Resistência de híbridos de Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner às raças II e XXXIII de Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br.
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O café é um dos principais produtos comercializados no mundo e possui, historicamente, uma grande importância para a agricultura brasileira. Em 2011, estima- se no Brasil a produção de 43,54 milhões de sacas beneficiadas de café, sendo o café conilon (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner), responsável por aproximadamente 26,1% deste montante. A ferrugem do cafeeiro, causada pelo fungo Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br. é considerada a principal doença do café conilon. Os clones 02 e 83 tem se destacado no programa de melhoramento genético de C. canephora do Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (Incaper). Esses clones fazem parte da constituição de variedades clonais lançadas pelo citado instituto. Se por um lado, o clone 02, mesmo sendo suscetível a ferrugem, é um dos materiais genéticos mais cultivados no estado do Espírito Santo, o destaque para o clone 83 é a sua resistência a essa doença. Entre os métodos disponíveis para o controle da doença, a resistência genética é economicamente a melhor alternativa. Este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar os níveis de resistência dos clones 02, 83 e de 39 híbridos do cruzamento “clone 83 x clone 02” às raças II (v5) e XXXIII (v5,7 ou v5,7,9) de H. vastatrix. Estes genótipos estão localizados na Fazenda Experimental Bananal do Norte/Incaper, a qual situa-se no município de Cachoeiro do Itapemirim-ES. Para determinação dos níveis de resistência, foi utilizada a metodologia de inoculação de uredosporos de H. vastatrix em discos de folhas. O ensaio foi conduzido seguindo o delineamento inteiramente casualizado contendo 3 repetições de 16 discos cada. O experimento foi realizado em fevereiro e abril de 2011. Os componentes de resistência avaliados para cada genótipo foram: período de incubação (PI), período latente (PL), porcentagem de discos com sintomas (DS), porcentagem de discos com esporulação (DE), porcentagem de área esporulada (AE) e produção de uredosporos por área (UA). Por meio de análise de agrupamentos foi possível classificar os genótipos em quatro níveis de resistência (resistentes, moderadamente resistentes, moderadamente suscetíveis e suscetíveis). Adotou-se como medida de dissimilaridade a distância euclidiana padronizada, e a técnica hierárquica aglomerativa de ligação completa. Quanto à resistência à raça II, dos híbridos oriundos dos clone 83 x clone 02 avaliados,
quatro (11,1%) foram classificados como suscetíveis; quatorze (38,9%) como moderadamente suscetíveis; nove (25%) como moderadamente resistentes e nove (25%) foram resistentes. O clone 83, utilizado como genitor resistente, foi classificado como moderadamente resistente e o clone 02 (genitor suscetível) foi classificado como moderadamente suscetível. Quanto a resistência à raça XXXIII, dos híbridos oriundos dos clone 83 x clone 02 avaliados, três (7,9%) foram classificados como suscetíveis; dezesseis (42,1%) como moderadamente suscetíveis; quatorze (36,8%) como moderadamente resistentes e cinco (13,2%) como resistentes. O clone 83 foi classificado como moderadamente suscetível à raça XXXIII e o clone 02 como moderadamente resistente. Foi observado que os clones 02 e 83 possuem resistência horizontal à ferrugem e que o nível dessa resistência pode variar de acordo com a raça inoculada. O componente de resistência que melhor explicou a variação dos níveis de resistência foi DE. Quatro híbridos expressaram resistência vertical, não apresentando esporulação das raças II e XXXIII. Por terem sido resistentes à raça XXXIII, a qual possui os fatores de virulência v5,7 ou v5,7,9, possivelmente, estes híbridos possuem o fator de resistência SH6. Conclui-se que no conjunto de híbridos de C. canephora avaliados há genótipos que podem ser aproveitados para programas de melhoramento visando resistência qualitativa e quantitativa a ferrugem.
Coffee is one of the main commodities in the world and has, historically, a great importance for the Brazilian agriculture. It is estimated in 2011 that Brazil will produce 43.54 million bags of beneficiated coffee. Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner accounts for nearly 26.1% of this amount. Coffee leaf rust caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br. is considered the main disease of robusta coffee. The clones 02 and 83 have been used in the breeding program of C. canephora of the Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (Incaper). These clones are part of the constitution of clonal varieties released by the Incaper. The clone 02 is one of the genetic material most commonly cultivated in the Espirito Santo state although it is very susceptible to coffee leaf rust. The clone 83 is resistant to the disease. Among the methods available to control the disease, genetic resistance is the best alternative economically. The aim of this work was to characterize the level of resistance of clones 02, 83 and 39 hybrids from the crossing "clone 83 x clone 02" to races II (v5) and XXXIII (v5, v5 or v7, v7.v9) of H. vastatrix. These genotypes are planted at the Fazenda Experimental Bananal do Norte/Incaper, which is located in Cachoeiro do Itapemirim-ES. The resistance to H. vastatrix was tested using coffee leaf disks. The test was carried out following a completely randomized design with three replicates of 16 leaf discs each. The experiment was done in February and April 2011. The resistance components evaluated for each genotype were: incubation period (PI), latent period (PL), percentage of disks with symptoms (DS), percentage of disks with sporulation (DE); percentage of sporulated area (AE) and uredospore production per area (UA). Through cluster analysis was possible to classify the genotypes into four levels of resistance (resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible). It was adopted as a measure of dissimilarity the standardized Euclidean distance, and the agglomerative technique the complete linkage. Regarding to resistance to race II in the hybrids obtained from crosses between clones 83 and 02, four (11.1%) were classified as susceptible, fourteen (38.9%) as moderately susceptible, and nine (25%) as moderately resistant and nine (25%) were resistant. The clone 83, used as resistant parent, was classified as moderately resistant and clone 02 (susceptible parent) i were classified as moderately susceptible. Regarding the resistance of hybrids to race XXXIII, three (7.9%) were classified as susceptible, sixteen (42.1%) as moderately susceptible, fourteen (36.8%) as moderately resistant and five (13.2%) as resistant. Clone 83 was classified as moderately susceptible to race XXXIII and clone 02 as moderately resistant. It was observed that clones 02 and 83 have horizontal resistance to the disease and the level of its resistance vary according to race inoculated. Part of the hybrids tested also showed variation in resistance level according to the race inoculated. The resistance component that best explained the variation in the levels of resistance was DE. Four hybrids showed vertical resistance to races II and XXXIII. Possibly these hybrids have the resistance factor SH6, because they were resistant to race XXXIII, which has the virulence factors v5,7 or v5,7,9. In conclusion it was found hybrids of C. canephora that can be used for breeding programs aiming at the qualitative and quantitative resistance to coffee leaf rust.
Coffee is one of the main commodities in the world and has, historically, a great importance for the Brazilian agriculture. It is estimated in 2011 that Brazil will produce 43.54 million bags of beneficiated coffee. Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner accounts for nearly 26.1% of this amount. Coffee leaf rust caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br. is considered the main disease of robusta coffee. The clones 02 and 83 have been used in the breeding program of C. canephora of the Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (Incaper). These clones are part of the constitution of clonal varieties released by the Incaper. The clone 02 is one of the genetic material most commonly cultivated in the Espirito Santo state although it is very susceptible to coffee leaf rust. The clone 83 is resistant to the disease. Among the methods available to control the disease, genetic resistance is the best alternative economically. The aim of this work was to characterize the level of resistance of clones 02, 83 and 39 hybrids from the crossing "clone 83 x clone 02" to races II (v5) and XXXIII (v5, v5 or v7, v7.v9) of H. vastatrix. These genotypes are planted at the Fazenda Experimental Bananal do Norte/Incaper, which is located in Cachoeiro do Itapemirim-ES. The resistance to H. vastatrix was tested using coffee leaf disks. The test was carried out following a completely randomized design with three replicates of 16 leaf discs each. The experiment was done in February and April 2011. The resistance components evaluated for each genotype were: incubation period (PI), latent period (PL), percentage of disks with symptoms (DS), percentage of disks with sporulation (DE); percentage of sporulated area (AE) and uredospore production per area (UA). Through cluster analysis was possible to classify the genotypes into four levels of resistance (resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible). It was adopted as a measure of dissimilarity the standardized Euclidean distance, and the agglomerative technique the complete linkage. Regarding to resistance to race II in the hybrids obtained from crosses between clones 83 and 02, four (11.1%) were classified as susceptible, fourteen (38.9%) as moderately susceptible, and nine (25%) as moderately resistant and nine (25%) were resistant. The clone 83, used as resistant parent, was classified as moderately resistant and clone 02 (susceptible parent) i were classified as moderately susceptible. Regarding the resistance of hybrids to race XXXIII, three (7.9%) were classified as susceptible, sixteen (42.1%) as moderately susceptible, fourteen (36.8%) as moderately resistant and five (13.2%) as resistant. Clone 83 was classified as moderately susceptible to race XXXIII and clone 02 as moderately resistant. It was observed that clones 02 and 83 have horizontal resistance to the disease and the level of its resistance vary according to race inoculated. Part of the hybrids tested also showed variation in resistance level according to the race inoculated. The resistance component that best explained the variation in the levels of resistance was DE. Four hybrids showed vertical resistance to races II and XXXIII. Possibly these hybrids have the resistance factor SH6, because they were resistant to race XXXIII, which has the virulence factors v5,7 or v5,7,9. In conclusion it was found hybrids of C. canephora that can be used for breeding programs aiming at the qualitative and quantitative resistance to coffee leaf rust.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Café - Resistência a Hemileia Vastatrix; Coffea canephora; Ferrugem do cafeeiro.
SOUZA NETO, P. N. Resistência de híbridos de Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner às raças II e XXXIII de Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br. 2011, 43 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fitopatologia). Viçosa: Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2011.