Efeito do 2,4-D na produtividade do cafeeiro
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O 2,4-D é um dos herbicidas mais utilizados na cafeicultura para o controle de plantas daninhas. Contudo, ele pode intoxicar a lavoura seja por deriva ou por absorção radicular, uma vez que é muito móvel e pouco adsorvido ao solo. Admitindo-se a hipótese de que o 2,4-D possa causar quedas de frutos em estágio inicial de crescimento "chumbinho", o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito desse herbicida na produtividade do cafeeiro. O herbicida foi aplicado em duas épocas, durante o florescimento do cafezal, nas doses de 0, 335, 670 e 1005 g ha -1, em jato dirigido lateralmente à saia do cafeeiro, não se evitando deriva, num delineamento em blocos casualizados com cinco repetições. A lavoura (Coffea arabica L.) estava em plena produção (quarta safra), no espaçamento de 3 x 1 m, em solo com 53% de argila, 3,39 dag kg -1 de matéria orgânica, pH igual a 5,2, CTC efetiva e potencial igual a, respectivamente, 2,82 e 5,28 cmolc dm -3. A toxidez do herbicida às plantas de café e a produtividade da cultura foram avaliadas. Apesar da pequena injúria (inferior a 20%) apenas à saia das plantas de café (devido à deriva), não houve efeito significativo das doses de até 1005 g ha -1 de 2,4-D na produção de frutos por planta. Acredita-se que o 2,4-D tenha sido adsorvido ao solo e degrado rapidamente pelos microrganismos, não chegando a ser absorvido pelas raízes do café. Concluiu-se, então, que o 2,4-D não afetou a produtividade da lavoura.
2,4-D is the most common herbicide used in coffee plantations to control weeds. Although it may intoxicate the coffee plant either by drift or by root uptake, due to its high mobility and weak adsorption in the soil. Taking into account the hypothesis that 2,4-D may lead to fruit fall in its early growth stage known as "pinhead", this work was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of this herbicide on coffee yield. Herbicide application was performed at two times during flowering period at doses of 0, 335, 670 and 1005 g ha -1; this was done by spraying it laterally to coffee plants in a complete randomized block design with five replicates. The coffee plantation (Coffea arabica L.) was at fourth harvest time, spaceal 3.0 x 1.0 m, in a soil with 53% clay, 3.39 dag kg -1 organic matter, pH 5.2, and efective and potential CEC of 2.82 and 5.28 cmolc dm -3 , respectively. Herbicide toxicity to the plants and crop yield were evaluated. Despite the weak injury (below 20%) which was only restricted to the botton of plant canopies (due to drift), doses of 2,4-D until 1005 g ha -1 did not affect the crop yield per plant. It is believed that 2,4-D was adsorbed in the soil in addition to being rapidly degrated by microorganism, so it was not taken up by coffee’s roots. Therefore, it was conclued that 2,4-D did not affect the coffee yield.
2,4-D is the most common herbicide used in coffee plantations to control weeds. Although it may intoxicate the coffee plant either by drift or by root uptake, due to its high mobility and weak adsorption in the soil. Taking into account the hypothesis that 2,4-D may lead to fruit fall in its early growth stage known as "pinhead", this work was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of this herbicide on coffee yield. Herbicide application was performed at two times during flowering period at doses of 0, 335, 670 and 1005 g ha -1; this was done by spraying it laterally to coffee plants in a complete randomized block design with five replicates. The coffee plantation (Coffea arabica L.) was at fourth harvest time, spaceal 3.0 x 1.0 m, in a soil with 53% clay, 3.39 dag kg -1 organic matter, pH 5.2, and efective and potential CEC of 2.82 and 5.28 cmolc dm -3 , respectively. Herbicide toxicity to the plants and crop yield were evaluated. Despite the weak injury (below 20%) which was only restricted to the botton of plant canopies (due to drift), doses of 2,4-D until 1005 g ha -1 did not affect the crop yield per plant. It is believed that 2,4-D was adsorbed in the soil in addition to being rapidly degrated by microorganism, so it was not taken up by coffee’s roots. Therefore, it was conclued that 2,4-D did not affect the coffee yield.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Café Plantas daninhas Controle Herbicida Coffea arabica, Coffee Weeds Control Herbicide Coffea arabica
Ronchi, Cláudio Pagotto; Silva, Alberto da Silva; Miranda, Glauco Vieira; Ferreira, Lino Roberto; Terra, Agmar Antônio. Efeito do 2,4-D na produtividade do cafeeiro. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 1756-1761