Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma autopropelida para locomoção de colhedora de café em região de montanha
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O café é uma importante comoditie do mercado brasileiro, sendo o estado de Minas Gerais, mais precisamente a “região da Zona da Mata”, uma das principais regiões produtoras, cuja topografia é predominantemente montanhosa. Nas diversas etapas de produção da cultura, a que mais exige mão de obra é a colheita do café, já que mesmo empregando a colheita semimecanizada nas lavouras da região de montanha, ainda existe um sério problema quanto a escassez de trabalhadores. Esse fato contribui para o aumento do tempo de colheita fazendo com que os frutos maduros caiam no chão e percam qualidade, levando a uma queda no preço de mercado do produto. Objetivou-se com este trabalho o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma autopropelida para locomoção de colhedora de café em regiões de montanha. Inicialmente foi elaborado um projeto informacional, conceitual, preliminar e detalhado da plataforma. A partir das soluções encontradas nas etapas anteriores desenhou-se, utilizando o software CAD SolidWorks, um modelo virtual da plataforma, com a finalidade de facilitar a construção do protótipo e, suas correções. Com o projeto detalhado em mãos, construiu-se o protótipo da plataforma de colheita e realizou-se a caracterização dimensional e ponderal do mesmo. Foram realizados ensaios de desempenho na barra de tração, avaliando-se o deslizamento dos rodados, consumo horário de combustível, consumo específico de combustível, eficiência na barra de tração e razão de tração do protótipo. Ainda realizou-se a avaliação dos níveis de ruído emitidos pelo protótipo. Observou-se que tanto as soluções encontradas para o protótipo quanto as peças desenhadas em software CAD são passíveis de manufatura, mesmo que em nível de protótipo. O desenvolvimento de um modelo virtual permitiu observar falhas no projeto e corrigi-las. A variável lastro não influenciou nos parâmetros deslizamento dos rodados e consumo horário, sendo que o menor consumo horário de combustível ocorreu na empregando uma velocidade angular de 1,10 rad s -1 (10,5 rpm), lastro de 50 kg e força na barra de tração de 615 N. A maior eficiência na barra de tração ocorreu empregando uma velocidade angular de 3,24 rad s -1 (30,9 rpm), lastro de 50 kg e força na barra de tração de 2340 N e a melhor razão de tração do protótipo ocorreu empregando uma velocidade angular de 1,10 rad s -1 (10,5 rpm), lastro de 50 kg e força na barra de tração de 2340 N. Constatou-se que devido ao nível de ruído (89 dB(A)), o operador da máquina deverá usar protetor auricular.
Coffee is an important commoditie of the Brazilian market, being the state of Minas Gerais more precisely the "Zona da Mata region", one of the main producing regions, whose topography is predominantly mountainous. In the various stages of production of the crop, the most demanding labor is the harvest of coffee, since even employing semi- mechanized harvesting in the upland areas, there is still a serious problem regarding the shortage of workers. This fact contributes to the increase of harvesting time causing the ripe fruits to fall to the ground and lose quality, leading to a fall in the market price of the product. The objective of this work was the development of a self-propelled platform for coffee harvesting in mountain regions. Initially, an informational, conceptual, preliminary and detailed design of the platform was elaborated. From the solutions found in previous steps, a virtual model of the platform was designed, using CAD software, in order to facilitate the construction of the prototype and its corrections. With the detailed design in hand, the prototype of the harvest platform was constructed and the dimensional and ponderal characterization of the platform was carried out. Performance tests were performed on the drawbar, evaluating sliding wheels, fuel hourly consumption, specific fuel consumption, traction bar efficiency and prototype traction ratio. The noise levels emitted by the prototype were also evaluated. It was observed that both the solutions found for the prototype and the drawings in CAD software are capable of manufacturing, even at the prototype level. The development of a virtual model allowed us to observe design flaws and correct them. The variable ballast did not influence the parameters of skating and hourly consumption, and the lowest hourly fuel consumption using an angular velocity of 1,10 rad s -1 (10,5 rpm), 50 kg ballast and 615 N traction rod force. The best efficiency on the drawbar occurred using an angular velocity of 3,24 rad s -1 (30,9 rpm), 50 kg ballast and 2340 N traction rod and the best prototype tensile ratio occurred by employing an angular velocity of 1,10 rad s -1 (10,5 rpm), 50 kg ballast and traction bar force of 2340 N. It was found that due to the noise level (89 dB(A)), the operator of the machine should wear ear protector.
Coffee is an important commoditie of the Brazilian market, being the state of Minas Gerais more precisely the "Zona da Mata region", one of the main producing regions, whose topography is predominantly mountainous. In the various stages of production of the crop, the most demanding labor is the harvest of coffee, since even employing semi- mechanized harvesting in the upland areas, there is still a serious problem regarding the shortage of workers. This fact contributes to the increase of harvesting time causing the ripe fruits to fall to the ground and lose quality, leading to a fall in the market price of the product. The objective of this work was the development of a self-propelled platform for coffee harvesting in mountain regions. Initially, an informational, conceptual, preliminary and detailed design of the platform was elaborated. From the solutions found in previous steps, a virtual model of the platform was designed, using CAD software, in order to facilitate the construction of the prototype and its corrections. With the detailed design in hand, the prototype of the harvest platform was constructed and the dimensional and ponderal characterization of the platform was carried out. Performance tests were performed on the drawbar, evaluating sliding wheels, fuel hourly consumption, specific fuel consumption, traction bar efficiency and prototype traction ratio. The noise levels emitted by the prototype were also evaluated. It was observed that both the solutions found for the prototype and the drawings in CAD software are capable of manufacturing, even at the prototype level. The development of a virtual model allowed us to observe design flaws and correct them. The variable ballast did not influence the parameters of skating and hourly consumption, and the lowest hourly fuel consumption using an angular velocity of 1,10 rad s -1 (10,5 rpm), 50 kg ballast and 615 N traction rod force. The best efficiency on the drawbar occurred using an angular velocity of 3,24 rad s -1 (30,9 rpm), 50 kg ballast and 2340 N traction rod and the best prototype tensile ratio occurred by employing an angular velocity of 1,10 rad s -1 (10,5 rpm), 50 kg ballast and traction bar force of 2340 N. It was found that due to the noise level (89 dB(A)), the operator of the machine should wear ear protector.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Colheita, Projetos e construção, Máquinas agrícolas
SOUZA, F. G. Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma autopropelida para locomoção de colhedora de café em região de montanha. 2018. 61 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2018.