Resistência múltipla de Coffea canephora conilon a Meloidogyne spp.: mecanismos e genes candidatos
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Universidade de Brasília
O cafeeiro é uma das culturas mais importantes para o Brasil, sendo fonte de divisas para os países tropicais produtores. Das mais de 90 espécies do gênero Coffea, C. arabica e C. canephora são as espécies cultivadas comercialmente. Os grãos de C. arabica são mais consumidos e apreciados no mundo, mas C. canephora possui uma parte importante do mercado no que se refere à produção de café solúvel e blends com C. arabica, além de ser fonte de resistência a patógenos como os nematoides das galhas. Espécies do gênero Meloidogyne constituem um dos mais importantes fitopatógenos por sua polifagia, causando danos e perdas consideráveis em culturas importantes, como o cafeeiro. Cultivares de C. canephora têm sido usadas como porta enxertos para C. arabica e, programas de melhoramento vem produzindo plantas que podem ser promissoras no controle desse patógeno. No entanto, até o presente momento, esses genótipos foram resistentes a uma ou duas espécies de Meloidogyne. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram: buscar fontes de resistência às populações de Meloidogyne em clones de C. canephora desenvolvidos pelo Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa e Extensão Rural (INCAPER); observar os possíveis mecanismos de resistência envolvidos e também quais genes poderiam ser candidatos à resistência. No primeiro instante, clones de C. canephora população Conilon foram avaliados quanto à resistência a seis populações de Meloidogyne. Nesse primeiro ensaio, descobriu-se que o clone 14, já previamente avaliado como tolerante a seca, foi resistente a todas as populações testadas do patógeno. Por meio de histopatologia, observou-se no clone 14 inoculado com M. paranaensis e M. incognita, através da histopatologia, morte celular e reação de hipersensibilidade tanto no período inicial de infecção do patógeno, quanto nos dias finais da observação, nas células ao redor dos poucos nematoides que conseguiram iniciar o sítio de alimentação. Não houve desenvolvimento do nematoide nem produção de ovos observados através da microscopia e a penetração dos juvenis também foi sensivelmente menor no clone 14 resistente quando comparado aos cafeeiros suscetíveis. Não houve diferença na reação de resistência da planta entre as duas espécies/populações de nematoides das galhas usadas no estudo da histopatologia. Raízes do clone 14 e do padrão de suscetibilidade clone 22, foram inoculadas com M. paranaensis e retiradas nos mesmos moldes do ensaio de histopatologia, para a extração de RNA e produção de cDNA para serem utilizados no sequenciamento e qPCR, respectivamente. Foi observada diferença na expressão de genes de resistência, genes relacionados à produção de lignina, cisteína protease e inibidor de cisteína protease e no hits, dentre outros, entre os clones resistente e suscetível. No caso da cisteína protease e lignina- forming, a expressão foi 3.000 e 6.000 vezes maior no clone resistente que no clone suscetível a M. paranaensis nos dias finais do ciclo do nematoide, coincidindo com o período de intensa morte celular e reação de hipersensibilidade na raiz do clone 14. Os resultados demonstraram que o clone 14 pode ser importante fonte de genes relacionados com a resistência à Meloidogyne spp. e que esses genes devem ser estudados mais profundamente no futuro a fim de obter maior conhecimento sobre os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos no processo de resistência aos nematoides das galhas e os possíveis pontos de intersecção entre os estresses bióticos e abióticos.
Coffee is one of the most important crops in Brazil and worldwide, a source of income for tropical countries that produce it. Among more than 90 species of the genus Coffea, C. arabica and C. canephora are the only commercially cultivated ones. Coffea arabica grains are more appreciated and consumed worldwide, but C. canephora has an important share of the market regarding soluble coffee and C. arabica blends production. It is also a source of resistance to coffee pathogens, such as root-knot nematodes. Meloidogyne species are some of the most important phytopathogens, due to their polyphagic habits, and cause considerable damage and loss in several major crops alongside coffee. Coffea canephora cultivars have been used as rootstocks for C. arabica and breeding programs have produced promising plants to control these pathogens. However, to date, these genotypes were resistant to only one or two species of Meloidogyne. The goals of the present study were to search for sources of resistance to Meloidogyne populations in C. canephora clones developed by the “Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa e Extensão Rural” (INCAPER) and observe possible resistance mechanisms involved in and which genes could be candidates to resistance. Initially, clones of C. canephora, Conilon population, were evaluated for resistance and susceptibility to six Meloidogyne populations. In this first experiment, it was found that clone 14, previously reported as drought tolerant, was resistant to all six tested pathogen populations. Histopathology studies in roots of clone 14 plants, inoculated with M. incognita and M. paranaensis, evidenced cell death and hypersensibility reactions, both during initial and final days of infection, in cells around the few nematodes that induced feeding sites. Microscopy showed no nematode development or production of eggs, and penetration of juveniles was also significantly lower in the resistant clone 14 when compared to susceptible trees. There was no significant difference in the plant resistance reaction observed between the two Meloidogyne species used in histopathology studies. Roots of clone 14 and of the pattern of susceptibility, clone 22, were inoculated with M. paranaensis and collected, as in the histopathology assay, for RNA extraction (sequencing) and production of cDNA (qPCR). Differences were observed between both clones in the expression of genes related to resistance and lignin production, cysteine proteases, cysteine protease inhibitors and no hits, among others. Gene overexpression went 3.000 and 6.000 times higher for cysteine proteases and lignin formation, respectively, in resistant clones when compared to the susceptible ones when inoculated with M. paranaensis, in the final days of the nematode life cycle. It was coincident with intense cell death and hypersensibility reaction periods observed in roots of clone 14 plants. Results show that clone 14 may be an important source of genes related to resistance to Meloidogyne spp. and those should be further studied to understand more accurately the molecular mechanisms involved in resistance to root-knot nematodes and possible points of intersection between biotic and abiotic stresses.
Coffee is one of the most important crops in Brazil and worldwide, a source of income for tropical countries that produce it. Among more than 90 species of the genus Coffea, C. arabica and C. canephora are the only commercially cultivated ones. Coffea arabica grains are more appreciated and consumed worldwide, but C. canephora has an important share of the market regarding soluble coffee and C. arabica blends production. It is also a source of resistance to coffee pathogens, such as root-knot nematodes. Meloidogyne species are some of the most important phytopathogens, due to their polyphagic habits, and cause considerable damage and loss in several major crops alongside coffee. Coffea canephora cultivars have been used as rootstocks for C. arabica and breeding programs have produced promising plants to control these pathogens. However, to date, these genotypes were resistant to only one or two species of Meloidogyne. The goals of the present study were to search for sources of resistance to Meloidogyne populations in C. canephora clones developed by the “Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa e Extensão Rural” (INCAPER) and observe possible resistance mechanisms involved in and which genes could be candidates to resistance. Initially, clones of C. canephora, Conilon population, were evaluated for resistance and susceptibility to six Meloidogyne populations. In this first experiment, it was found that clone 14, previously reported as drought tolerant, was resistant to all six tested pathogen populations. Histopathology studies in roots of clone 14 plants, inoculated with M. incognita and M. paranaensis, evidenced cell death and hypersensibility reactions, both during initial and final days of infection, in cells around the few nematodes that induced feeding sites. Microscopy showed no nematode development or production of eggs, and penetration of juveniles was also significantly lower in the resistant clone 14 when compared to susceptible trees. There was no significant difference in the plant resistance reaction observed between the two Meloidogyne species used in histopathology studies. Roots of clone 14 and of the pattern of susceptibility, clone 22, were inoculated with M. paranaensis and collected, as in the histopathology assay, for RNA extraction (sequencing) and production of cDNA (qPCR). Differences were observed between both clones in the expression of genes related to resistance and lignin production, cysteine proteases, cysteine protease inhibitors and no hits, among others. Gene overexpression went 3.000 and 6.000 times higher for cysteine proteases and lignin formation, respectively, in resistant clones when compared to the susceptible ones when inoculated with M. paranaensis, in the final days of the nematode life cycle. It was coincident with intense cell death and hypersensibility reaction periods observed in roots of clone 14 plants. Results show that clone 14 may be an important source of genes related to resistance to Meloidogyne spp. and those should be further studied to understand more accurately the molecular mechanisms involved in resistance to root-knot nematodes and possible points of intersection between biotic and abiotic stresses.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade de Brasília.
Cafeeiro, Conilon, Genes candidatos, Histopatologia, Meloidogyne, qPCR, Resistência, Reação de hipersensibilidade
LIMA, E. A. Resistência múltipla de Coffea canephora conilon a Meloidogyne spp.: mecanismos e genes candidatos . 2015. 170 f. Tese (Doutorado em Fitopatologia) - Universidade de Brasília, Brasília. 2015.