Perspectivas de supressividade e qualidade do inóculo rizosférico de Meloidogyne exigua no cafeeiro em alguns períodos do ano
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O ovo nos nematóides sofre o processo de embriogênese, com diversas fases, constituindo o estádio de sobrevivência desse organismo no campo. Todas as fases da embriogênese bem como a eclosão do juvenil do segundo estádio (J2) sofrem a influência da temperatura. Os ovos também sofrem os efeitos da microflora da rizosfera a qual também vai afetar o sitio de alimentação de Meloidogyne sp. podendo levar à supressividade de sua população na rizosfera da planta. Entretanto outros fatores podem estar envolvidos na supressão de populações de fitonematóides no campo, como fatores físicos do solo e matéria orgânica. Numa rizosfera estável como na cultura cafeeira (planta perene) a investigação de fatores supressivos durante as diversas estações do ano podem caracterizar o potencial de dano e prejuízo ao cafeeiro pelo inóculo rizosférico de Meloidogyne exigua. Em amostras representativas da rizosfera cafeeira de duas cidades (Lavras e Varginha, MG) avaliou-se o número de galhas, produção de ovos, eclosão de (J2) e desenvolvimento embrionário. Embora os parâmetros avaliados tenham variado bastante entre os dois locais de amostragem e períodos de coleta de amostras (I, II, III e IV) destaca-se o número maior de galhas e produção de ovos (P≤0,05) nos períodos de dezembro\janeiro (III) e março/abril (IV) comparadas aos demais períodos de coleta (junho/julho-I e setembro/outubro-II). Contudo, foi mais elevada (entre 56 a 60%) a eclosão de J2 nas amostras colhidas em I (56% a 60%) seguida daqueles colhidas em IV (entre 13,4% a 22%) e mais baixas nos períodos II e III (0,6% a 5,6%), nos cafezais das duas cidades amostradas. Menor número de J2 foi encontrado nos ovos nos períodos II e III de amostragem, podendo constituir-se em indicativo de supressividade de M. exigua na rizosfera cafeeira.
In the egg of the nematodes undergoes the embryogenesis involving different phases and the egg is the survival stage of this organism in the field. All of embryogenesis phases as well as second stage juvenil (J2) hatching are influenced by temperature. Also eggs suffer the effect of rhizosphere microflora which affects the feeding site of Meloidogyne sp. leading to its population suppressiveness by plant rhizosphere. However, other factors may be involved in the suppressiveness of plant-parasitic nematodes in the field such as physical factors, organic matter and soil microbiota. On the stable rhizosphere as in coffee crop (pereneal plant) the investigation of suppressive factors during the seasons of the year may bring about the damage and loss potentials to coffee by M. exigua rhizosphere inoculum. From representative samples (galled roots) taken from coffee rhizosphere at two towns (Lavras and Varginha) on Minas Gerais state, Brazil, were evaluated galls and egg numbers per gram of root as well as second stage juvenil (J2) hatching and embryonic development from the eggs. Although these parameters varied, considerably, among two sampling places (towns) and sampling times (I, II, III, IV), the number of gall and egg production were consistently high (P≤0,05) on coffee root taken on december/january (III) and march/april (IV) compared to other sampling times (june/july-I and september/october-II). However, the J2 hatching percentage was highest on samples taken at I (56% to 60%) followed by sampling at IV (between 13,4% and 22%) and lowest (P≤0,05) on sampling at II and III (0,6% to 5,6%) on both towns of sampled coffee plantations. Lower number of J2 was found inside eggs at sampling times II and III which may be an indication of M. exigua suppressiveness on coffee rhizosphere.
In the egg of the nematodes undergoes the embryogenesis involving different phases and the egg is the survival stage of this organism in the field. All of embryogenesis phases as well as second stage juvenil (J2) hatching are influenced by temperature. Also eggs suffer the effect of rhizosphere microflora which affects the feeding site of Meloidogyne sp. leading to its population suppressiveness by plant rhizosphere. However, other factors may be involved in the suppressiveness of plant-parasitic nematodes in the field such as physical factors, organic matter and soil microbiota. On the stable rhizosphere as in coffee crop (pereneal plant) the investigation of suppressive factors during the seasons of the year may bring about the damage and loss potentials to coffee by M. exigua rhizosphere inoculum. From representative samples (galled roots) taken from coffee rhizosphere at two towns (Lavras and Varginha) on Minas Gerais state, Brazil, were evaluated galls and egg numbers per gram of root as well as second stage juvenil (J2) hatching and embryonic development from the eggs. Although these parameters varied, considerably, among two sampling places (towns) and sampling times (I, II, III, IV), the number of gall and egg production were consistently high (P≤0,05) on coffee root taken on december/january (III) and march/april (IV) compared to other sampling times (june/july-I and september/october-II). However, the J2 hatching percentage was highest on samples taken at I (56% to 60%) followed by sampling at IV (between 13,4% and 22%) and lowest (P≤0,05) on sampling at II and III (0,6% to 5,6%) on both towns of sampled coffee plantations. Lower number of J2 was found inside eggs at sampling times II and III which may be an indication of M. exigua suppressiveness on coffee rhizosphere.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Nematoide, Controle biológico
COSTA, L. S. A. S. Perspectivas de supressividade e qualidade do inóculo rizosférico de Meloidogyne exigua no cafeeiro em alguns períodos do ano. 2010. 64 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitopatologia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2010.