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Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar espécies de leguminosas e espontâneas cultivadas nas entrelinhas de cafeeiros quanto à produção de biomassa e acúmulo de nutrientes em diferentes condições edafoclimáticas. Foram conduzidos, de forma participativa, quatro experimentos em propriedades de agricultores familiares na Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais nos anos de 2004, 2005 e 2006. Em cada unidade foram avaliadas sete espécies de leguminosas (Arachis pintoi, Calopogonium mucunoides, Crotalaria spectabilis, Stylozanthes guyanensis, Cajanus cajan, Dolichus lablab e Stizolobium deeringianum) e plantas espontâneas consorciadas com cafeeiros. No período de floração dos adubos verdes a parte aérea foi cortada e determinada à massa dos materiais frescos. Foi recolhida 100g de fitomassa e outras porções idênticas foram acondicionadas em sacolinhas de decomposição com malha de 4 mm e dispostas sob os cafeeiros e coletadas após 15, 30, 60, 120 e 240 dias para determinação da matéria seca e conteúdo de nutrientes. As leguminosas de ciclo perene (amendoim forrageiro, calopogônio e estilozantes) apresentaram crescimento mais lento com produções de fitomassa entre 5,0 e 8,0 Mg.ha-1, inferiores às das leguminosas de ciclo anual (crotalária, guandu-anão, lablabe e mucuna anã) que obtiveram crescimento mais rápido com produção de fitomassa entre 10,0 e 12,0 Mg.ha-1. Tanto a produção de biomassa e o acúmulo de nutrientes variaram entre os adubos verdes e entre locais. A liberação de nutrientes pelos adubos verdes corresponde, em média, a 29, 44 e 30% do N, P e K, respectivamente, das necessidades do cafeeiro para uma produtividade esperada de 30 sacas ha-1.
This study aimed to compare legumes and spontaneous grown between the lines of coffee on the production of biomass and accumulation of nutrients in different soil and climatic conditions. It was conducted in a participative way, four experiments on properties of family farmers in the Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais in the years of 2004, 2005 and 2006. In each Unit were assessed seven leguminous species (Arachis pintoi, Calopogonium mucunoides, Crotalaria spectabilis, Stylozanthes guyanensis, Cajanus cajan, Dolichus lablab e Stizolobium deeringianum) and spontaneous plants associated with coffe. In the period from flowering aerial parts of the vegetables were cut and determined the mass of fresh material. Biomass was collected from 100g and other portions were packed in identical litterbags with mesh of 4 mm, arranged under the coffee and collected after 15, 30, 60, 120 and 240 days to determine the content of dry matter and nutrients. The legumes of perennial (amendoim forrageiro, calopogônio e estilozantes) showed lower growth with biomass between 5.0 and 8.0 Mg.ha-1 lower than the legumes (crotalária, guandu-anão, lablabe e mucuna anã) that had more rapid growth with biomass production between 10.0 and 12.0 Mg.ha-1. Both the production of biomass and the accumulation of nutrients varied between green manures and locations. The release of nutrients by the green manures is, on average, 29, 44 and 30% of N, P and K, respectively, the needs of coffee for an expected yield of 30 bags ha-1.
This study aimed to compare legumes and spontaneous grown between the lines of coffee on the production of biomass and accumulation of nutrients in different soil and climatic conditions. It was conducted in a participative way, four experiments on properties of family farmers in the Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais in the years of 2004, 2005 and 2006. In each Unit were assessed seven leguminous species (Arachis pintoi, Calopogonium mucunoides, Crotalaria spectabilis, Stylozanthes guyanensis, Cajanus cajan, Dolichus lablab e Stizolobium deeringianum) and spontaneous plants associated with coffe. In the period from flowering aerial parts of the vegetables were cut and determined the mass of fresh material. Biomass was collected from 100g and other portions were packed in identical litterbags with mesh of 4 mm, arranged under the coffee and collected after 15, 30, 60, 120 and 240 days to determine the content of dry matter and nutrients. The legumes of perennial (amendoim forrageiro, calopogônio e estilozantes) showed lower growth with biomass between 5.0 and 8.0 Mg.ha-1 lower than the legumes (crotalária, guandu-anão, lablabe e mucuna anã) that had more rapid growth with biomass production between 10.0 and 12.0 Mg.ha-1. Both the production of biomass and the accumulation of nutrients varied between green manures and locations. The release of nutrients by the green manures is, on average, 29, 44 and 30% of N, P and K, respectively, the needs of coffee for an expected yield of 30 bags ha-1.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
adubação verde, fixação de nitrogênio, agricultura familiar., green manure, nitrogen fixation, family farming.
Valente, Reginaldo Fialho; Mendonça, Eduardo de Sá; Lima, Paulo César; Garcia Júnior, Edimaldo; Moura, Waldênia de Melo; Jucksch, Ivo. Produção de fitomassa e conteúdo de nutrientes de leguminosas e espontâneas em propriedades de agricultores familiares. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 7p.