Monitoramento de um sistema piloto no tratamento da água residuária do café produzido por via úmida
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, monitorar uma lagoa de estabilização, a partida e o funcionamento de reatores UASB em escala piloto no tratamento da água residuária do café (ARC) produzido por via úmida. O sistema utilizado, localizado no Núcleo de Estudos em Cafeicultura (NECAF/UFLA), foi composto de duas grades de retenção de sólidos grosseiros, caixa de areia, lagoa de estabilização, dois reatores UASB concêntricos trabalhando em série, um equalizador de pressão, três filtros de remoção de gás sulfídrico (H2S), três medidores de biogás seguidos de queimadores de gás, um reator anaeróbio híbrido, dois reatores aeróbios operando em batelada, um leito de secagem, seis reservatórios de efluentes e, ainda, sistema de bombeamento constituído por seis bombas. Foi instalado um Controlador Lógico Programável (CLP) para operação dos equipamentos elétricos e o sistema foi monitorado por meio de parâmetros operacionais e de análises químicas e físico-químicas. Foram 136 dias de pesquisa e nesse período foram realizadas três partidas devido, principalmente, a problemas com o sistema de controle CLP. As cargas orgânicas biológicas (COB) nas três partidas foram: 0,10; 0,05 e 0,04 kgDBO5.kgSTV-1, respectivamente. Ficou constatado, por meio do balanço hídrico, que a lagoa de estabilização foi a unidade mais importante na remoção da matéria orgânica, contribuindo para a baixa eficiência das demais unidades do sistema e, devido à baixa carga recebida, os reatores não apresentaram a eficiência esperada. Foi desenvolvido um modelo de ajuste para a autodepuração da lagoa de estabilização, a partir do cálculo do balanço hídrico, das equações de estimativa de remoção de DQO e das análises de DQO realizadas, o qual apresentou um coeficiente de ajuste (r2) satisfatório de 0,8015. Não houve formação de lodo granular nos reatores UASB devido à baixa concentração de matéria orgânica afluente, que também reduziu substancialmente a produção total de biogás no período (1,26 m3). O pH médio foi de 7,4. O sistema apresentou equilíbrio com relação aos parâmetros medidos e uma boa estabilidade. O efluente analisado não apresentou riscos de salinidade ou de sodificação, podendo ser reutilizado para irrigação da maioria das culturas e solos
This research aimed at monitoring a stabilization pond, the start-up and performance of UASB reactors as part of a pilot treatment system designed to treat coffee wastewater (CW) originated from a wet processing. The system, located in the Nucleus of Studies of Coffee Culture (NECAF/UFLA), was assembled with two screens placed in a sand retention unit, a stabilization pond, two concentrics UASB reactors working in series, one hybrid anaerobic reactor, two aerated reactors working in batch process, one drainage unit for drying the exceeding sludge, and a pumping system built with six pumps, six reservoirs, one gas equalization tank, three filters for H2S removing, and three gas-meters followed by a biogas burning unit (flare). It was installed also a control center for automation of the electric equipments using a Programmable Logical Controller – PLC, in order to control each unit according to several parameters concerning chemical and physical-chemical analysis. The experiment lasted 136 days, and during this time it was realized three start-ups due to the fail problems concerning to the PLC equipment. The biological organic loading rates (BOLR) used in the three start-ups were: 0.10; 0.05 and 0.04 kgBOD5.kgTVS-1, respectively. It was verified through the hydro-balance, that the stabilization pond was the most important unit in removing the organic matter, and therefore, due to the low organic loading rate received in the following units, the UASB reactors did not show the expected efficiency. It was developed a model to adjust the autodepuration data of the stabilization pond using a hydro-balance adjusted calculus, a theoretical COD removal equation, and also the analysis of COD data measured, presenting a satisfactory adjust coefficient (r2) of 0.8015. The granulated sludge did not occur since the affluent was quite low in its organic concentration. The low affluent concentration also reduced substantially the total biogas production in the period (1.26 m3). The average pH was 7.4. The experiment demonstrated, through the measured parameters, a good stability. The effluent analyzed did not present risk due its salinity or sodification, and therefore could be applied for irrigating process for the majority of crops and soils.
This research aimed at monitoring a stabilization pond, the start-up and performance of UASB reactors as part of a pilot treatment system designed to treat coffee wastewater (CW) originated from a wet processing. The system, located in the Nucleus of Studies of Coffee Culture (NECAF/UFLA), was assembled with two screens placed in a sand retention unit, a stabilization pond, two concentrics UASB reactors working in series, one hybrid anaerobic reactor, two aerated reactors working in batch process, one drainage unit for drying the exceeding sludge, and a pumping system built with six pumps, six reservoirs, one gas equalization tank, three filters for H2S removing, and three gas-meters followed by a biogas burning unit (flare). It was installed also a control center for automation of the electric equipments using a Programmable Logical Controller – PLC, in order to control each unit according to several parameters concerning chemical and physical-chemical analysis. The experiment lasted 136 days, and during this time it was realized three start-ups due to the fail problems concerning to the PLC equipment. The biological organic loading rates (BOLR) used in the three start-ups were: 0.10; 0.05 and 0.04 kgBOD5.kgTVS-1, respectively. It was verified through the hydro-balance, that the stabilization pond was the most important unit in removing the organic matter, and therefore, due to the low organic loading rate received in the following units, the UASB reactors did not show the expected efficiency. It was developed a model to adjust the autodepuration data of the stabilization pond using a hydro-balance adjusted calculus, a theoretical COD removal equation, and also the analysis of COD data measured, presenting a satisfactory adjust coefficient (r2) of 0.8015. The granulated sludge did not occur since the affluent was quite low in its organic concentration. The low affluent concentration also reduced substantially the total biogas production in the period (1.26 m3). The average pH was 7.4. The experiment demonstrated, through the measured parameters, a good stability. The effluent analyzed did not present risk due its salinity or sodification, and therefore could be applied for irrigating process for the majority of crops and soils.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Água residuária do café, Lagoa de estabilização, Tratamento anaeróbio
SILVA, J. F. Monitoramento de um sistema piloto no tratamento da água residuária do café produzido por via úmida . 2007. 133 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2007.