A influência do material de parede de silos nos coeficientes de atrito estático e dinâmico dos grãos de café em pergaminho de diferentes variedades
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A qualidade do café é fator preponderante para o êxito no processo produtivo. O armazenamento do café é de fundamental importância para a qualidade final do produto, visto ser esta etapa a que antecede a comercialização e que se torna cada vez mais necessária em virtude da flutuação do mercado cafeeiro. Considerando-se a importância das estruturas de armazenamento para a qualidade final do café, assim como a necessidade de desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e de soluções dos problemas existentes, ressalta-se a importância de estudos sobre as possíveis opções para o armazenamento deste produto, destacando-se, dentre elas, a utilização de silos, ou seja, o armazenamento a granel. No presente estudo objetivou-se determinar os coeficientes de atrito estático e dinâmico dos grãos de café em diferentes materiais de parede, utilizados na confecção de silos. Foram utilizados grãos de café com pergaminho, da espécie Coffea arábica L., variedades Catuaí Vermelho e Amarelo, Mundo Novo, Rubi e Topázio, com umidade de 12% b.u.. O aparelho utilizado para a determinação dos coeficientes de atrito foi o TSG 70-140, equipamento de cisalhamento, construído com base no aparelho de cisalhamento de Jenike. A metodologia utilizada foi à proposta por MILANI (1993), e recomendações da norma inglesa - BMHB (1985), JENIKE e JOHANSON (1979) e o Manual de Operações da Máquina TSG 70-140. Com os resultados obtidos pôde-se observar que dentro das condições que foram utilizadas no presente estudo, os coeficientes de atrito, tanto estático como dinâmico, foram influenciados pela superfície do material de parede independentes das variedades. Observa-se que para cada material de parede não houve diferença significativa entre as variedades, salvo para o concreto rugoso, onde os coeficientes de atrito para Catuaí Amarelo e Vermelho diferiram dos valores de Mundo Novo, Rubi e Topázio. Os coeficientes de atrito estático e dinâmico mostraram uma tendência de serem maiores para o concreto rugoso e decrescendo na ordem aço rugoso, polietileno e alumínio.
The coffee quality is preponderant factor for the success in its production process chain. The coffee storage operation is a fundamental importance for achieving the final quality of the product since this stage precedes the marketing operation and this fact becomes necessary to take more care due to the coffee market price flotation. Thus considering the importance of the storage structures for the final coffee quality as well the need for development of new technologies and solutions of the real problems, the importance of these studies is to enhance and to visualize the possibility for storing green coffee beans in silos in bulk way. In the present study it was aimed to determine the coffee beans static and dynamic friction coefficients on different wall materials, normally used in silos. Parchment coffee beans were used, Coffea arabica L. species, Catuaí Vermelho and Amarelo, Mundo Novo, Rubi and Topázio varieties with 12% w.b. moisture content. The equipment used was the Testing Machine model TSG 70-140 based on Jenike Shear Test Equipment for determining the friction coefficients. The methodology used was that proposed by MILANI (1993), according to the English Standard - BMHB (1985), JENIKE e JOHANSON (1979) and the Manual of Operations of the Machine TSG 70-140. From the results obtained it could be observed that either Static or Dynamic friction coefficients were more affected by the silo wall surface type than from the different varieties of parchment coffee. Also it was observed that for each wall material there was no significant difference among the varieties except for the rough concrete, where the friction coefficients for Catuaí Amarelo and Vermelho they differed from the Mundo Novo, Rubi and Topázio varieties values. The static and dynamic friction coefficients showed a tendency to be higher for the rough concrete and decreasing from the rough steel to polyethylene and at last to the aluminum surfaces.
The coffee quality is preponderant factor for the success in its production process chain. The coffee storage operation is a fundamental importance for achieving the final quality of the product since this stage precedes the marketing operation and this fact becomes necessary to take more care due to the coffee market price flotation. Thus considering the importance of the storage structures for the final coffee quality as well the need for development of new technologies and solutions of the real problems, the importance of these studies is to enhance and to visualize the possibility for storing green coffee beans in silos in bulk way. In the present study it was aimed to determine the coffee beans static and dynamic friction coefficients on different wall materials, normally used in silos. Parchment coffee beans were used, Coffea arabica L. species, Catuaí Vermelho and Amarelo, Mundo Novo, Rubi and Topázio varieties with 12% w.b. moisture content. The equipment used was the Testing Machine model TSG 70-140 based on Jenike Shear Test Equipment for determining the friction coefficients. The methodology used was that proposed by MILANI (1993), according to the English Standard - BMHB (1985), JENIKE e JOHANSON (1979) and the Manual of Operations of the Machine TSG 70-140. From the results obtained it could be observed that either Static or Dynamic friction coefficients were more affected by the silo wall surface type than from the different varieties of parchment coffee. Also it was observed that for each wall material there was no significant difference among the varieties except for the rough concrete, where the friction coefficients for Catuaí Amarelo and Vermelho they differed from the Mundo Novo, Rubi and Topázio varieties values. The static and dynamic friction coefficients showed a tendency to be higher for the rough concrete and decreasing from the rough steel to polyethylene and at last to the aluminum surfaces.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : 2005 : Londrina, PR). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2005.
Café Armazenamento Jenike Propriedades físicas de atrito, Coffee Storage Jenike Physical properties Friction
Ribeiro, Rodrigo M.; Afonso Júnior, Paulo C.; Corrêa, Paulo C.; Gomes, Francisco C.; Queiroz, Daniel M. de. A influência do material de parede de silos nos coeficientes de atrito estático e dinâmico dos grãos de café em pergaminho de diferentes variedades. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : Londrina, PR : 2005). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2005. (1 CD-ROM), 4p.