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Examinaram-se parâmetros morfológicos, fisiológicos e bioquímicos, em folhas do cafeeiro submetidas a diferentes níveis de irradiância (folhas que interceptaram, em média, ao longo do dia, 30, 75, 300 e 750 μmol fótons m-2 s-1, correspondendo aos tratamentos T 1 , T 2 , T 3 e T 4 , respectivamente). Morfologicamente, a área foliar unitária e, particularmente, a área foliar específica (AFE), aumentaram nas folhas mais sombreadas. Sob baixa irradiância, as folhas do cafeeiro exibiram parênquimas paliçádico e lacunoso menos desenvolvidos que nas folhas de sol, e maior abundância de espaços intercelulares, resultando em folhas mais finas e menos densas e, portanto, com maior AFE. Os resultados sugerem que o cafeeiro apresenta algumas características morfo-anatômicas com plasticidade fenotípica adequada para lhe permitir ajustar-se à disponibilidade de luz.
Morphological parameters were examined in coffee leaves from different canopy positions. Four classes of leaves were chosen based on the mean diurnal intercepted photosynthetically active radiation. These classes (treatments) comprised leaves intercepting 30, 75, 300, 750 μmol photons m-2 s-1, hereafter referred to T 1 , T 2 , T 3 , and T 4 , respectively. Morphologically, the single leaf area, and particularly the specific leaf area (SLA), increased in leaves under deep shade. Compared to sunlit leaves, shade leaves showed less differentiated palisade and spongy parenchyma with greater abundance of intercellular spaces, leading to thinner and less dense leaves with a higher SLA. Results suggest that coffee leaves display some morpho-anatomical traits with adequate phenotypic plasticity allowing the coffee tree to adjust itself to the light availability.
Morphological parameters were examined in coffee leaves from different canopy positions. Four classes of leaves were chosen based on the mean diurnal intercepted photosynthetically active radiation. These classes (treatments) comprised leaves intercepting 30, 75, 300, 750 μmol photons m-2 s-1, hereafter referred to T 1 , T 2 , T 3 , and T 4 , respectively. Morphologically, the single leaf area, and particularly the specific leaf area (SLA), increased in leaves under deep shade. Compared to sunlit leaves, shade leaves showed less differentiated palisade and spongy parenchyma with greater abundance of intercellular spaces, leading to thinner and less dense leaves with a higher SLA. Results suggest that coffee leaves display some morpho-anatomical traits with adequate phenotypic plasticity allowing the coffee tree to adjust itself to the light availability.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Café, sombra, irradiância, Coffee, shade, radiation
Matos, Fábio Santos; Carretero, Diego Martins; Martins, Samuel; Chaves, Agnaldo; Cavatte, Paulo C.; DaMatta, Fábio M. Plasticidade morfo-anatômica de folhas de Coffea arabica L. em resposta a irradiância. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.