Café conilon em sombreamento com pupunheira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito do sombreamento do palmito pupunha (Bactris Gasipaes Kunth) sobre aspectos fenológicos e agronômicos do café conilon (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froenher var. EMCAPA 8131). O experimento foi conduzido, em julho de 2006, numa área total de 1500 m 2 , na Fazenda Experimental de Bananal do Norte (FEBN), pertencente ao Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (INCAPER), em Pacotuba, distrito de Cachoeiro do Itapemirim, ES, no delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e cinco tratamentos. O primeiro foi a testemunha (T1), com café conilon em monocultivo, e os demais com café conilon consorciado com pupunheiras espaçadas de: 6,0 m x 2,0 m (T2); 6,0 m x 1,0 m (T3); 3,0 m x 2,0 m (T4); e 3,0 m x 1,0 m (T5). O café, em todos os tratamentos, foi cultivado no espaçamento de 3,0 m entrelinhas e 1,5 m entre plantas. A parcela foi constituída de 36 plantas de café, sendo as 8 plantas centrais (parcela útil) utilizadas nas avaliações. Do cafeeiro foram avaliadas as seguintes características: altura das plantas (ALTPL), diâmetro da copa (DIAMPL), número de ramos ortotrópicos produtivos (NRPR) e não produtivos (NRNPR), comprimento dos ramos plagiotrópicos do terço médio (CRAPLA), número de nós em ramos plagiotrópicos do terço médio (NNPLA), número de ramos plagiotrópicos (NRAPLAG), haste total por planta (HTPL), número de haste produtiva por ha (NHPRHA), número de haste total por ha (NHTHA), comprimento (CG) e diâmetro (MD) do grão, número de folhas por parcela (NF), área foliar total (AFO), índice de área foliar (IAF), peso da massa seca da amostra de folhas (MSF), número de frutos de uma planta de cada parcela (NFRUP), peso da massa fresca de café colhido por planta (PFCCPL), volume total de frutos por planta (VTOPL), peso da massa seca de café colhido por planta (PSCCPL) e produção de sacas beneficiadas por ha (SCBHA). Do solo determinou- se a umidade (UBS) e as características física e química. Das plantas de pupunheira foram avaliados: altura das plantas (ponto V) (ALTPV), diâmetro do estipe a 20 cm do solo (DIAM), número de perfilhos por planta (NPERF) e peso médio dos palmitos (PESO). Conclui-se que: (i) os macronutrientes que ocorre com maior freqüência na lavoura como limitante são K, S e P; (ii) para os micronutrientes a deficiência segue a seqüência Zn, Mn e Fe; (iii) o índice de balanço nutricional (IBN) é elevado em todos os tratamentos; (iv) o sombreamento influencia, significativamente, o índice de área foliar, o percentual de bóia e a produtividade em sacas beneficiadas por ha -1 e não influencia o rendimento na pilagem; e (v) a pupunheira traz um incremento financeiro em todos os tratamentos, quando comparados à testemunha.
The current work aimed to study the intercropping system effect of the peach palm plants (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) on phenologyc and agronomic aspects of the conilon coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froenher var. EMCAPA 8131). The experiment was led, in July of 2006, a total area of 1500 m2, in the Fazenda Experimental de Bananal do Norte – FEBN, pertaining to the Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural – INCAPER, Pacotuba, district of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, ES, in the split randomized blocks designed, with four repetitions and five treatments. The first one was the witness (T1), conilon coffee in monoculture, and the others, with conilon coffee intercropped with peach palm plants spaced of: 6,0 m x 2,0 m (T2); 6,0 m x 1,0 m (T3); 3,0 m x 2,0 m (T4) and 3,0 m x 1,0 m (T5). The coffee, in all the treatments, was cultivated in the spacing of 3,0 m between lines and 1,5 m between plants. The parcel was constituted of 36 plants of coffee, being the 8 central plants (inner plot) used in the evaluations. Of the cofee tree the following characteristics were evaluated: height of the plants (ALTPL), diameter of the pantry (DIAMPL), number of productive ortotropics branches (NRPR) and not productive (NRNPR), length of the plagiotropics branches of last-born average (CRAPLA), number of us in plagiotropics branches of last -born average (NNPLA), number of plagiotropics branches (NRAPLAG), total connecting rod for plant (HTPL), number of productive connecting rod for ha (NHPRHA), number of total connecting rod for ha (NHTHA), length (CG) and diameter (MD) of the grain, leaf number for parcel (NF), total foliar area (AFO), index of foliar area (IAF), weight of the dry mass of the leaf sample (MSF), number of fruits of one plants of each parcel (NFRUP), weight of the cool mass of coffee harvested for plant (PFCCPL), total size of fruits for plant (VTOPL) weight of the dry mass of coffee harvested for plant (PSCCPL) and the production of bags benefited for ha (SCBHA). Of the ground it was determined humidity (UBS) and the characteristics physical and chemical. Of the peach palm plants they were evaluated: height of the plants (point V) (ALTPV), diameter of estipe the 20 cm of the ground (DIAM), number of shoot for plant (NPERF) and average weight of the palm leaf (WEIGHT). The research shows that: (i) the macronutrients that occur more frequently in the farming as limitante are ben K, S and P; (ii) for the micronutrients the deficiency follow the sequence Zn, Mn and Fe; (iii) the index of nutricional rocking (IBN) is raise in all the treatments; (iv) the hatching influence, significantly, the index of foliar area, the percentage of buoy and the productivity in bags benefited for ha -1 and do not influence the income in the pealing; and (v) the peach palm plants bring a financial increment in all the treatments, when compared with the witness.
The current work aimed to study the intercropping system effect of the peach palm plants (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) on phenologyc and agronomic aspects of the conilon coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froenher var. EMCAPA 8131). The experiment was led, in July of 2006, a total area of 1500 m2, in the Fazenda Experimental de Bananal do Norte – FEBN, pertaining to the Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural – INCAPER, Pacotuba, district of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, ES, in the split randomized blocks designed, with four repetitions and five treatments. The first one was the witness (T1), conilon coffee in monoculture, and the others, with conilon coffee intercropped with peach palm plants spaced of: 6,0 m x 2,0 m (T2); 6,0 m x 1,0 m (T3); 3,0 m x 2,0 m (T4) and 3,0 m x 1,0 m (T5). The coffee, in all the treatments, was cultivated in the spacing of 3,0 m between lines and 1,5 m between plants. The parcel was constituted of 36 plants of coffee, being the 8 central plants (inner plot) used in the evaluations. Of the cofee tree the following characteristics were evaluated: height of the plants (ALTPL), diameter of the pantry (DIAMPL), number of productive ortotropics branches (NRPR) and not productive (NRNPR), length of the plagiotropics branches of last-born average (CRAPLA), number of us in plagiotropics branches of last -born average (NNPLA), number of plagiotropics branches (NRAPLAG), total connecting rod for plant (HTPL), number of productive connecting rod for ha (NHPRHA), number of total connecting rod for ha (NHTHA), length (CG) and diameter (MD) of the grain, leaf number for parcel (NF), total foliar area (AFO), index of foliar area (IAF), weight of the dry mass of the leaf sample (MSF), number of fruits of one plants of each parcel (NFRUP), weight of the cool mass of coffee harvested for plant (PFCCPL), total size of fruits for plant (VTOPL) weight of the dry mass of coffee harvested for plant (PSCCPL) and the production of bags benefited for ha (SCBHA). Of the ground it was determined humidity (UBS) and the characteristics physical and chemical. Of the peach palm plants they were evaluated: height of the plants (point V) (ALTPV), diameter of estipe the 20 cm of the ground (DIAM), number of shoot for plant (NPERF) and average weight of the palm leaf (WEIGHT). The research shows that: (i) the macronutrients that occur more frequently in the farming as limitante are ben K, S and P; (ii) for the micronutrients the deficiency follow the sequence Zn, Mn and Fe; (iii) the index of nutricional rocking (IBN) is raise in all the treatments; (iv) the hatching influence, significantly, the index of foliar area, the percentage of buoy and the productivity in bags benefited for ha -1 and do not influence the income in the pealing; and (v) the peach palm plants bring a financial increment in all the treatments, when compared with the witness.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
Coffea canephora, Palmito, Arborização, Biodiversidade, Consórcio
BRUM, V. J. Café conilon em sombreamento com pupunheira. 2007. 121 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Produção Vegetal) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Alegre. 2007.