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A redução da temperatura da massa de grãos, abaixo de 15 oC tem sido eficiente para reduzir a atividade de água dos grãos e, consequentemente, a atividade de insetos e de fungos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar diferentes sistemas de armazenagem de café cereja descascado, visando a preservação das suas qualidades fisiológicas e de mercado. Foram usados grãos de café cereja em pergaminho, com teor de água de 12 ± 0,061% b.u.. Utilizou-se um experimento em parcelas subdivididas, tendo nas parcelas um esquema fatorial 3 x 7 e, nas subparcelas, sete avaliações, com três repetições. Adotaram-se três condições de armazenamento (à 15 e 25 °C e em armazém convencional à temperatura ambiente) e sete intervalos de tempo de armazenagem (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias). Avaliaram-se possíveis alterações dos grãos em função das diferentes condições de armazenamento durante um intervalo de tempo, para as variáveis cor, tipo e bebida do café, contaminação por microrganismos, teor de água, peso de mil grãos, cinzas, nitrogênio total, teor de proteína (proteína bruta), potássio total, potássio lixiviado, fenol e condutividade elétrica. Concluiu-se que o método de resfriamento foi eficaz na preservação e conservação das características qualitativas iniciais de grãos de café cereja descascado, mantendo a qualidade da bebida, diminuindo a incidência e o desenvolvimento de microrganismos.
Reducing the temperature of bulk grain to below 15 oC is effective in reducing the grain water activity and thus insect and fungal activity. The objective of this study was to evaluate various storage systems coffee green in order to preserve their physiological qualities and market. This study was done of green coffee beans with moisture content of 12 ± 0,061% w.b,. The study was done in the split-plot design, having the plots in the 3 x 7 factorial scheme and the sub plots (seven storage periods), with three replications. The beans were cooled to 15 or 25 °C, while the storage in conventional shed at room temperature served as control. The sampling was done at 30-day interval for 180 days. The alterations in the color, type and coffee brew, fungal growth, moisture content, 1000 grain weight, ash, total nitrogen, total protein content, total potassium, leached potassium, phenols, and electrical conductivity were monitored. It was concluded that the cooling was effective for preservation of and conservation of the qualitative characteristics of the green coffee beans, and in maintaining the brew quality and in reducing the fungal incidence and development.
Reducing the temperature of bulk grain to below 15 oC is effective in reducing the grain water activity and thus insect and fungal activity. The objective of this study was to evaluate various storage systems coffee green in order to preserve their physiological qualities and market. This study was done of green coffee beans with moisture content of 12 ± 0,061% w.b,. The study was done in the split-plot design, having the plots in the 3 x 7 factorial scheme and the sub plots (seven storage periods), with three replications. The beans were cooled to 15 or 25 °C, while the storage in conventional shed at room temperature served as control. The sampling was done at 30-day interval for 180 days. The alterations in the color, type and coffee brew, fungal growth, moisture content, 1000 grain weight, ash, total nitrogen, total protein content, total potassium, leached potassium, phenols, and electrical conductivity were monitored. It was concluded that the cooling was effective for preservation of and conservation of the qualitative characteristics of the green coffee beans, and in maintaining the brew quality and in reducing the fungal incidence and development.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
qualidade, resfriamento de grãos, microorganismos., quality, grain cooling microorganisms.
Rigueira, Roberta Jimenez de Almeida; Lacerda Filho, Adílio Flauzino de; Volk, Marcus Bochi da Silva. Armazenamento refrigerado de grãos de café descascado. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 4p.