Simulação da secagem de café utilizando a fluidodinâmica computacional
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
A secagem é uma etapa do processamento do café necessária à manutenção de sua qualidade e também para o armazenamento pós-colheita, se destaca por influenciar questões importantes como qualidade por exemplo. A determinação da distribuição do teor de água no interior de um fruto de café natural durante e ao final do processo de secagem é o ponto central nesse trabalho, para tanto, foram realizadas simulações por meio da técnica de elementos finitos, utilizando a fluidodinâmica computacional. Foram coletados dados experimentais de secagem de frutos realizada a uma temperatura (T) de 40°C e umidade relativa (UR) de 25% para comparar os resultados do experimento com os resultados das simulações. Os frutos foram secos até atingir 15,24%(b.u) de teor de água. Foram ajustados aos dados coletados dez modelos matemáticos de secagem. O modelo Exponencial de Dois Termos foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados apresentando boa parametrização estatística. Os dados resultantes das simulações via fluidodinâmica computacional foram ajustados aos dados da secagem experimental. O ajuste dos dados experimentais aos simulados foi satisfatório, e desta forma, o modelo pode ser utilizado para outras aplicações que necessitem representar tal fenômeno. O coeficiente de difusividade efetivo (D eff ) foi ajustado ao modelo computacional no valor de 2,87 x 10 -11 m 2 s -1 . Ao final da secagem, o modelo computacional apresentou 57,1% da área de projeção do fruto de café natural com teor de água abaixo de 15,3% (b.u.).
Drying is a step in the processing of the coffee needed to maintain its quality and also for post-harvest storage, it is notable for influencing important issues such as quality. The determination of the distribution of the moisture content inside a natural coffee fruit during and at the end of the drying process is the central point in this work, for which, simulations were carried out using the finite element technique using computational fluid dynamics. Experimental data on fruit drying were carried out at a temperature (T) of 40 ° C and relative humidity (RH) of 25% to compare the results of the experiment with the results of the simulations. The fruits were dried until reaching 15.24% (b.u) of water content. Ten mathematic drying models were adjusted to the data collected. The Exponential Model of Two Terms was the one that best fit the data presenting good statistical parameterization. The data resulting from the computational fluid dynamics simulation were adjusted to the experimental drying data. The fit of the experimental data to the simulated ones was satisfactory, and in this way, the model can be used for other applications that need to represent such phenomenon. The effective diffusivity coefficient (D eff ) was adjusted to the computational model in the value of 2.87 x 10-11 m2 s-1. At the end of drying, the computational model presented 57.1% of the projection area of the natural coffee fruit with moisture content below 15.3% (b.u.).
Drying is a step in the processing of the coffee needed to maintain its quality and also for post-harvest storage, it is notable for influencing important issues such as quality. The determination of the distribution of the moisture content inside a natural coffee fruit during and at the end of the drying process is the central point in this work, for which, simulations were carried out using the finite element technique using computational fluid dynamics. Experimental data on fruit drying were carried out at a temperature (T) of 40 ° C and relative humidity (RH) of 25% to compare the results of the experiment with the results of the simulations. The fruits were dried until reaching 15.24% (b.u) of water content. Ten mathematic drying models were adjusted to the data collected. The Exponential Model of Two Terms was the one that best fit the data presenting good statistical parameterization. The data resulting from the computational fluid dynamics simulation were adjusted to the experimental drying data. The fit of the experimental data to the simulated ones was satisfactory, and in this way, the model can be used for other applications that need to represent such phenomenon. The effective diffusivity coefficient (D eff ) was adjusted to the computational model in the value of 2.87 x 10-11 m2 s-1. At the end of drying, the computational model presented 57.1% of the projection area of the natural coffee fruit with moisture content below 15.3% (b.u.).
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Distribuição de teor de água, Café natural, Difusão líquida
AMARAL, R. Simulação da secagem de café utilizando a fluidodinâmica computacional. 2017. 43 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Sistemas e Automação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2016.