Compatibilidade das avaliações sensoriais de provadores de cafés especiais
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O Brasil é destaque mundial na produção e exportação de café arábica, sendo Minas Gerais o principal estado produtor. Desse total, o segmento de cafés especiais tem ganhado espaço no mercado. Os provadores desempenhando papel importante, pois por meio de suas avaliações, os cafés são classificados quanto a sua qualidade. Com o avanço desse segmento, concursos de qualidade de café surgem com intuito de eleger e premiar os cafés de mais alta qualidade. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho, verificar a homogeneidade dos provadores do Concurso de Qualidade dos cafés de Minas Gerais ao longo de quatro edições (2016, 2017, 2018 e 2019). Os dados utilizados foram referentes à etapa final do concurso, a qual é caracterizada pela presença dos melhores cafés. Há divisão de duas categorias, as quais remetem ao processamento do café, sendo elas: café natural e cereja descascado. Os dados analisados foram os atributos: fragrância/aroma; sabor; finalização; acidez; corpo; equilíbrio; final, e a pontuação final. Sabendo disso, as análises empregadas possuem cunho investigativo e exploratório, a fim de observar o comportamento dos provadores. Para isso, foram adotadas análises descritivas, agrupamento de Tocher e correspondência simples. Por meio das análises, notou-se similaridade entre a maioria dos provadores em todas as categorias e edições do concurso. Através da análise descritiva foi possível observar que os provadores 5, 15, 2 e 2 para os anos de 2016, 2017, 2018 e 2019 respectivamente, tiveram maiores médias. O agrupamento de Tocher evidencia que para o café natural ocorre maior dispersão na pontuação final, enquanto para o café cereja descascado esse fato é observado para o atributo acidez. Por meio da análise de correspondência simples, foi verificado que a maioria dos provadores estão associados, de modo semelhante, a todos os atributos sensoriais. Houve, no máximo, três provadores desassociados com os atributos avaliados, por edição e categoria. Conclui-se que grande parte dos provadores do Concurso de Qualidade dos Cafés de Minas Gerais apresenta homogeneidade na avaliação, sendo necessária a calibração de um número reduzido de provadores. Palavras-chave: Análise sensorial. Café natural. Café cereja descascado. Atributos sensoriais.
Brazil is a world leader in the production and export of Arabica coffee, with Minas Gerais being the main producing state. The specialty coffee segment has gained space in the market. The tasters play an important role, because through their evaluations, the coffees are classified according to their quality. With the advancement of this segment, coffee quality contests appear in order to elect and reward the highest quality coffees. The objective of the present work was to verify the homogeneity of the tasters of the Minas Gerais Coffee Quality Contest over four editions (2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019). The data used refer to the final stage of the contest, which is characterized by the presence of the best coffees. There is a division into two categories, which refer to coffee processing, namely: natural coffee and peeled cherry. The analyzed data were the attributes: fragrance/aroma; flavor; finalization; acidity; body; balance; final, and the final score. Knowing this, the analyzes used have an investigative and exploratory nature, in order to observe the behavior of the tasters. For this, descriptive analysis, Tocher grouping and simple correspondence were adopted. Through the analyses, similarity was noted between most tasters in all categories and editions of the contest. Through the descriptive analysis, it was possible to observe that tasters 5, 15, 2 and 2 for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively, had higher averages. The Tocher grouping shows that for natural coffee there is greater dispersion in the final score, while for peeled cherry coffee this fact is observed for the acidity attribute. Through simple correspondence analysis, it was verified that most tasters were similarly associated with all sensory attributes. There were, at most, three tasters disassociated with the evaluated attributes, by edition and category. It is concluded that most of the tasters of the Quality Contest of Coffees of Minas Gerais present homogeneity in the evaluation, being necessary the calibration of a reduced number of tasters. Keywords: Sensory analysis. Coffee natural. Washed coffee. Sensory attributes.
Brazil is a world leader in the production and export of Arabica coffee, with Minas Gerais being the main producing state. The specialty coffee segment has gained space in the market. The tasters play an important role, because through their evaluations, the coffees are classified according to their quality. With the advancement of this segment, coffee quality contests appear in order to elect and reward the highest quality coffees. The objective of the present work was to verify the homogeneity of the tasters of the Minas Gerais Coffee Quality Contest over four editions (2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019). The data used refer to the final stage of the contest, which is characterized by the presence of the best coffees. There is a division into two categories, which refer to coffee processing, namely: natural coffee and peeled cherry. The analyzed data were the attributes: fragrance/aroma; flavor; finalization; acidity; body; balance; final, and the final score. Knowing this, the analyzes used have an investigative and exploratory nature, in order to observe the behavior of the tasters. For this, descriptive analysis, Tocher grouping and simple correspondence were adopted. Through the analyses, similarity was noted between most tasters in all categories and editions of the contest. Through the descriptive analysis, it was possible to observe that tasters 5, 15, 2 and 2 for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively, had higher averages. The Tocher grouping shows that for natural coffee there is greater dispersion in the final score, while for peeled cherry coffee this fact is observed for the acidity attribute. Through simple correspondence analysis, it was verified that most tasters were similarly associated with all sensory attributes. There were, at most, three tasters disassociated with the evaluated attributes, by edition and category. It is concluded that most of the tasters of the Quality Contest of Coffees of Minas Gerais present homogeneity in the evaluation, being necessary the calibration of a reduced number of tasters. Keywords: Sensory analysis. Coffee natural. Washed coffee. Sensory attributes.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Café - Preparo, Avaliação sensorial, Baristas
ALMEIDA, Vinícius Gonçalves. Compatibilidade das avaliações sensoriais de provadores de cafés especiais. 2022. 81 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2022.