Atividade antioxidante de cafés torrado e solúvel: padronização e validação de métodos
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Editora UFLA
A atividade antioxidante (AA) de café, relacionada à presença de diferentes componentes, tem recebido grande atenção nos últimos anos e pode ser medida por diversos métodos. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre a eficiência dos métodos utilizados na avaliação da AA dos cafés. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho padronizar e validar, para café torrado e para café solúvel, técnicas de medida da AA, como ABTS (TEAC), FRAP, Folin-Ciocalteau, DPPH e Deoxirribose. Os resultados indicaram que, todos os métodos de medida de AA testados são precisos e podem ser utilizados para avaliação, tendo apresentado coeficientes de variação entre 3,5 e 10%, considerando-se as duas matrizes (torrado e solúvel) e as diferentes concentrações estudadas. A faixa de concentração empregada deve ser escolhida criteriosamente para cada matriz e método de interesse, uma vez que pode interferir, dependendo da metodologia utilizada, tanto em precisão quanto nos valores de AA observados.
Antioxidant activity (AA) of coffee products has been widely discussed in recent years. The antioxidant potential, which has been related to the presence of different compounds, can be measured through several methodologies. However, the knowledge on the efficiency of these methods is still limited. This study standardized and validated several techniques of AA measurement (ABTS, FRAP, Folin-Ciocalteau, DPPH and Deoxyribose) for roasted and instant coffee. The results showed that all methods were accurate for evaluation of the AA: coefficients of variation between 3.5 and 10% were observed considering the two matrices (roasted and instant coffees) and the different concentrations applied. The concentration range must be carefully chosen for each product and method since it can interfere, depending on the methodology, in the accuracy and the AA values obtained.
Antioxidant activity (AA) of coffee products has been widely discussed in recent years. The antioxidant potential, which has been related to the presence of different compounds, can be measured through several methodologies. However, the knowledge on the efficiency of these methods is still limited. This study standardized and validated several techniques of AA measurement (ABTS, FRAP, Folin-Ciocalteau, DPPH and Deoxyribose) for roasted and instant coffee. The results showed that all methods were accurate for evaluation of the AA: coefficients of variation between 3.5 and 10% were observed considering the two matrices (roasted and instant coffees) and the different concentrations applied. The concentration range must be carefully chosen for each product and method since it can interfere, depending on the methodology, in the accuracy and the AA values obtained.
FRAP, ABTS, Folin-Ciocalteau, DPPH, Deoxirribose
VIGNOLI, J. A.; BASSOLI, D. G.; BENASSI, M. T. Atividade antioxidante de cafés torrado e solúvel: padronização e validação de métodos. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 7, n. 1, p. 68-75, jan./abr. 2012.