Problemas fitossanitários e crescimento de duas cultivares de café durante o primeiro ano em experimento FACE (“Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment”)
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Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”
O clima do planeta vem se alterando gradativamente nas últimas décadas em consequência da intensificação das atividades antrópicas, como a queima de combustíveis fósseis e mudanças no uso da terra, que são responsáveis por alterações em diversos componentes do ambiente, como o dióxido de carbono (CO2), o ozônio (O 3 ) e a radiação ultravioleta-B (UV-B). Considerando que o CO 2 é o gás de efeito estufa que tem maior destaque devido ao maior volume de emissões, os efeitos do aumento da concentração de CO2 do ar (duas condições: ambiente e elevada em relação à concentração de CO2 do ar) foram avaliados sobre os problemas fitossanitários e o crescimento de plantas jovens de café em duas cultivares (Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 e Obatã IAC 1669-20) durante o primeiro ano de injeção do gás em FACE (“Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment”). O experimento foi realizado no campo experimental da Embrapa Meio Ambiente, em Jaguariúna, (latitude 22°71’90’’S, longitude 47°02’10’’W, altitude de 570 m), sendo composto por 12 parcelas octogonais com laterais de quatro metros e 10 metros de diâmetro. A injeção de CO 2 é feita no período diurno, das 7 às 17h, em seis parcelas por meio de bicos injetores localizados nos lados das parcelas a 0,5m de altura do solo. A injeção só é feita com ventos entre 0,5 e 4,5 m/s controlada por meio de válvulas. O monitoramento e o controle do sistema são realizados por uma rede de comunicação sem fio. O aumento da concentração de CO 2 do ar não teve efeito sobre o crescimento das plantas jovens de café para as duas cultivares para as variáveis: número total de folhas, número total de ramos e diâmetro do colo. Apenas o número total de nós e a altura das plantas apresentaram diferenças significativas quanto ao tratamento com CO 2; as duas cultivares em condições de concentração elevada de CO 2 e a cultivar Obatã em condição ambiente de CO 2 apresentaram maior número total de nós e maior altura que a cultivar Catuaí em condições de concentração ambiente de CO 2 . O aumento da concentração de CO 2 do ar não teve efeito na incidência de ferrugem para a cultivar Catuaí. Em condições de concentração elevada de CO2, a cultivar Obatã apresentou maior incidência de cercosporiose que a mesma cultivar em condição de concentração ambiente de CO2. Não houve diferença significativa na incidência de bicho- mineiro para as duas cultivares. Os problemas fitossanitários constatados no FACE foram testados em condições de laboratório em discos foliares e folhas destacadas obtidos de plantas desenvolvidas nas parcelas dos tratamentos em campo. A severidade de ferrugem foi maior em discos foliares obtidos de plantas da cultivar Catuaí desenvolvidas em condição de concentração ambiente de CO 2 do que em discos foliares obtidos de plantas da mesma cultivar desenvolvidas em condição de concentração elevada de CO2. O período de incubação dos ovos de bicho-mineiro foi maior em discos foliares obtidos de plantas desenvolvidas em condição de concentração elevada de CO2 do que em discos foliares obtidos de plantas desenvolvidas em condição de concentração ambiente de CO2 e, em discos foliares da cultivar Catuaí do que em discos foliares da cultivar Obatã. Não houve diferença significativa no número médio de esporos de ferrugem, na severidade e viabilidade dos ovos de bicho-mineiro e na severidade de cercosporiose. O presente trabalho terá continuidade e novas avaliações serão realizadas por um maior período, aliando ao efeito do CO 2 outros fatores do ambiente, como precipitação.
The earth's climate has been changing gradually over the last decades as a result of the intensification of human activities such as burning fossil fuels and changes in land use, which are responsible for changes in various components of the environment, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O 3 ) and ultraviolet B (UV-B). Considering that CO 2 is the greenhouse gas that is more prominent due to higher emissions, the effects of increasing the concentration of CO2 in the air (two conditions: environment and high relative concentration of CO2 air) were evaluated on the phytosanitary problems and growth young coffee plants in both cultivars (Catuai Vermelho IAC 144 and Obatã IAC 1669-20) during the first year of gas injection in FACE ("Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment"). The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of Embrapa Environment in Jaguariuna, (latitude 22°71'90'' S, longitude 47°02'10''W, altitude 570 m), comprising 12 plots octagonal side four meters and 10 meters in diameter. The CO 2 injection is made during the day, from 7 to 17h, in six installments through nozzles located on the sides of the plots at 0.5 m height from the ground. The injection is made only with winds between 0.5 and 4.5 m/s controlled by valves. The monitoring and control system are realized by a network of wireless communication. The increased concentration of CO 2 in the air had no effect on the growth of young coffee plants for both cultivars for the variables total number of leaves, total number of branches and diameter of the stem of each plant. Only the total number of nodes and plant height showed significant differences in treatment with CO 2 , the two cultivars under conditions of elevated CO 2 concentration and cultivate Obatã environment condition of CO 2 had higher total number of nodes and a greater height than Catuaí under conditions of ambient concentration of CO 2 . The increase of the CO 2 concentration of the air had no effect on rust incidence for Catuaí. In conditions of high concentration of CO2, the Obatã cultivar showed higher incidence of cercospora leaf spot that the same cultivar on condition of ambient concentration of CO2. There was no significant difference in the incidence of leaf miner for both cultivars. The disease problems observed in FACE were tested under laboratory conditions in leaf discs and detached leaves obtained from plants grown in plots of treatments in the field. The rust severity was higher in leaf discs obtained from plants grown in the Catuaí condition ambient concentration of CO 2 than in leaf discs obtained from the same cultivar developed in conditions of high concentration of CO2. The incubation period of eggs miner was higher in leaf discs obtained from plants grown in conditions of high concentration of CO2 than in leaf discs obtained from plants grown in conditions of ambient concentration of CO2, and leaf discs of Catuaí than in leaf disks of cultivate Obatã. There was no significant difference in the average number of spores of rust severity and egg viability of leaf miner and severity of cercospora leaf spot. This work will continue and new evaluations will be conducted for a longer period, combining the effect of CO 2 other environmental factors such as precipitation.
The earth's climate has been changing gradually over the last decades as a result of the intensification of human activities such as burning fossil fuels and changes in land use, which are responsible for changes in various components of the environment, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O 3 ) and ultraviolet B (UV-B). Considering that CO 2 is the greenhouse gas that is more prominent due to higher emissions, the effects of increasing the concentration of CO2 in the air (two conditions: environment and high relative concentration of CO2 air) were evaluated on the phytosanitary problems and growth young coffee plants in both cultivars (Catuai Vermelho IAC 144 and Obatã IAC 1669-20) during the first year of gas injection in FACE ("Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment"). The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of Embrapa Environment in Jaguariuna, (latitude 22°71'90'' S, longitude 47°02'10''W, altitude 570 m), comprising 12 plots octagonal side four meters and 10 meters in diameter. The CO 2 injection is made during the day, from 7 to 17h, in six installments through nozzles located on the sides of the plots at 0.5 m height from the ground. The injection is made only with winds between 0.5 and 4.5 m/s controlled by valves. The monitoring and control system are realized by a network of wireless communication. The increased concentration of CO 2 in the air had no effect on the growth of young coffee plants for both cultivars for the variables total number of leaves, total number of branches and diameter of the stem of each plant. Only the total number of nodes and plant height showed significant differences in treatment with CO 2 , the two cultivars under conditions of elevated CO 2 concentration and cultivate Obatã environment condition of CO 2 had higher total number of nodes and a greater height than Catuaí under conditions of ambient concentration of CO 2 . The increase of the CO 2 concentration of the air had no effect on rust incidence for Catuaí. In conditions of high concentration of CO2, the Obatã cultivar showed higher incidence of cercospora leaf spot that the same cultivar on condition of ambient concentration of CO2. There was no significant difference in the incidence of leaf miner for both cultivars. The disease problems observed in FACE were tested under laboratory conditions in leaf discs and detached leaves obtained from plants grown in plots of treatments in the field. The rust severity was higher in leaf discs obtained from plants grown in the Catuaí condition ambient concentration of CO 2 than in leaf discs obtained from the same cultivar developed in conditions of high concentration of CO2. The incubation period of eggs miner was higher in leaf discs obtained from plants grown in conditions of high concentration of CO2 than in leaf discs obtained from plants grown in conditions of ambient concentration of CO2, and leaf discs of Catuaí than in leaf disks of cultivate Obatã. There was no significant difference in the average number of spores of rust severity and egg viability of leaf miner and severity of cercospora leaf spot. This work will continue and new evaluations will be conducted for a longer period, combining the effect of CO 2 other environmental factors such as precipitation.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”
Dióxido de carbono, Doenças, Pragas, Mudanças climáticas
IOST, R. Problemas fitossanitários e crescimento de duas cultivares de café durante o primeiro ano em experimento FACE (“Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment”). 2013. 77 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia) - Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Botucatu. 2013.