Sistema de monitoramento agrometeorológico para a cafeicultura paranaense
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A partir da implantação do IAPAR e do SIMEPAR, o Estado do Paraná passou a contar com uma rede de coleta de dados meteorológicos que possibilitam a geração de informações confiáveis aos agricultores. Assim, neste trabalho desenvolveu-se um sistema de monitoramento computadorizado, denominado SBDA - Sistema de Banco de Dados Agrometeorológicos, que visa organizar e processar dados diários da rede de estações automáticas do SIMEPAR e fornecer diagnósticos e dados para a cafeicultura. O sistema foi desenvolvido usando paradigma orientado a objeto e foi implementado em ambiente de programação Delphi. O desenvolvimento foi feito visando o usuário comum, por meio de menus auto-explicativos. As saídas do sistema permitem a recuperação de dados e saídas gráficas do balanço hídrico, que podem ser utilizados para interpretar as condições climáticas para as lavouras.
Since the implementation of the Agronomic Institute of Parana (IAPAR) and Meteorological System of Parana (SIMEPAR), in southern Brazil, a reliable network of meteorological data was established and has been maintained in the state of Parana. This database makes possible to generate useful information for the farmers. Therefore, in this work a computerized system named SBDA (Agrometeorological data base System) was developed, with the purpose of organizing and processing daily data from the automated network of SIMEPAR and to generate information for the coffee growers. The system was developed using object oriented language and was implemented in a Delphi environment. The design aimed at the common user through self explanatory menus. The outputs of the system allow the recovering of data and graphics of the water balance which can be used to interpret the climatic conditions for the coffee plantations.
Since the implementation of the Agronomic Institute of Parana (IAPAR) and Meteorological System of Parana (SIMEPAR), in southern Brazil, a reliable network of meteorological data was established and has been maintained in the state of Parana. This database makes possible to generate useful information for the farmers. Therefore, in this work a computerized system named SBDA (Agrometeorological data base System) was developed, with the purpose of organizing and processing daily data from the automated network of SIMEPAR and to generate information for the coffee growers. The system was developed using object oriented language and was implemented in a Delphi environment. The design aimed at the common user through self explanatory menus. The outputs of the system allow the recovering of data and graphics of the water balance which can be used to interpret the climatic conditions for the coffee plantations.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Café Monitoramento agrometeorológico Paraná Sistema especialista Orientação a objeto Balanço hídrico, Coffee Agrometeorological monitoring Paraná State Expert system Object oriented language Water balance
Lozano, J. Wanderlei; Caramori, P. Henrique. Sistema de monitoramento agrometeorológico para a cafeicultura paranaense. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 214-221.