Distribuição espacial do café na região das matas de Minas
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A Região das Matas de Minas caracteriza-se pelo seu relevo movimentado sob solos intemperizados e de baixa fertilidade natural. Originalmente, a região era coberta por matas que, em sua maioria, foram derrubadas dando lugar à de lavouras de café e de pastagens. O mapeamento das áreas cafeeiras a partir do uso de sensoriamento remoto ainda constitui um desafio para os pesquisadores. Diante disso, o presente estudo tem por objetivo mapear o uso e a cobertura do solo, com ênfase nas áreas cultivadas com café, da região das Matas de Minas a partir do emprego do classificador Random Forest. O estudo foi realizado utilizando-se as bandas 1 a 7 do Landsat 8 de 02 de agosto de 2013 com correção atmosférica. O processamento dos dados foi feito utilizando os softwares ArcGis 10.1 e R 3.2. Realizou-se a coleta de 8.500 amostras distribuídas de forma aleatória em toda a área de estudo e envolvendo todas as oito classes de uso de interesse no estudo, a saber: café, mata, eucalipto, solo, água, pastagem, nuvem e sombra. Com base no arquivo de amostras foram extraídos os valores de radiância de cada banda da imagem Landsat 8. A classificação foi realizada utilizando-se a interface do software R. Para avaliar o grau de sobreposição espectral das classes de uso do conjunto de amostras foi utilizado o índice de separação de classes de Jefferyes-Matusita. Para a avaliação da exatidão da classificação foi utilizado o índice Kappa e Kappa condicional. Ao se empregar um conjunto de 80 pixels por classe foi suficiente para se obter bons resultados para todos os classificadores avaliados. O refinamento do conjunto de amostras propiciou a melhora do índice de separabilidade Jefferyes-Matusita dentre as classes florestais envolvidas no presente estudo: café, mata e eucalipto. A cultura cafeeira, na região das Matas de Minas, recobre 424.705,50 hectares.
The Region of Matas de Minas is characterized by its busiest relief under which developed deep and well-drained soil. Originally, the area was covered by forests that, for the most part were torn down giving way to coffee plantations and pastures. The mapping of the coffee areas from remote sensing use is still a challenge for researchers. Therefore, this study aims to map the land use and cover, with emphasis on areas cultivated with coffee, the region of Matas de Minas from the use of the Random Forest classifier. The study was conducted using bands 1-7 Landsat 8 August 2, 2013 with atmospheric correction. Data processing was done using the software ArcGIS 10.1 and R 3.2. It took place collecting 8,500 samples distributed randomly across the study area and involving all eight classes of use of interest in the study, namely: coffee, forest, eucalyptus, soil, water, pasture, cloud and shade. Based on the file samples were taken from the radiance values of each band of Landsat 8. The ratings were performed using the R software interface to assess the degree of spectral overlap between the use of classes of the set of samples was used Jefferyes- Matusita classes separation index. For evaluating the accuracy of the ratings we used the Kappa index and conditional Kappa. When employing a set of 80 pixels per class yielded good results for all evaluated classifiers. The refinement of the set of samples allowed the improvement of Jefferyes-Matusita separability index among forest classes involved in this study: coffee, forest and eucalyptus. The coffee culture in the region of Matas de Minas, covering 424,705.50 hectares.
The Region of Matas de Minas is characterized by its busiest relief under which developed deep and well-drained soil. Originally, the area was covered by forests that, for the most part were torn down giving way to coffee plantations and pastures. The mapping of the coffee areas from remote sensing use is still a challenge for researchers. Therefore, this study aims to map the land use and cover, with emphasis on areas cultivated with coffee, the region of Matas de Minas from the use of the Random Forest classifier. The study was conducted using bands 1-7 Landsat 8 August 2, 2013 with atmospheric correction. Data processing was done using the software ArcGIS 10.1 and R 3.2. It took place collecting 8,500 samples distributed randomly across the study area and involving all eight classes of use of interest in the study, namely: coffee, forest, eucalyptus, soil, water, pasture, cloud and shade. Based on the file samples were taken from the radiance values of each band of Landsat 8. The ratings were performed using the R software interface to assess the degree of spectral overlap between the use of classes of the set of samples was used Jefferyes- Matusita classes separation index. For evaluating the accuracy of the ratings we used the Kappa index and conditional Kappa. When employing a set of 80 pixels per class yielded good results for all evaluated classifiers. The refinement of the set of samples allowed the improvement of Jefferyes-Matusita separability index among forest classes involved in this study: coffee, forest and eucalyptus. The coffee culture in the region of Matas de Minas, covering 424,705.50 hectares.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Café - Cultivo, Café - Mapeamento - Sensoriamento remoto, Café (Bebida) - Qualidade
FARIA, M. M. Distribuição espacial do café na região das matas de Minas. 2015. 78 f. Tese (Doutorado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2015.