Efeito de lodo urbano higienizado, calcário e resíduos vegetais no crescimento do cafeeiro e características químicas do solo
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O lodo de esgoto é um material que se acumula, principalmente nos grandes centros urbanos, constituindo-se em desafio para a humanidade, que necessita encontrar uma utilização adequada para esse material. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do lodo urbano higienizado (tratado com cal) no desenvolvimento e na nutrição de mudas de cafeeiro e as modificações químicas no solo, foi conduzido experimento em casa de vegetação no Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, utilizando-se um solo ácido (LEd)
incubado em vasos com capacidade para 3,5 dm 3 , com lodo, calcário dolomítico e resíduos vegetais. Os tratamentos basearam-se na quantidade de lodo para neutralizar 0,5; 1,0; e 2,0 vezes a acidez extraída (H+Al). O lodo (L) foi aplicado isoladamente e associado à palha de café (PC) e guandu (G) na relação de volume 14 : 1 (solo: resíduo). A testemunha constou de calcário (C) para neutralizar 1,0 vez (100%) a acidez extraída. Todos os tratamentos receberam P e K para elevar os teores em 150 mg dm -3 e 4,0 mmol c dm -3 . Uma semana depois da incubação foi plantada uma muda de cafeeiro da variedade Catuaí em cada vaso, e seis meses após foram realizadas as avaliações previstas. A matéria seca total, a área foliar e o volume radicular foram afetados pelas doses de lodo, obedecendo à seguinte ordem decrescente: L 0,5 > L 1,0 > L 2,0. A associação do lodo com o resíduo vegetal PC potencializou o efeito sobre o crescimento: PC > L > G > C. Em relação ao solo, ocorreu aumento do pH, neutralização do Al 3+ e diminuição da acidez total (H+Al), conforme o aumento das doses de lodo. Quanto aos metais pesados, o método Mehlich-1 mostrou maior eficiência de extração que o DTPA (extrator orgânico). Houve incremento no solo de alguns metais pesados, particularmente Cr e Ni, com o aumento das doses de lodo. Na nutrição das
plantas, ocorreu redução no teor foliar de manganês com as doses de lodo, especialmente em associação com PC; a concentração foliar de fósforo diminuiu na presença do G. O teor foliar dos metais pesados mostrou correlação direta com as doses de lodo e foi elevada principalmente para Co e Pb. O lodo urbano higienizado, na menor dosagem, mostrou ser um produto com potencial para ser utilizado na agricultura, direcionando este material de modo ecologicamente correto, além de diminuir a necessidade dos fertilizantes inorgânicos.
The sewage sludge is a material that accumulates mainly in big urban centers. It is a challenge for the humanity to find an adequate use of this material. The objective was to evaluate the effect of treated urban sewage sludge (lime treated) on growth and nutritional status of the coffee seedlings and on changes in soil chemical properties. A green house experiment was carried out at the Agronomic Institute of the State of Parana, Londrina, using an acid oxisol incubated in plastic pots (3.5 dm 3 capacity) with swage sludge, dolomitic lime, and plant residues. The sludge was added in amounts equivalents to neutralize 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 times the total extractable soil acidity (H+Al). The sludge (S) was applied alone and associated with coffee bean straw (CBS) and with pigeon pea (PP) at a rate of 14 : 1 (soil : residue), volume base. The control was lime (L) at rate to neutralize 100 % of the total extractable soil acidity. All treatments received P and K fertilizers up to a level of 150 mg dm -3 and 4 mmol c dm -3 , respectively. After one week incubation of soil with amendments a coffee seedling, Catuai cultivar, was planted at the center of each pot and conducted for six months. After that time total dry matter, leaf area, and root volume were evaluated. All plant parameters were affected by the rates of sludge in the following order: S 0.5 > S 1.0 > S 2.0. The mix of sludge with plant residue (CBS) affected all plant parameter in the following order: CBS > S > PP > L. In relation to soil, increasing the rates of sludge increased pH and decreased exchangeable Al and total soil acidity (H+Al). For the heavy metals, Mehlich-1 solution showed greater extraction efficiency in relation to DTPA solution. Increasing sludge rates increased heavy metal concentrations in soil, particularly Cr and Ni. In relation to plant nutrition, it was found a reduction in leaf Mn with increasing sludge rates, mainly in association with CBS; leaf P concentration decreased in the presence of PP. Leaf heavy metal levels showed direct correlation with sludge rates, maily for Co and Pb. The treated urban sludge at the lowest rate seems to be a product with potential use in agriculture when applied ecologically correct. It also decrese the need for inorganic fertilizers.
The sewage sludge is a material that accumulates mainly in big urban centers. It is a challenge for the humanity to find an adequate use of this material. The objective was to evaluate the effect of treated urban sewage sludge (lime treated) on growth and nutritional status of the coffee seedlings and on changes in soil chemical properties. A green house experiment was carried out at the Agronomic Institute of the State of Parana, Londrina, using an acid oxisol incubated in plastic pots (3.5 dm 3 capacity) with swage sludge, dolomitic lime, and plant residues. The sludge was added in amounts equivalents to neutralize 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 times the total extractable soil acidity (H+Al). The sludge (S) was applied alone and associated with coffee bean straw (CBS) and with pigeon pea (PP) at a rate of 14 : 1 (soil : residue), volume base. The control was lime (L) at rate to neutralize 100 % of the total extractable soil acidity. All treatments received P and K fertilizers up to a level of 150 mg dm -3 and 4 mmol c dm -3 , respectively. After one week incubation of soil with amendments a coffee seedling, Catuai cultivar, was planted at the center of each pot and conducted for six months. After that time total dry matter, leaf area, and root volume were evaluated. All plant parameters were affected by the rates of sludge in the following order: S 0.5 > S 1.0 > S 2.0. The mix of sludge with plant residue (CBS) affected all plant parameter in the following order: CBS > S > PP > L. In relation to soil, increasing the rates of sludge increased pH and decreased exchangeable Al and total soil acidity (H+Al). For the heavy metals, Mehlich-1 solution showed greater extraction efficiency in relation to DTPA solution. Increasing sludge rates increased heavy metal concentrations in soil, particularly Cr and Ni. In relation to plant nutrition, it was found a reduction in leaf Mn with increasing sludge rates, mainly in association with CBS; leaf P concentration decreased in the presence of PP. Leaf heavy metal levels showed direct correlation with sludge rates, maily for Co and Pb. The treated urban sludge at the lowest rate seems to be a product with potential use in agriculture when applied ecologically correct. It also decrese the need for inorganic fertilizers.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Café Adubação orgânica Lodo urbano Calcário Resíduos vegetais Solo Características químicas, Sewage sludge Plant residues Lime Soil chemical characteristcs.
Chaves, Júlio César Dias; Miyazawa, Mário; Colozzi Filho, Arnaldo; Ferreira, Tiago Lima. Efeito de lodo urbano higienizado, calcário e resíduos vegetais no crescimento do cafeeiro e características químicas do solo. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 2463-2471.