Orientação para mercado externo do café brasileiro
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Objetivou-se, neste artigo, verificar se o Índice de Orientação Regional (IOR) pode auxiliar na tomada de decisão na orientação para o mercado externo do café brasileiro. Com a abordagem da Teoria da Tomada da Decisão, por meio do método quantitativo e descritivo, é calculado o IOR para verificar se as exportações brasileiras de café estão sendo destinadas aos principais importadores. Os dados das exportações brasileiras de café verde utilizados são da Base AliceWeb, vinculada à Secretaria de Comércio Exterior (SECEX) do Ministério da Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC) no período de 2000 a 2009. As exportações de café são cada vez menos direcionadas para Canadá, Países Baixos, França, Itália, Bélgica e Espanha, com maior destaque para o decréscimo do IOR da Eslovênia. Os resultados demonstram que as exportações brasileiras de café verde direcionam-se cada vez mais para a Suécia, Finlândia, Japão, Alemanha, EUA, considerando que o IOR apresenta valores crescentes para tais regiões, ressaltando que a Alemanha e os EUA – importantes mercados para que o Brasil siga orientando suas exportações – representam mais de 40% das importações de café. A originalidade do estudo reside na utilização da metodologia IOR para auxiliar o tomador de decisão na orientação para o mercado externo, conhecendo-se a tendência dos principais concorrentes do produto. Tal abordagem, somada a outros indicadores econômicos pode possibilitar a implementação de políticas comerciais, no sentido de redirecionar os produtos para mercados que apresentem maior dinamismo em suas importações.
This paper aims to verify whether the Regional Orientation Index (ROI) can assist in decision making for export market orientation for Brazilian coffee, to export the searching products from the major importers. The Decision Making Theory was adopted and through the descriptive and quantitative method, the ROI is calculated in order to determine if Brazilian coffee exports are being addressed to the main importers. The data source of Brazilian green coffee used is the ALICEWEB base, linked to the Department of Commerce (SECEX) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MDIC) for the period studied from 2000 to 2009 in US dollars (USD). We observed that coffee exports have been less directed towards countries like Canada, Netherlands, France, Italy, Belgium and Spain, with emphasis on decline of the ROI in Slovenia. The results also show that the Brazilian green coffee have been exported for Sweden, Finland, Japan, Germany, USA. The ROI shows increasing values for these regions, noting that over 40% of coffee imports are represented by Germany and USA, which are important markets for Brazil to follow when directing their exports. The originality of this study is to assist the decision makers through the ROI methodology for export market orientation for Brazilian coffee, according to the behavior and development of exports. This approach along with other economic indicators may indicate possibilities related to the implementation of trade policies in order to redirect products to specific markets.
This paper aims to verify whether the Regional Orientation Index (ROI) can assist in decision making for export market orientation for Brazilian coffee, to export the searching products from the major importers. The Decision Making Theory was adopted and through the descriptive and quantitative method, the ROI is calculated in order to determine if Brazilian coffee exports are being addressed to the main importers. The data source of Brazilian green coffee used is the ALICEWEB base, linked to the Department of Commerce (SECEX) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MDIC) for the period studied from 2000 to 2009 in US dollars (USD). We observed that coffee exports have been less directed towards countries like Canada, Netherlands, France, Italy, Belgium and Spain, with emphasis on decline of the ROI in Slovenia. The results also show that the Brazilian green coffee have been exported for Sweden, Finland, Japan, Germany, USA. The ROI shows increasing values for these regions, noting that over 40% of coffee imports are represented by Germany and USA, which are important markets for Brazil to follow when directing their exports. The originality of this study is to assist the decision makers through the ROI methodology for export market orientation for Brazilian coffee, according to the behavior and development of exports. This approach along with other economic indicators may indicate possibilities related to the implementation of trade policies in order to redirect products to specific markets.
Agronegócio, Brasil, Exportação, IOR, Tomada decisão
BRANDÃO, F. S. et al. Orientação para mercado externo do café brasileiro. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 7, n. 3, p. 275-283, set./dez. 2012.