Produtividade de cafeeiro orgânico no cerrado após a poda sob diferentes regimes hídricos
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A poda é uma forma de renovação do cafeeiro com menor custo do que a implantação de uma lavoura. Objetivou- se, neste trabalho, avaliar diferentes regimes hídricos sobre a produtividade do cafeeiro orgânico em plantio adensado (7.142 plantas ha -1 ), cv. IAPAR 59, após a poda de recepa. Os regimes hídricos foram: sem irrigação; irrigação contínua; paralisação 30 dias antes da colheita; paralisação na época da colheita; e paralisação na colheita associada à condução do caule. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos inteiramente casualizados, e os tratamentos consistiram de regimes hídricos, com seis repetições. A produção e a produtividade totais de café foram avaliadas em 2011 e em 2012, subdividindo-se em frutos cereja, cereja mais verde, seco mais chocho, além da bienal e acumulada. No primeiro ano após a poda, não houve produção, contudo, depois de três anos, em 2012, a capacidade produtiva da planta de café foi restabelecida. Os tratamentos com paralisações programadas das irrigações apresentaram produção e produtividade superiores aos tratamentos sem irrigação. A irrigação durante todo o ano reduziu a proporção de frutos secos e chochos, porém, aumentou a de frutos verdes. Irrigação até a colheita e condução da poda de recepa aumentou a produção de frutos cereja e reduziu a de frutos secos e chochos, em relação à massa total de frutos colhidos. Houve efeito positivo da irrigação até a colheita e da condução da poda sobre a produção e a produtividade bienal e acumulada.
Pruning has been a form of coffee orchard renewal with lesser cost than its eradication followed by a new planting. This experiment aimed at evaluating the effect of water regimes and predetermined stress on productivity of high density organic coffee orchard (7,142 plants ha -1 ), cv. IAPAR 59, after pruning. The water regimes were: rain fed no irrigation (control), continuous irrigation, water suppression 30 days before harvest, suppression at harvest and suppression at harvest associated with stem conduction. The experimental design was a complete randomized block, where water regimes were the treatments, with six repetitions. Yield per plot and per plant were evaluated in 2011; in 2012, the fruits were subdivided in cherry, cherry and green, dry and floating, in addition to biennial and accumulated yield evaluations. In the first year after pruning there was no coffee production. Three years after, however, in 2012, yield was restored. The treatments with programmed irrigation stops had increased yields, overcoming the non-irrigated treatment. Continuous irrigation reduced the proportion of dry and floating fruits, although increased the proportion of green fruits. Stem conduction after pruning increased the proportion of cherry, with less dry and floating fruits. Suppression at harvest associated with stem conduction was effective on plant, biennial, and accumulated yields.
Pruning has been a form of coffee orchard renewal with lesser cost than its eradication followed by a new planting. This experiment aimed at evaluating the effect of water regimes and predetermined stress on productivity of high density organic coffee orchard (7,142 plants ha -1 ), cv. IAPAR 59, after pruning. The water regimes were: rain fed no irrigation (control), continuous irrigation, water suppression 30 days before harvest, suppression at harvest and suppression at harvest associated with stem conduction. The experimental design was a complete randomized block, where water regimes were the treatments, with six repetitions. Yield per plot and per plant were evaluated in 2011; in 2012, the fruits were subdivided in cherry, cherry and green, dry and floating, in addition to biennial and accumulated yield evaluations. In the first year after pruning there was no coffee production. Three years after, however, in 2012, yield was restored. The treatments with programmed irrigation stops had increased yields, overcoming the non-irrigated treatment. Continuous irrigation reduced the proportion of dry and floating fruits, although increased the proportion of green fruits. Stem conduction after pruning increased the proportion of cherry, with less dry and floating fruits. Suppression at harvest associated with stem conduction was effective on plant, biennial, and accumulated yields.
Irrigação, Produção bienal, Estresse hídrico, Recepa
NASCIMENTO, L. M.; SPEHAR, C. R.; SANDRI, D. Produtividade de cafeeiro orgânico no cerrado após a poda sob diferentes regimes hídricos. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 9, n. 3, p. 354-365, jul./set. 2014.