Desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro cultivadas em tubetes e submetidas a diferentes níveis de déficit hídrico
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Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” - Universidade de São Paulo
A cafeicultura é uma atividade de grande importância no cenário sócio-econômico do Brasil, movimentando bilhões de dólares todos os anos e gerando milhares de empregos diretos e indiretos. O sucesso no cultivo de lavouras cafeeiras depende da observação de diversos cuidados, dentre os quais, a escolha de mudas com bom potencial genético, sadias e vigorosas. A utilização de sacos de polietileno como recipiente para o substrato na produção de mudas de cafeeiro apesar de tradicional, vêm perdendo espaço para os tubetes de polietileno rígido. Apesar das vantagens que os tubetes apresentam, como possibilidade de mecanização do enchimento e plantio, reutilização dos recipientes e menor quantidade de mão-de-obra utilizada, estes necessitam de substrato com características diferenciadas. Devido a isto, na produção de mudas em tubetes é necessária a utilização de um método de irrigação de alta eficiência, assim como de um manejo adequado para este. Há relatos na literatura atual mostrando a inadequação dos métodos de irrigação, empregados na produção de mudas de cafeeiro em tubetes. A utilização de uma irrigação inadequada pode gerar problemas no desenvolvimento da cultura, seja por deficiência hídrica, umidade excessiva do meio de crescimento, ou por propiciar o aparecimento e propagação de doenças relacionadas. Frente a esta necessidade, pretendeu-se com este trabalho gerar informações que orientem os produtores no manejo adequado da subirrigação na produção de mudas de cafeeiro em tubetes, determinando as implicações envolvidas na utilização deste método. O experimento foi conduzido em uma casa de vegetação na área experimental do Setor de Irrigação e Drenagem do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” - ESALQ/USP, no município de Piracicaba-SP. As mudas utilizadas no experimento foram de cafeeiros da cultivar Catuaí Vermelho, variedade LCH-2077- 2-5-99. O método de irrigação utilizado foi por subirrigação. O controle da irrigação foi realizado a partir da variação de peso dos tubetes com as mudas, devido a perda de água por evapotranspiração. No processo de controle dos pesos foram utilizadas células de carga, que monitoraram a variação de peso de um conjunto de tubetes denominado conjunto controle. O delineamento experimental foi em Blocos aleatorizados com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos avaliados foram cinco níveis de depleção da máxima capacidade de retenção de água (MCRA) apresentada pelo substrato (15%, 30%, 45%, 60% e 75% da MCRA). As parcelas foram constituídas por 32 tubetes. Para se quantificar os efeitos dos tratamentos foram avaliados mensalmente as seguintes características das mudas: Altura do ramo ortotrópico, diâmetro do ramo ortotrópico, área foliar, bem como os valores de matéria seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular. A subirrigação manejada por lisimetria foi considerado tecnicamente viável, para produção de mudas de cafeeiro em tubetes. O sistema automático de manejo da irrigação, se mostrou adequado para monitorar e controlar a irrigação. Os níveis de depleção acima de 45% se mostraram limitantes ao desenvolvimento das mudas, sendo nível de depleção de 27% considerado ideal.
Coffee production is a very important activity in the socioeconomic context in Brazil, which makes billion of dollars go around the economy every year generating thousands of direct and indirect jobs. The success in the coffee production depends on the observation of several needs, among others the choice of healthy and vigorous seedlings with good genetic potential. The use of sacks of polyethylene as a container for the substrate in the production of coffee seedlings is traditional, nevertheless are losing space for the plastic tubes. Despite some advantages of plastic tubes like the possibility of mechanization of filling and planting, the reuse of the containers and the smaller number of employees demanded in the production, the plastic tubes need substrate with special characteristics. In the production of coffee seedlings in plastic tubes is necessary the use of irrigation of high efficiency, as well as appropriate manipulation. There are reports in the literature showing a lack of suitability of the irrigation methods in the production of coffee seedlings in plastic tubes. The use of inadequate irrigation methods can cause problems in the culture development, due to hydric deficiency, excessive moisture, or for fostering the appearance and propagation of diseases. On the basis of these aspects, the objective of this work was to generate information to guide the producers in an appropriate handling of the sub-irrigation in the coffee seedling production in plastic tubes, determining the involved implications in the use of that method. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in an experimental area of the Irrigation and Drainage Section of the Rural Engineering Department of the Superior School of Agriculture “Luiz de Queiroz” – ESALQ/USP, in the city of Piracicaba, São Paulo State. The seedlings used in the experiment were coffee plants of the species Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí Vermelho, variety LCH-2077-2-5-99. The irrigation method used was by sub- irrigation. The irrigation control was done according to the weight variation of the plastic tubes with the seedlings, due to the loss of water by evapotranspiration. In the control process of the weights were used load cells, which monitored the weight variation of a group of plastic tubes, denominated control group. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four replications. The evaluated treatments had five levels of depletion of the maximum capacity of water retention (MCRA) presented by the substrate (15%, 30%, 45%, 60% and 75% of the MCRA). The plots were constituted of 32 plastic tubes. To quantify the effects of the treatments were monthly measured the following characteristics of the seedlings: Height of the orthopic brach, diameter of the orthopic branch, leaf area, as well as the values of dry matter of the aerial part and radicular system. The handling of sub-irrigation by lysimeter was technically viable for the production of coffee seedlings in plastic tubes. The automatic system for handling the irrigation was adequate to monitor and control it. The levels of depletion above 45% limited the development of seedlings, however the depletion of 27% was considered ideal.
Coffee production is a very important activity in the socioeconomic context in Brazil, which makes billion of dollars go around the economy every year generating thousands of direct and indirect jobs. The success in the coffee production depends on the observation of several needs, among others the choice of healthy and vigorous seedlings with good genetic potential. The use of sacks of polyethylene as a container for the substrate in the production of coffee seedlings is traditional, nevertheless are losing space for the plastic tubes. Despite some advantages of plastic tubes like the possibility of mechanization of filling and planting, the reuse of the containers and the smaller number of employees demanded in the production, the plastic tubes need substrate with special characteristics. In the production of coffee seedlings in plastic tubes is necessary the use of irrigation of high efficiency, as well as appropriate manipulation. There are reports in the literature showing a lack of suitability of the irrigation methods in the production of coffee seedlings in plastic tubes. The use of inadequate irrigation methods can cause problems in the culture development, due to hydric deficiency, excessive moisture, or for fostering the appearance and propagation of diseases. On the basis of these aspects, the objective of this work was to generate information to guide the producers in an appropriate handling of the sub-irrigation in the coffee seedling production in plastic tubes, determining the involved implications in the use of that method. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in an experimental area of the Irrigation and Drainage Section of the Rural Engineering Department of the Superior School of Agriculture “Luiz de Queiroz” – ESALQ/USP, in the city of Piracicaba, São Paulo State. The seedlings used in the experiment were coffee plants of the species Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí Vermelho, variety LCH-2077-2-5-99. The irrigation method used was by sub- irrigation. The irrigation control was done according to the weight variation of the plastic tubes with the seedlings, due to the loss of water by evapotranspiration. In the control process of the weights were used load cells, which monitored the weight variation of a group of plastic tubes, denominated control group. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four replications. The evaluated treatments had five levels of depletion of the maximum capacity of water retention (MCRA) presented by the substrate (15%, 30%, 45%, 60% and 75% of the MCRA). The plots were constituted of 32 plastic tubes. To quantify the effects of the treatments were monthly measured the following characteristics of the seedlings: Height of the orthopic brach, diameter of the orthopic branch, leaf area, as well as the values of dry matter of the aerial part and radicular system. The handling of sub-irrigation by lysimeter was technically viable for the production of coffee seedlings in plastic tubes. The automatic system for handling the irrigation was adequate to monitor and control it. The levels of depletion above 45% limited the development of seedlings, however the depletion of 27% was considered ideal.
Tese de doutorado defendida na Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” - Universidade de São Paulo
Cultivo em tubete, Instrumento de medida, Manejo, Mudas
ARANTES, K. R. Desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro cultivadas em tubetes e submetidas a diferentes níveis de déficit hídrico. 2007. 78 f. Tese (Doutorado em Irrigação e Drenagem) - Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba. 2007.