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O controle das plantas daninhas do café convencional e de base ecológica requer práticas alternativas que contribuam para a sustentabilidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a influência de leguminosa herbácea no controle de plantas daninhas e na cultura do café. O experimento foi instalado em Viçosa, MG, utilizando-se uma lavoura de café catuaí de espaçamento de 3 x 1m, tendo 19 anos de idade e 10 anos de recepa. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, constituído por oito tratamentos num esquema fatorial 3 x 2 + 2. O primeiro fator foi composto pelas espécies de leguminosas amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi), siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum) e labelabe (Lablab purpureus). O segundo fator foi formado pelo plantio nas entrelinhas do café de duas e três linhas de leguminosas espaçadas de 0,50 m e 0,25 m respectivamente. Os tratamentos adicionais consistiram da capina manual com enxada e do controle químico com glifosato. Verificou-se que o labelabe no primeiro ano e o amendoim forrageiro no segundo ano proporcionou maior redução na densidade de plantas e na massa seca das plantas daninhas. O cultivo de duas ou três linhas de leguminosas não influenciou a cobertura do solo, as plantas daninhas e a cultura do café. As leguminosas não influenciaram o crescimento e a produtividade do café. A consorciação de leguminosas herbáceas suprimiu as plantas daninhas do café.
The control of weeds of conventional coffee and of ecological basis demands alternative practices which contribute to sustainability. The purpose of this work was determining the influence of herbaceous legume in the weed control and coffee crop. The experiment was set up at Viçosa, MG, by making use of a crop of catuai coffee of 3 x 1m spacing, its being 19 years old and 10 years of lopping. The experimental design was of randomized blocks with four replicates, made up of eight treatments in a factorial scheme 3 x 2 + 2. The first factor was composed by the legume species Pinto peanuts (Arachis pintoi), siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum) and labelabe (hyacinth bean) (Lablab purpureus). The second factor was formed by the planting in the inter-rows of the coffee of two and three rows of legumes spaced of 0.50 m and 0.25 m, respectively. The additional treatments consisted of hand weeding with hoe and of the chemical control with glyphosate. It was found that labelabe (hyacinth bean) in the first year and the forage peanuts in the second year provided greater reduction in the plant density and in the dry matter of the weeds. The growing of two or three rows of legumes did not influence soil cover, weeds and coffee crop. The legumes did not influence the growth and yield of coffee. The mixing of herbaceous legumes suppressed weeds from the coffee plantation.
The control of weeds of conventional coffee and of ecological basis demands alternative practices which contribute to sustainability. The purpose of this work was determining the influence of herbaceous legume in the weed control and coffee crop. The experiment was set up at Viçosa, MG, by making use of a crop of catuai coffee of 3 x 1m spacing, its being 19 years old and 10 years of lopping. The experimental design was of randomized blocks with four replicates, made up of eight treatments in a factorial scheme 3 x 2 + 2. The first factor was composed by the legume species Pinto peanuts (Arachis pintoi), siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum) and labelabe (hyacinth bean) (Lablab purpureus). The second factor was formed by the planting in the inter-rows of the coffee of two and three rows of legumes spaced of 0.50 m and 0.25 m, respectively. The additional treatments consisted of hand weeding with hoe and of the chemical control with glyphosate. It was found that labelabe (hyacinth bean) in the first year and the forage peanuts in the second year provided greater reduction in the plant density and in the dry matter of the weeds. The growing of two or three rows of legumes did not influence soil cover, weeds and coffee crop. The legumes did not influence the growth and yield of coffee. The mixing of herbaceous legumes suppressed weeds from the coffee plantation.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
cobertura do solo, adubo verde, cultivo intercalar, Arachis pintoi, Macroptilium atropurpureum, Lablab purpureus., cover crop, green manure, intercropping cultivation, Arachis pintoi, Macroptilium atropurpureum, Lablab purpureus.
Santos, Julio Cesar Freitas; Cunha, Aquiles Junior da; Ferreira, Francisco Affonso; Santos, Ricardo Henrique Silva; Sakiyama, Ney Sussumu. Supressão de plantas daninhas do café sob influência da consorciação com leguminosa herbácea. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 6p.