Metodologias de avaliação do desempenho de progênies do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.)
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Visando obter alternativas para avaliação de progênies do cafeeiro no que se refere a produtividade de grãos e estabilidade de prudução; bem como verificar a possibilidade de se proceder a seleção com base em um menor número de colheitas, foram utilizados dados de competição de progênies obtidos pelo Instituto Brasileiro do Café em Varginha. Nesse ensaio foram avaliadas em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, 36 progênies envolvendo os cultivares Mundo Novo, Catuai Amarelo, Catuai Vermelho, Mundo Novo-Acaiá, Burlan Amarelo, Catimor e Catindú. Os dados foram obtidos em 10 colheitas sucessivas, de 1979 a 1988. Foi realizada a análise de variância da produção total e também anual. Os dados de produção tomados em anos e também agrupados em biênios, triênios quadriênios e quinquênios de colheitas foram analisados como parcelas subdivididas no tempo. Com base nessas análises foi estimado o coeficiente de determinação genotípica, "b". Foi também estudada a estabilidade fenotípica da produção e analisada a possibilidade de seleção com base em um menor número de colheitas. A precisão das avaliações variou bastante, sendo muito baixa na primeira colheita, de onde se deduz que esta deve ser desprezada por ocasião da avaliação dos materiais. As análises com totais ou agrupadas em biênios, triênios, quadriênios e quinquênios contribuiram para melhorar a precisão; de um modo geral as progênies dentro de cada cultivar mostraram pequena variação, o mesmo acontecendo entre a maioria dos grupos. Contudo, a progênie H 2077-2-5-74 destacou-se como a mais produtiva ; os materiais portadores de alelos que conferem resistencia ao agente causador da ferrugem do Cafeeiro mostraram-se pouco adaptados e em consequência a produtividade média foi baixa. O efeito de interação entre progênies e colheitas foi de magnitude elevada na análise referente às colheitas anuais. O agrupamento em biênios contribuiu para reduzir essa interação; a utilização do coeficiente de variação da produção das progênies ao longo das colheitas como medida de estabilidade e biológica, mostou não ser muito apropriada. Embora a variação entre as progênies não fosse acentuada, o método utilizado para avaliação da estabilidade, considerando pmduções anuais e bienais, permitiu discriminar alguns materiais.
As progênies UFV 386900 e UFV 421-769 foram as menos estáveis, enquanto a progênie H 2077-2-5-74 mostou ser responsiva à melhoria das condições ambientais, apresentando ainda a maior média; observou-se que quatro colheitas já seriam
suficientes para se ter informação segura sobre os melhores materiais.
Aiming at alternatives for evaluation of coffee plant progenies concerning to grain yield and production stability as well as at the possibility to proceed with selection even when based on a small number of harvests, data generated by the Brazilian Coffee Institute - Varginha, MG - from progeny competition experiments were analysed. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replicates and 36 treatments - coffee progenies - which involved the following cultivars: Mundo Novo, Catuaí Amarelo, Catuaí Vermelho, Mundo Novo-Acaiá, Bourbon Amarelo, Catimor, and Catindu. Analysed data refered to 10 successive harvest during 1979-1988 time period. A two way analysis of variance was run for both annual and total yields. Also a split-plot in time analysis of variance was performed having as subplots ten simple harvests, five groups of two harvests, three groups of three harvests, two groups of both four and five harvests. The genotypic coefficient of determination 'b' was estimated, the phenotypic yield stability was studied, and selection based on small number of harvests was evaluated. Results and conclusions can be summarized as: - precision of the evaluation varied greatly. It was extremely low in the first harvest which should be ignored; however, analyses performed on totals or on groups of 2, 3, 4 and 5 harvests improved the precision; - in general, progenies within cultivars and most of the groups showed a very small variations; H 2077-2-5-74 progeny was the most productive; - rust resistant alleles - bearing progenies exhibited a low degree of adaptation; as a consequence, they had a low average mean yield overall; - progeny x harvest interaction estimates were very high for harvests taken annually; they were reduced, however, when harvests were considered in groups of two; - use of coefficient of variation related to progeny yield throughout the harvests as a biological stability measure was considered inappropriate; - although the variation among progenies was not easily distinguishable, the method used to evaluate the stability detected differences in some of the materials tested; H 2077-2-5-74 on one side, and UFV 386-900 and UFV 421-769 on the other side were progenies which exhibited the highest and lowest degree of stability, respectively; - it was observed that four harvests suffice to gather fair amount of information in order to identify superior coffee materials.
Aiming at alternatives for evaluation of coffee plant progenies concerning to grain yield and production stability as well as at the possibility to proceed with selection even when based on a small number of harvests, data generated by the Brazilian Coffee Institute - Varginha, MG - from progeny competition experiments were analysed. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replicates and 36 treatments - coffee progenies - which involved the following cultivars: Mundo Novo, Catuaí Amarelo, Catuaí Vermelho, Mundo Novo-Acaiá, Bourbon Amarelo, Catimor, and Catindu. Analysed data refered to 10 successive harvest during 1979-1988 time period. A two way analysis of variance was run for both annual and total yields. Also a split-plot in time analysis of variance was performed having as subplots ten simple harvests, five groups of two harvests, three groups of three harvests, two groups of both four and five harvests. The genotypic coefficient of determination 'b' was estimated, the phenotypic yield stability was studied, and selection based on small number of harvests was evaluated. Results and conclusions can be summarized as: - precision of the evaluation varied greatly. It was extremely low in the first harvest which should be ignored; however, analyses performed on totals or on groups of 2, 3, 4 and 5 harvests improved the precision; - in general, progenies within cultivars and most of the groups showed a very small variations; H 2077-2-5-74 progeny was the most productive; - rust resistant alleles - bearing progenies exhibited a low degree of adaptation; as a consequence, they had a low average mean yield overall; - progeny x harvest interaction estimates were very high for harvests taken annually; they were reduced, however, when harvests were considered in groups of two; - use of coefficient of variation related to progeny yield throughout the harvests as a biological stability measure was considered inappropriate; - although the variation among progenies was not easily distinguishable, the method used to evaluate the stability detected differences in some of the materials tested; H 2077-2-5-74 on one side, and UFV 386-900 and UFV 421-769 on the other side were progenies which exhibited the highest and lowest degree of stability, respectively; - it was observed that four harvests suffice to gather fair amount of information in order to identify superior coffee materials.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Café Melhoramento genético Variedades Avaliação, Coffee Breeding Progenies evaluation
Carvalho, Samuel Pereira de. Metodologias de avaliação do desempenho de progênies do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.). Lavras : ESAL, 1989. 68p. : il. (Dissertação - mestrado em Agronomia, área de concentração: Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) Orientador: Magno Antonio Patto Ramalho T 633.733 C331m 1989