Produção de etanol utilizando resíduos do processamento úmido do café
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a viabilidade do uso da polpa de café gerada durante o processamento úmido na produção de bioetanol. O primeiro passo foi a caracterização da polpa de café, sendo verificada a existência de consideráveis concentrações de açúcares redutores e celulose, os quais poderiam ser aproveitados na fermentação alcoólica. A polpa de café foi submetida a diferentes processos de extração dos componentes solúveis, sendo o de melhor eficiência o que envolvia trituração a frio e prensagem. O extrato obtido foi utilizado sozinho e como diluente do caldo de cana-de-açúcar e de melaço para formar o meio da fermentação. Pelos resultados, ficou evidente que a utilização de extrato não tem efeitos prejudiciais na fermentação alcoólica. A polpa de café prensada foi submetida ao pré-tratamento alcalino, utilizando-se hidróxido de sódio e hidróxido de cálcio e, como reator, uma autoclave, a 121 oC, com o objetivo favorecer a hidrólise enzimática. Por meio dos resultados demonstrou-se que, para a polpa de café, o tratamento com hidróxido de sódio foi mais eficiente. Após a escolha do melhor pré-tratamento, a polpa foi submetida a ensaios de hidrólise enzimática. Esta etapa foi realizada para que concentrações ideais de massa (polpa de café pré- tratada) e de enzimas celulases e celobiases fossem selecionadas, aumentando, assim, a concentração de glicose no meio. Escolhidas as melhores condições de hidrólise, o meio foi submetido à fermentação por leveduras Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAT 1. Por meio dos resultados obtidos pode-se demonstrar que a polpa de café pode ser utilizada para a produção de bioetanol, com isso agregando valor a um resíduo agroindustrial.
This work was conducted with the purpose of evaluating the viability of the use of coffee pulp generated during the moist processing in bioethanol production. The first step was the characterization of coffee pulp, the existence of marked concentrations of reducing sugars and cellulose being found, which could be used in alcoholic fermentation. Coffee pulp was submitted to different processes of extraction of soluble components, the one of best efficiency being that which involved cold grinding and expelling. The extract obtained was utilized singly and as a diluent of the sugar cane juice and of molasses to form the fermentation medium. From the results, it was evident that the use of extract has no harmful effects in alcoholic fermentation. The expelled coffee pulp was submitted to the alkaline pre-treatment by utilizing sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide and, as a reactor, an autoclave at 121 oC, with the aim of furthering enzymatic hydrolysis. By means of the results, it was demonstrated that for the coffee pulp, the treatment with sodium hydroxide was the most efficient. After the choice of the best pre-treatment, the pulp was submitted to the enzymatic hydrolysis assays. This step was undertaken for the ideal concentrations of mass (pre-treated coffee pulp) and of enzymes cellulases and cellobioses to be selected, increasing thus the concentration of glucose in the medium. Chosen the best hydrolysis conditions; the medium was submitted to the fermentation by yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAT 1.By means of the results obtained, one can demonstrate that coffee pulp can be utilized for bioethanol production, from that, adding value to an agroindustrial residue.
This work was conducted with the purpose of evaluating the viability of the use of coffee pulp generated during the moist processing in bioethanol production. The first step was the characterization of coffee pulp, the existence of marked concentrations of reducing sugars and cellulose being found, which could be used in alcoholic fermentation. Coffee pulp was submitted to different processes of extraction of soluble components, the one of best efficiency being that which involved cold grinding and expelling. The extract obtained was utilized singly and as a diluent of the sugar cane juice and of molasses to form the fermentation medium. From the results, it was evident that the use of extract has no harmful effects in alcoholic fermentation. The expelled coffee pulp was submitted to the alkaline pre-treatment by utilizing sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide and, as a reactor, an autoclave at 121 oC, with the aim of furthering enzymatic hydrolysis. By means of the results, it was demonstrated that for the coffee pulp, the treatment with sodium hydroxide was the most efficient. After the choice of the best pre-treatment, the pulp was submitted to the enzymatic hydrolysis assays. This step was undertaken for the ideal concentrations of mass (pre-treated coffee pulp) and of enzymes cellulases and cellobioses to be selected, increasing thus the concentration of glucose in the medium. Chosen the best hydrolysis conditions; the medium was submitted to the fermentation by yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae CAT 1.By means of the results obtained, one can demonstrate that coffee pulp can be utilized for bioethanol production, from that, adding value to an agroindustrial residue.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Polpa de café, Celulose, Hidrólise enzimática, Pré-tratamento alcalino, Fermentação, Bioetanol
MENEZES, E. G. T. Produção de etanol utilizando resíduos do processamento úmido do café . 2012. 235 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência dos Alimentos) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2012.