Manejo da ferrugem em clones de café conilon em sistema de produção integrada
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
A ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br) é a principal doença que contribui para a redução da produtividade do café conilon; e em clones suscetíveis, a principal medida de manejo é o controle químico. Os programas de manejo baseiam-se em calendários fixos de aplicação ou associação de fungicidas com inseticidas sistêmicos aplicados via solo. Diante da diversidade genética de C. canephora, o plantio em linha de clones possibilita o manejo de doenças diferenciado para cada clone. No entanto são poucos os estudos sobre o monitoramento da intensidade da doença nas plantas e o manejo racional do patossistema ferrugem/conilon, e que dão suporte aos princípios da Produção Integrada de Café (PIC). É necessário o desenvolvimento de tecnologias que viabilizem o sistema PIC para as particularidades de C. canephora. Assim, formulou-se as seguintes hipóteses: 1) é possível fazer o manejo da ferrugem em lavouras clonais de café conilon de forma diferenciada para cada clone; 2) é possível generalizar um plano de manejo da ferrugem com base em datas pré-fixadas; 3) a aplicação de fungicidas sistêmicos via solo em datas pré-fixadas não é o sistema mais eficiente de manejo da ferrugem; e 4) é possível reduzir o volume de fungicidas aplicados e o custo do manejo da ferrugem em lavouras clonais de café conilon. Para testar essas hipóteses, objetivou-se avaliar a aplicabilidade de um sistema de manejo da ferrugem, para cada clone de café conilon cultivados em linha (PIC), comparando-o com o sistema convencional de manejo adotado pelos produtores (PROD). O estudo foi conduzido em dois campos de conformidade da Produção Integrada localizados nos municípios de Castelo e Nova Venécia – Espírito Santo, Brasil. Esses campos foram compostos por plantas de café conilon dos 13 clones da cultivar “Conilon Vitória – INCAPER 8142” plantados em linhas homogêneas para cada clone. Foram realizadas 12 avaliações mensais (setembro de 2010 a agosto de 2011) da incidência da ferrugem em plantas de cada clone. Foram traçadas curvas de progresso da doença e os dados transformados em área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença. Com base nos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que é possível realizar o manejo da ferrugem em lavouras clonais de café conilon de forma diferenciada para cada clone, empregando-se o monitoramento da doença. A proposta do sistema PIC em avaliar a incidência da ferrugem em cada linha de plantio pode dispensar a aplicação de fungicida sistêmico em clones resistentes ou em condições desfavoráveis à ocorrência da doença, ou ainda indicar o momento ideal para essa aplicação; porém em condições favoráveis e em clones suscetíveis, este sistema pode elevar o número de aplicações de fungicida. Em áreas com ocorrência constante da ferrugem nas plantas, o fungicida sistêmico aplicado via solo reduziu a intensidade da doença na lavoura; no entanto, a aplicação antecipada desses produtos em datas pré- fixadas, em condições desfavoráveis à ocorrência da doença, pode permitir a elevação de sua intensidade na época da colheita. Por meio do caderno de campo PIC-Conilon foram coletados coeficientes técnicos locais para cálculo e comparação do custo do manejo da ferrugem. O manejo da ferrugem dentro dos princípios da PIC reduziu em média 71,3% do volume de fungicida aplicado/ha/ano, em relação ao total aplicado nas áreas PROD; reduzindo em média 22% o custo do manejo da ferrugem em clones de café conilon e tornando-o mais racional e sustentável.
The coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br) is one of the factors which contributes for the reduction of conilon coffee productivity; and on clones susceptibility, the most important measure of management is done by chemical control. The management programs are based on pre-determined application calendars or associations of fungicides with systemic insecticides applied on the soil. With the genetic diversity of C. canephora, the line planting of clones makes possible the differenced fitossanitary management for each clone. However, there are few studies about the disease intensity monitoring on the plants and rational management of the rust/conilon pathosystem, and that give support to the principles of Coffee Integrated Production System (CIP). The development of technologies which makes viable the CIP system to the C. canephora particularities is necessary. Therefore, the following hypotheses were formulated: 1) it is possible to make the management of rust in clonal plantings of conilon coffee in different ways for each clone; 2) it is possible to generalize a management plan of rust based on the previously pre-determined dates; 3) application of systemic fungicides on the soil in pre-determined dates is not the most efficient system of rust management; and 4) it is possible to reduce the volume of applied fungicides and the cost of the rust management on clonal plantings of conilon coffee. In order to assess these hypotheses, the objective was to evaluate the applicability of a system of rust management for each clone of conilon coffee cultivated in line (CIP), comparing it to the conventional system of management adopted by the producers (PROD). The study was conducted in two fields of conformity of the Integrated Production located on the cities of Castelo and Nova Venécia – Espírito Santo, Brazil. These fields were compounded by 13 clones of the cultivar “Conilon Vitória – INCAPER 8142” planted on homogeneous lines for each clone. Twelve monthly evaluations were performed (2010 September to 2011 August) for rust incidence in plants of each clone. Progress curves of the disease were traced and the data transformed in area under the curve of disease progress. Based on the obtained results, it was verified that is possible to make the rust management in clonal fields in a different way for each clone, using the disease monitoring. The proposal of the CIP system on evaluating the disease occurrence in each planting line may dispense the application of systemic fungicide on resistant clones or in unfavorable conditions to the disease occurrence, or may indicate the correct moment for this application. However, in favorable conditions and on highly susceptible clones, this system may elevate the number of fungicide applications. In areas with constant occurrence of rust in plants, the systemic fungicide on the soil reduced the intensity of the plant disease; however, the anticipated application of these products in pre-determined dates, in unfavorable conditions to the disease occurrence, can allow the elevation of its intensity at harvest time. Through the field book CIP-Conilon, local technical coefficients were collected for the calculation and comparison of the cost of rust management. The rust management in the CIP principles reduced in average 71.3% of the volume of applied fungicide/ha/year, in relation to the total applied on the PROD areas; reducing in average 22% the rust management cost on conilon coffee clones and turning it more rational and sustainable.
The coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br) is one of the factors which contributes for the reduction of conilon coffee productivity; and on clones susceptibility, the most important measure of management is done by chemical control. The management programs are based on pre-determined application calendars or associations of fungicides with systemic insecticides applied on the soil. With the genetic diversity of C. canephora, the line planting of clones makes possible the differenced fitossanitary management for each clone. However, there are few studies about the disease intensity monitoring on the plants and rational management of the rust/conilon pathosystem, and that give support to the principles of Coffee Integrated Production System (CIP). The development of technologies which makes viable the CIP system to the C. canephora particularities is necessary. Therefore, the following hypotheses were formulated: 1) it is possible to make the management of rust in clonal plantings of conilon coffee in different ways for each clone; 2) it is possible to generalize a management plan of rust based on the previously pre-determined dates; 3) application of systemic fungicides on the soil in pre-determined dates is not the most efficient system of rust management; and 4) it is possible to reduce the volume of applied fungicides and the cost of the rust management on clonal plantings of conilon coffee. In order to assess these hypotheses, the objective was to evaluate the applicability of a system of rust management for each clone of conilon coffee cultivated in line (CIP), comparing it to the conventional system of management adopted by the producers (PROD). The study was conducted in two fields of conformity of the Integrated Production located on the cities of Castelo and Nova Venécia – Espírito Santo, Brazil. These fields were compounded by 13 clones of the cultivar “Conilon Vitória – INCAPER 8142” planted on homogeneous lines for each clone. Twelve monthly evaluations were performed (2010 September to 2011 August) for rust incidence in plants of each clone. Progress curves of the disease were traced and the data transformed in area under the curve of disease progress. Based on the obtained results, it was verified that is possible to make the rust management in clonal fields in a different way for each clone, using the disease monitoring. The proposal of the CIP system on evaluating the disease occurrence in each planting line may dispense the application of systemic fungicide on resistant clones or in unfavorable conditions to the disease occurrence, or may indicate the correct moment for this application. However, in favorable conditions and on highly susceptible clones, this system may elevate the number of fungicide applications. In areas with constant occurrence of rust in plants, the systemic fungicide on the soil reduced the intensity of the plant disease; however, the anticipated application of these products in pre-determined dates, in unfavorable conditions to the disease occurrence, can allow the elevation of its intensity at harvest time. Through the field book CIP-Conilon, local technical coefficients were collected for the calculation and comparison of the cost of rust management. The rust management in the CIP principles reduced in average 71.3% of the volume of applied fungicide/ha/year, in relation to the total applied on the PROD areas; reducing in average 22% the rust management cost on conilon coffee clones and turning it more rational and sustainable.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
Controle integrado, Fungicidas, Monitoramento biológico, Custos, Café conilon
BELAN, L. L. Manejo da ferrugem em clones de café conilon em sistema de produção integrada. 2012. 83 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Produção Vegetal) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Alegre. 2012.