Competição de plantas com a cultura do café em duas épocas de infestação
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Sociedade Brasileira da Ciência das Plantas Daninhas
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a interferência de plantas daninhas instaladas aos 60 e aos 180 dias após o transplantio de plantas de café em vasos contendo 25 dm 3 de substrato. O experimento foi instalado no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial (2 x 4 x 2), com duas espécies de plantas daninhas (Brachiaria decumbens e Brachiaria plantaginea), cultivadas por 90 dias, em quatro densidades (zero, dois, quatro e seis plantas por vaso), juntamente com mudas de café de diferentes idades: 60 e 180 dias após transplantio. Na colheita do experimento foram avaliados o incremento na altura, na área foliar e no diâmetro do coleto do café, a matéria seca de plantas daninhas e do café e a densidade radicular do café. Estimaram-se, ainda, a razão de massa foliar, a razão de massa caulinar, a razão de massa radicular, a razão de área foliar e a razão sistema radicular/parte aérea das plantas de café. As plantas daninhas proporcionaram interferência negativa nas características avaliadas. Verificou-se menor incremento em altura, área foliar e matéria seca total das plantas de café com o aumento da densidade das plantas daninhas. O efeito da interferência das plantas daninhas foi maior quando a interferência se instalou aos 60 dias após o transplantio. Nesse caso, houve menor acúmulo das variáveis de crescimento, porém as duas gramíneas comportaram-se de forma similar, não diferindo para a maioria das variáveis. As plantas de café foram mais sensíveis à competição com B. plantaginea em relação a B. decumbens quando a competição se instalou aos 180 dias após o transplantio. O aumento da densidade de plantas daninhas promoveu maior alocação de fotoassimilados para a parte aérea em detrimento do sistema radicular do café.
The aimed of this work was to evaluate the weed interference installed at 60 and 180 days after coffee seedlings transplanted in pots contend 25 dm 3 of substrate. The experiment was arranged in a randomized blocs, with four replications, in factorial design (2 x 4 x 2), with two weed species (Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria plantaginea), cultured per 90 days, in four densities (zero, two, four and six plants per pot), together with coffee seedlings of different ages: 60 and 180 days after transplanted. In the moment of the experiment harvest was evaluated the increment in plant height, in leaf area and in girth diameter of the coffee, dry matter of weeds and coffee, and coffee root density. It also estimated the leaf mass ratio, stem mass ratio, root mass ratio, root system/shoot ratio of coffee plants. The weeds provided negative interference in the characteristics evaluated. Verified was smaller increase of height, leaf area and total dry matter of coffee plants with the increase of weed density. The effects of plants interference were bigger when the interference was installed sooner. In this case smaller occurred accumulation of growth variables; however both grasses behaved of similar way not differing for the most variables. When the competition was installed later the coffee plants were more sensible to competition the B. plantaginea in relation to B. decumbens. The increase of weed densities promoted bigger allocation of photoassimilates for the shoot part in detriment to coffee root system.
The aimed of this work was to evaluate the weed interference installed at 60 and 180 days after coffee seedlings transplanted in pots contend 25 dm 3 of substrate. The experiment was arranged in a randomized blocs, with four replications, in factorial design (2 x 4 x 2), with two weed species (Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria plantaginea), cultured per 90 days, in four densities (zero, two, four and six plants per pot), together with coffee seedlings of different ages: 60 and 180 days after transplanted. In the moment of the experiment harvest was evaluated the increment in plant height, in leaf area and in girth diameter of the coffee, dry matter of weeds and coffee, and coffee root density. It also estimated the leaf mass ratio, stem mass ratio, root mass ratio, root system/shoot ratio of coffee plants. The weeds provided negative interference in the characteristics evaluated. Verified was smaller increase of height, leaf area and total dry matter of coffee plants with the increase of weed density. The effects of plants interference were bigger when the interference was installed sooner. In this case smaller occurred accumulation of growth variables; however both grasses behaved of similar way not differing for the most variables. When the competition was installed later the coffee plants were more sensible to competition the B. plantaginea in relation to B. decumbens. The increase of weed densities promoted bigger allocation of photoassimilates for the shoot part in detriment to coffee root system.
Braquiaria decumbens, Braquiaria plantaginea, Coffea arabica, Interferência, Manejo integrado
FIALHO, C.M.T. et al. Competição de plantas com a cultura do café em duas épocas de infestação. Planta Daninha, Viçosa,v. 28, n. spe, p. 969-978, 2010.