Os frutos foram mantidos em câmara úmida a 25 °C e fotoperíodo de 12 horas. A avaliação de incidência de necrose nos frutos foi realizada cinco dias após a inoculação. O isolado I-12 de C. gloeosporioides causou lesões necróticas úmidas e também lesões necróticas deprimidas e secas em frutos verdes de cafeeiro nos cultivares testados. Diferenças significativas entre os frutos controle e os inoculados com o fungo foram observadas nos cultivares testados. Foram verificadas incidências de 43,3% para o cultivar IPR-59, 58,3% para Catuaí Vermelho, 70% para IPR-102, 71,7% para Icatu Vermelho e 73,3% para o cultivar IPR-103. Não foram observadas lesões a partir do ponto de inoculação nos frutos controle.
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides has been associated with diseases such as anthracnose and blight on coffee trees. The objective of this study was to assess the aggressiveness of C. gloeosporioides in coffee berries of five different cultivars. Green fruits of the cultivars IPR-59, IPR-102 IPR-103, Catuaí vermelho and Icatu vermelho were washed, superficially disinfested, injured with a needle and kept in trays containing moist sterile sand. Inoculation was carried out by the deposition of 10 μl of a suspension of C. gloeosporioides (I-12 isolate) at a concentration of 106 conidia/ml on the wounds. Control berries were inoculated with sterile distilled water. The berries were kept in a moist chamber at 25 °C and 12 hours photoperiod. The evaluation of the incidence of necrosis in the berries was performed five days after inoculation. Isolate I-12 of C. gloeosporioides caused moist necrotic lesions, as well as depressed dried necrotic lesions in the green coffee berries five days after inoculation. Significant differences between control treatment and those inoculated with the fungus were observed for all five cultivars. Incidences of 43.3% for 'IPR-59, 58.3% for Catuaí vermelho, 70% for IPR-102, 71.7% Icatu vermelho and 73.3% for' IPR-103 were observed. There was no development of lesions in the site of inoculation for the control fruits.
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides has been associated with diseases such as anthracnose and blight on coffee trees. The objective of this study was to assess the aggressiveness of C. gloeosporioides in coffee berries of five different cultivars. Green fruits of the cultivars IPR-59, IPR-102 IPR-103, Catuaí vermelho and Icatu vermelho were washed, superficially disinfested, injured with a needle and kept in trays containing moist sterile sand. Inoculation was carried out by the deposition of 10 μl of a suspension of C. gloeosporioides (I-12 isolate) at a concentration of 106 conidia/ml on the wounds. Control berries were inoculated with sterile distilled water. The berries were kept in a moist chamber at 25 °C and 12 hours photoperiod. The evaluation of the incidence of necrosis in the berries was performed five days after inoculation. Isolate I-12 of C. gloeosporioides caused moist necrotic lesions, as well as depressed dried necrotic lesions in the green coffee berries five days after inoculation. Significant differences between control treatment and those inoculated with the fungus were observed for all five cultivars. Incidences of 43.3% for 'IPR-59, 58.3% for Catuaí vermelho, 70% for IPR-102, 71.7% Icatu vermelho and 73.3% for' IPR-103 were observed. There was no development of lesions in the site of inoculation for the control fruits.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
incidência de lesões, severidade, patogenicidade, antracnose, mancha mantegosa, incidence of injury, severity, pathogenicity, antracnose, blight
Silva, Michele Regina Lopes da; Marques, Viviani Vieira; Silva, Daiana Alves da; Costa, Deborah França; Miller, Amanda Mota; Leite Júnior, Rui Pereira. Susceptibilidade de cinco cultivares de cafeeiro à infecção por Colletotrichum gloespoiriodes. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 3p.