O café como tema gerador para oficina de ensino de química
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
A sociedade, ao longo dos anos, tem vivido transformações em se tratando do modo de ensinar e aprender dos indivíduos. Dessa forma, existe a necessidade de metodologias e estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem que sejam significativas à realidade do aluno. Mesmo deslocada ao seu tempo e propósito, a escola tradicional perdura. Talvez isso se deve a muitos professores não terem conhecimento de como aplicar outro tipo de educação que venha a contemplar as experiências do estudante. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o efeito da utilização de oficinas de ensino desenvolvidas para a contextualização do conteúdo de Química “soluções”, associadas a um tema regional, o café, em uma escola estadual do município de Jaguaré/ES. A escolha do tema “café” se deve ao fato do município ser um dos grandes produtores dessa cultura e este, consequentemente, vinculado à realidade dos alunos. A elaboração das oficinas foi baseada em Marcondes (2008) e Marcondes e colaboradores (2007) e nas orientações metodológica dos “Três Momentos Pedagógicos” (3MP) de Delizoicov e colaboradores (2009). As oficinas tiveram como finalidade a introdução do conteúdo “soluções” aos alunos de uma turma da 2a série do ensino médio. Foram aplicadas três oficinas com os seguintes temas: Composição química do café; Solubilidade do café; e Concentração do café. A ordem de aplicação foi gradativamente, cujos conceitos apresentados por meio da problematização, construção e aplicação do conhecimento. Durante essas oficinas foram desenvolvidos experimentos empregando-se materiais reciclados, debates, exercícios e trabalhos manuais. A pesquisa, de caráter predominantemente qualitativo, foi desenvolvida utilizando-se instrumentos para coleta dos dados, como: questionário prévio e final, lista de exercícios, produção de texto e as observações da professora-pesquisadora. A partir da produção textual, por meio da análise de conteúdo, obtiveram-se seis categorias em que se destacaram os conceitos e ideias expressas sobre o tema proposto pelas oficinas. Essas categorias são: características químicas do café; definição de uma solução; definições de soluto e solvente; noção de proporção soluto/solvente; abordam noção de afinidade química; e temperatura: fator que afeta a solubilidade. Em termos gerais, houve excelente repercussão quanto ao protagonismo dos alunos durante o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, a interação social e a oportunidade de realizar a conexão prática com a teoria. Conclui-se que a proposta foi aceita, de modo positivo, pelos alunos. Notou-se que o trabalho foi bem-sucedido por proporcionar aos alunos novos conhecimentos, tendo em vista que algumas definições conceituais em nível microscópico e teórico da química não foi assimilado por completo. No entanto, considera-se que as oficinas de ensino envolvendo um tema regional mostrou-se viável em termo de um recurso passível de ser trabalhado. Esse recurso pode ser aplicado nas aulas de química, em uma escola regular do estado, proporcionando não somente dinamismo, mas a máxima participação dos alunos.
Society over the years has lived transformations in the way of teaching and learning from individuals. In this way, there is a need for teaching-learning methodologies and strategies that are meaningful to the student's reality. Even shifted to its time and purpose, the traditional school endures. Perhaps, this is due to many teachers not being aware of how to apply another type of education that comes to contemplate the student's experiences. In this sense, the purpose of this work is to analyze the effect of the use of teaching workshops developed for the contextualization of the content of chemistry "solutions", associated with a regional theme, the café, in a state school of the municipality of Jaguare/ES. The choice of the theme "Coffee" is because the municipality is one of the great producers of this culture and this, consequently, is linked to the reality of the students. The elaboration of the workshops was based on the 3MP (2008) and The Cooperators (2007) and the methodological guidelines of the "three Pedagogical Moments" (Delizoicov) and collaborators (2009). The workshops were intended to introduce the content "solutions" to the students of junior 11th in high school. Three workshops were applied with the following themes: chemical composition of the coffee; Solubility of coffee; and coffee concentration. The order of application of the workshops was developed, gradually, whose concepts were presented by means of questioning, construction and application of knowledge. During the workshops, experiments were developed using recycled materials, debates, exercises and manual work. The research, of a predominantly qualitative character, was developed using instruments for data collection, such as: Previous and final questionnaire, exercise list, text production and the observations of the teacher-researcher. Based on the analysis of textual production, based on the content analysis, six categories were obtained highlighting the concepts and ideas expressed on the content proposed by the workshops. These categories are: chemical characteristics of coffee; definition of a solution; solute and solvent definitions; notion of solute / solvent ratio; they approached the notion of chemical affinity; and temperature: a factor that affects solubility. In general terms, the protagonism of students during the teaching-learning process, developing social interaction and providing the opportunity to make the connection between practice and theory was very effective. The proposal was well accepted by students and the goal of providing students with new knowledge was successful, given that some conceptual definitions at the microscopic and theoretical level of chemistry have not been fully assimilated. However, it is considered that teaching workshops with a regional thematic clipping has proved to be a possible resource to be worked in a regular school in the state and bring dynamism and greater participation of students in chemistry classes.
Society over the years has lived transformations in the way of teaching and learning from individuals. In this way, there is a need for teaching-learning methodologies and strategies that are meaningful to the student's reality. Even shifted to its time and purpose, the traditional school endures. Perhaps, this is due to many teachers not being aware of how to apply another type of education that comes to contemplate the student's experiences. In this sense, the purpose of this work is to analyze the effect of the use of teaching workshops developed for the contextualization of the content of chemistry "solutions", associated with a regional theme, the café, in a state school of the municipality of Jaguare/ES. The choice of the theme "Coffee" is because the municipality is one of the great producers of this culture and this, consequently, is linked to the reality of the students. The elaboration of the workshops was based on the 3MP (2008) and The Cooperators (2007) and the methodological guidelines of the "three Pedagogical Moments" (Delizoicov) and collaborators (2009). The workshops were intended to introduce the content "solutions" to the students of junior 11th in high school. Three workshops were applied with the following themes: chemical composition of the coffee; Solubility of coffee; and coffee concentration. The order of application of the workshops was developed, gradually, whose concepts were presented by means of questioning, construction and application of knowledge. During the workshops, experiments were developed using recycled materials, debates, exercises and manual work. The research, of a predominantly qualitative character, was developed using instruments for data collection, such as: Previous and final questionnaire, exercise list, text production and the observations of the teacher-researcher. Based on the analysis of textual production, based on the content analysis, six categories were obtained highlighting the concepts and ideas expressed on the content proposed by the workshops. These categories are: chemical characteristics of coffee; definition of a solution; solute and solvent definitions; notion of solute / solvent ratio; they approached the notion of chemical affinity; and temperature: a factor that affects solubility. In general terms, the protagonism of students during the teaching-learning process, developing social interaction and providing the opportunity to make the connection between practice and theory was very effective. The proposal was well accepted by students and the goal of providing students with new knowledge was successful, given that some conceptual definitions at the microscopic and theoretical level of chemistry have not been fully assimilated. However, it is considered that teaching workshops with a regional thematic clipping has proved to be a possible resource to be worked in a regular school in the state and bring dynamism and greater participation of students in chemistry classes.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
Estudo e ensino, Metodologia, Aprendizagem significativa
SIQUEIRA, K. G. R. O café como tema gerador para oficina de ensino de química. 2018. 132 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica ) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus. 2018.