Avaliação de composto orgânico contendo borra de café na adubação da cultura do milho
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
A geração de subprodutos pelos processos industriais é uma realidade e tem sido um grande desafio no que tange ao seu tratamento e destinação final adequados desses materiais. A borra de café é o principal resíduo gerado na agroindústria do café solúvel e uma das alternativas de tratamento e destinação final desse resíduo é a sua compostagem, com o uso posterior do composto como fertilizante orgânico. A compostagem pode ser considerada como uma técnica que converte resíduos agroindustriais em um produto com valor nutricional para as plantas, estável e isento de contaminantes. Recentemente, foi implantada na Fazenda Experimental de Viana (FEV), que pertence ao Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural - INCAPER, e está localizada no município de Viana - ES, uma usina de compostagem para solucionar o problema de destinação de resíduos da agroindústria do café gerados pela Realcafé na fabricação do café solúvel. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial do composto orgânico produzido por esta usina para ser utilizado como fonte de nutrientes no cultivo do milho. Comparou-se o uso de diferentes doses de aplicação do composto em complementação à adubação mineral. Foram avaliados parâmetros agronômicos, como o crescimento e a produtividade da planta, aspectos nutricionais através da análise foliar, e de fertilidade do solo, pela análise do solo. Também foi feita uma avaliação econômica de cada tratamento. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e cinco tratamentos, com o cultivo do milho da cultivar INCAPER ES - 203, em sistema irrigado. Os tratamentos foram: 1) 100 % de composto orgânico; 2) 75% de composto orgânico + 25% adubação mineral; 3) 50% de composto orgânico + 50% adubação mineral; 4) 25% de composto orgânico + 75% adubação mineral; e 5) 100% de adubação mineral. Os tratamentos foram submetidos e comparados estatisticamente pelo teste de Scott-Knott a 5% de probabilidade. Como resultados, os tratamentos que receberam o composto orgânico apresentaram desempenho no desenvolvimento e na produtividade do milho inferior ao tratamento que recebeu apenas adubação mineral. Na avaliação da produtividade em grãos, os tratamentos 4 e 5 apresentaram maiores produtividades, diferindo estatisticamente dos demais. Os tratamentos não diferiram estatisticamente entre si na avaliação econômica, demonstrando a viabilidade de se aplicar o composto orgânico. Concluiu-se com este estudo que o composto orgânico contendo borra de café apresentou resultados satisfatórios para a adubação da cultura do milho, principalmente quando utilizado de forma complementar à adubação mineral. O uso do composto orgânico, puro ou em associação à adubação mineral, mesmo apresentando menores produtividades, demonstrou viabilidade econômica quando comparado ao tratamento com adubação mineral, devido ao seu menor custo de adubação.
The generation of by-products by industrial processes is a reality and it has been a big challenge, in terms of their adequate treatment and final destination. The coffee grounds is the main waste generated in the agro-industrialization of soluble coffee, being its use as organic fertilizer after the composting process one important alternative for final destination of this by-product. Composting can be considered as a technique that converts agro-industrial by-product into a product with nutritional value for plants, which is stable and free in terms of contaminants presence. Recently, at the Experimental Farm of Viana (FEV), which is located in the municipality of Viana - ES and belongs to the Capixaba Institute of Research, Technical Assistance, and Rural Extension - INCAPER, a composting plant was established for solving a problem of coffee agribusiness residues disposal that are generated by Realcafé in the manufacture of soluble coffee. This work aimed to evaluate the potential of the organic compound produced by this plant, to be used as fertilizer for cultivating maize crop. The use of different doses of this organic compound were tested in combination with mineral fertilization. Agronomic parameters were assessed, such as plant growth and productivity, nutritional status of corn leaves, and soil fertility analysis performed after the maize cultivation. An economic evaluation of each treatment was also carried out based on the costs of the fertilizers and the price of corn that was produced. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, with five treatments and four replicates. The corn cultivar was the cultivar INCAPER ES - 203, which was grown using an irrigated system. The treatments were: 1) 100% organic compound; 2) 75% organic compound + 25% mineral fertilizer; 3) 50% organic compound + 50% mineral fertilizer; 4) 75% organic compound + 25% mineral fertilizer, and 5) 100% mineral fertilizer. The treatments were submitted and compared statistically by the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability. As a result, the treatments that received the organic compound have showed development performance and corn productivity lower than that when only mineral fertilizer was applied. For grain yield/productivity, treatments 4 and 5 showed higher yields, differing statistically from the others. The treatments did not differ from each other in the economic evaluation that was carried out, demonstrating the economic viability of applying the studied organic compound. In conclusion, the organic compound containing coffee grounds presented satisfactory results for fertilizing maize crop, especially when used in combination with mineral fertilization. The use of the assessed organic compound, pure or in association with mineral fertilization, even with lower yields being verified, demonstrated economic viability when compared with treatments with mineral fertilization, due to its lower fertilization cost.
The generation of by-products by industrial processes is a reality and it has been a big challenge, in terms of their adequate treatment and final destination. The coffee grounds is the main waste generated in the agro-industrialization of soluble coffee, being its use as organic fertilizer after the composting process one important alternative for final destination of this by-product. Composting can be considered as a technique that converts agro-industrial by-product into a product with nutritional value for plants, which is stable and free in terms of contaminants presence. Recently, at the Experimental Farm of Viana (FEV), which is located in the municipality of Viana - ES and belongs to the Capixaba Institute of Research, Technical Assistance, and Rural Extension - INCAPER, a composting plant was established for solving a problem of coffee agribusiness residues disposal that are generated by Realcafé in the manufacture of soluble coffee. This work aimed to evaluate the potential of the organic compound produced by this plant, to be used as fertilizer for cultivating maize crop. The use of different doses of this organic compound were tested in combination with mineral fertilization. Agronomic parameters were assessed, such as plant growth and productivity, nutritional status of corn leaves, and soil fertility analysis performed after the maize cultivation. An economic evaluation of each treatment was also carried out based on the costs of the fertilizers and the price of corn that was produced. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, with five treatments and four replicates. The corn cultivar was the cultivar INCAPER ES - 203, which was grown using an irrigated system. The treatments were: 1) 100% organic compound; 2) 75% organic compound + 25% mineral fertilizer; 3) 50% organic compound + 50% mineral fertilizer; 4) 75% organic compound + 25% mineral fertilizer, and 5) 100% mineral fertilizer. The treatments were submitted and compared statistically by the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability. As a result, the treatments that received the organic compound have showed development performance and corn productivity lower than that when only mineral fertilizer was applied. For grain yield/productivity, treatments 4 and 5 showed higher yields, differing statistically from the others. The treatments did not differ from each other in the economic evaluation that was carried out, demonstrating the economic viability of applying the studied organic compound. In conclusion, the organic compound containing coffee grounds presented satisfactory results for fertilizing maize crop, especially when used in combination with mineral fertilization. The use of the assessed organic compound, pure or in association with mineral fertilization, even with lower yields being verified, demonstrated economic viability when compared with treatments with mineral fertilization, due to its lower fertilization cost.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Compostagem, Adubação orgânica, Subprodutos agroindustriais, Composting, Organic fertilization, Agro-industrial by-product, Borra de café, Fertilizantes orgânicos, Organic fertilizers, Coffee grounds
SOUZA, Leonardo Moreira Borges de. Avaliação de composto orgânico contendo borra de café na adubação da cultura do milho. 2021. 66 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologias e Inovações Ambientais) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.