Fatores bióticos e abióticos que afetam a produtividade do café arábica nas regiões de cafeicultura de montanha
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Inúmeras doenças bióticas incidem em cafezais, cultivados nas regiões montanhosas da Zona da Mata, do estado de Minas Gerais. Entretanto, são escassas as informações sobre a epidemiologia (curva de progresso das doenças, em relação ao teor de nutrientes e altitude) e, o efeito dos nutrientes sobre tais doenças, notadamente a Ferrugem, cercosporiose, mancha de Phoma, Ascochyta e Mancha Aureolada. Devido a esses fatos, o objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar a curva epidemiológica e, o estado nutricional das plantas, sobre as principais doenças do cafeeiro, da Zona da Mata, do Estado de Minas Gerais. Dezesseis áreas experimentais, foram demarcadas em 16 municípios, em lavouras adultas, com alta produtividade, de pequenos produtores, no período de agosto de 2013 a julho de 2019, variando de 650 m a 1.250 m de altitude. Os estudos foram efetuados, utilizando cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144, em lavouras com 4.500 a 5.000 plantas por hectare. Delimitou- se uma área de 400 plantas, sendo quatro repetições de 100 plantas, onde não foi aplicado nenhum tratamento, para o controle da ferrugem e nem de outras doenças. Na outra área de 400 plantas, foi aplicado fungicidas para o controle da ferrugem, de acordo com as estratégias de cada produtor. Em cada local as parcelas foram casualizadas. Os dados de incidência das doenças foram avaliados nas quatro repetições das testemunhas e dos tratamentos. Além disso, a cada seis meses, foram feitas análises foliares, das quatro repetições, das plantas das parcelas testemunhas e atomizadas. A adubação química do solo, foi feita pelos produtores de cada lavoura, visando conhecer a realidade da condução da cultura, de cada cafeicultor. No final de julho foram feitas as colheitas das plantas das parcelas, calculando-se o rendimento de cada área experimental. Constatou-se que a grande maioria dos produtores de café (cerca de 62,5%), da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, não empregam quantidade de nutrientes requerida pelas plantas de café, para uma boa produtividade. Em todas as lavouras dos municípios estudados, nas áreas consideradas testemunhas (sem aplicação de fungicidas) a incidência da ferrugem atingiu cerca de 78 a 89 %. Os picos da cercosporiose ocorreu nos meses de estiagem, em julho, agosto e setembro. Em seis municípios, a doença manteve-se abaixo de 3,6% de incidência, os outros municípios, que não empregaram estratégias recomendadas (Zambolim, 2009), apresentaram incidências variando de 4,2 a 6,3%, índices de incidência quase 100% maior, do que aquelas áreas que receberam estratégias corretas. Quanto mancha de Phoma, os maiores picos da doença, ocorreram nos municípios Araponga (7,1%) e (8,2%), Manhumirin (6,9%) e (7,4%) e Simonésia (6,9%) e (8,9%) nas áreas atomizadas e testemunhas, respectivamente, no mês de agosto. Nos outros 13 municípios, o pico da doença ocorreu em julho e variou de 2,0 % a 7,2% e de 3,8% a 8.9% de incidência, nas áreas atomizadas e testemunhas, respectivamente. Os 12 municípios com altitude menor que 800m, apresentaram incidência da mancha de Phoma de 2,29% e 3,35%, nas áreas atomizadas e testemunhas, respectivamente. Nos municípios com altitude maior que 1200m (Araponga, Manhumirin e Simonésia), a incidência da doença foi de 3,41% e 4,37%, nas áreas atomizadas e testemunhas, respectivamente. Os índices máximos da mancha de Phoma, obtidos nos 16 municípios avaliados, esteve em torno de 7,0%. Em se tratando da mancha de Ascochyta, a doença foi constatada em todos os municípios avaliados, principalmente em altitudes abaixo de 800m e, nos meses mais chuvosos (novembro, dezembro, janeiro e fevereiro); entretanto, a incidência e severidade foi muito baixa, estando na faixa de 0,6 a 1,5%. Quanto a mancha Aureolada a doença somente foi constatada, em três municípios (São João do Manhuaçu, Reduto e Viçosa). Quanto a produção, encontrou-se diferença significativa pelo teste de Scott-Knot (p<0,05), nos seis municípios (Coimbra, Araponga, Porto Firme Canaã, Piranga e São João do Manhuaçu), em relação aos demais. Nesses municípios os cafeeiros produziram em média, 43,26% a mais, do que a dos outros 10 restantes. A média de produção, das seis melhores lavouras foi de 39,11 Sc.ben./ha, enquanto as outras 10 lavouras, produziram em média 22,19 Sc.ben./ha. Tais municípios que apresentaram maiores produtividades foram aqueles que apresentaram teores foliares acima dos limites requeridos para o cafeeiro. A análise de correlação entre teores de nutrientes nas folhas, porcentagem de controle da ferrugem e produtividade foi positiva e significativa (maior que 0,9
Numerous biotic diseases affect coffee plantations, cultivated in the mountainous regions of the forest, in the state of Minas Gerais. However, information about epidemiology (disease progress curve, in relation to nutrient content and altitude) and the effect of nutrients on such diseases, notably Rust, cercosporiosis, Phoma stain, Ascochyta and Aureolate stain, are scarce. Based on these facts, the objective of this work was to determine the epidemiological curve and, the nutritional status of the plants, on the main diseases of the coffee tree, in the forest zone, in the State of Minas Gerais. Sixteen experimental areas were demarcated in 16 municipalities, in adult crops, with high productivity, from small producers, from August 2013 to July 2019,ranging from 650 m to 1,250 m in altitude. The studies were carried out, using the cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144, in crops with 4,500 to 5,000 plants per hectare. An area of 400 plants was delimited, with four replications of 100 plants, where no treatment was applied, to control rust and other diseases. In the other area of 400 plants, fungicides were applied to control rust, according to the strategies of each producer. In each location as plots were randomized. Data on the incidence of diseases taken in the four repetitions of the controls and treatments. In addition, every six months, leaf analyzes were performed, of the four replications, of the plants in the control and atomized plots. The chemical fertilization of the soil was carried out by the producers of each crop, knowing the reality of the cultivation of each coffee grower. At the end of July, the plants were harvested from the plots, calculating the yield of each experimental area. It was found that the vast majority of coffee producers (about 62.5%), from the forest area of Minas Gerais, do not use the amount of nutrients caused by coffee plants, for good productivity. In all crops in the municipalities studied, in the areas considered to be witnesses (without application of fungicides) the incidence of rust reached about 78 to 89%. The peaks of cercosporiosis occurred in the dry months, in July, August and September. In six municipalities, the disease remained below 3.6% of incidence, the other municipalities, which did not use strategies recommended by the survey (Zambolim, 2009), presented incidences ranging from 4.2 to 6.3%, rates of incidence almost 100% higher, than those areas that received correct strategies. As for Phoma stain, the biggest peaks of the disease occurred in the municipalities of Araponga (7.1%) and (8.2%), Manhumirin (6.9%) and (7.4%) and Simonésia (6.9%) ) and (8.9%) in the atomized and witness areas, respectively, in the month of August. In the other 13 municipalities, the peak of the disease occurred in July and varied from 2.0% to 7.2% and from 3.8% to 8.9% of incidence, in the atomized and control areas, respectively. The 12 municipalities with an altitude lower than 800m, had an incidence of Phoma stain of 2.29% and 3.35%, in the atomized and control areas, respectively. In municipalities with an altitude higher than 1200m (Araponga, Manhumirin and Simonésia), the incidence of the disease was 3.41% and 4.37%, in atomized and control areas, respectively. The maximum rates of Phoma stain, obtained in the 16 municipalities evaluated, were around 7.0%. In the case of Ascochyta stain, the disease was observed in all the municipalities evaluated, mainly at altitudes below 800m and, in the rainiest months (November, December, January and February); however, the incidence and severity was very low, ranging from 0.6 to 1.5%. As for the Aureolate spot, the disease was only found in three municipalities (São João do Manhuaçu, Reduto and Viçosa). As for production, a significant difference was found by the Scott-Knot test (p <0.05), in the six municipalities (Coimbra, Araponga, Porto Firme Canaã, Piranga and São João do Manhuaçu), in relation to the others. In these municipalities coffee plants produced an average of 43.26% more than that of the remaining 10. The average production of the six best crops was 39.11 Sc.ben./ha, while the other 10 crops produced an average of 22.19 Sc.ben./ha. Those municipalities that presented the highest productivity were those that presented leaf contents above the limits required for coffee. The correlation analysis between nutrients in leaves, percentage of rust control and productivity was positive and significant (greater than 0.95).5).
Numerous biotic diseases affect coffee plantations, cultivated in the mountainous regions of the forest, in the state of Minas Gerais. However, information about epidemiology (disease progress curve, in relation to nutrient content and altitude) and the effect of nutrients on such diseases, notably Rust, cercosporiosis, Phoma stain, Ascochyta and Aureolate stain, are scarce. Based on these facts, the objective of this work was to determine the epidemiological curve and, the nutritional status of the plants, on the main diseases of the coffee tree, in the forest zone, in the State of Minas Gerais. Sixteen experimental areas were demarcated in 16 municipalities, in adult crops, with high productivity, from small producers, from August 2013 to July 2019,ranging from 650 m to 1,250 m in altitude. The studies were carried out, using the cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144, in crops with 4,500 to 5,000 plants per hectare. An area of 400 plants was delimited, with four replications of 100 plants, where no treatment was applied, to control rust and other diseases. In the other area of 400 plants, fungicides were applied to control rust, according to the strategies of each producer. In each location as plots were randomized. Data on the incidence of diseases taken in the four repetitions of the controls and treatments. In addition, every six months, leaf analyzes were performed, of the four replications, of the plants in the control and atomized plots. The chemical fertilization of the soil was carried out by the producers of each crop, knowing the reality of the cultivation of each coffee grower. At the end of July, the plants were harvested from the plots, calculating the yield of each experimental area. It was found that the vast majority of coffee producers (about 62.5%), from the forest area of Minas Gerais, do not use the amount of nutrients caused by coffee plants, for good productivity. In all crops in the municipalities studied, in the areas considered to be witnesses (without application of fungicides) the incidence of rust reached about 78 to 89%. The peaks of cercosporiosis occurred in the dry months, in July, August and September. In six municipalities, the disease remained below 3.6% of incidence, the other municipalities, which did not use strategies recommended by the survey (Zambolim, 2009), presented incidences ranging from 4.2 to 6.3%, rates of incidence almost 100% higher, than those areas that received correct strategies. As for Phoma stain, the biggest peaks of the disease occurred in the municipalities of Araponga (7.1%) and (8.2%), Manhumirin (6.9%) and (7.4%) and Simonésia (6.9%) ) and (8.9%) in the atomized and witness areas, respectively, in the month of August. In the other 13 municipalities, the peak of the disease occurred in July and varied from 2.0% to 7.2% and from 3.8% to 8.9% of incidence, in the atomized and control areas, respectively. The 12 municipalities with an altitude lower than 800m, had an incidence of Phoma stain of 2.29% and 3.35%, in the atomized and control areas, respectively. In municipalities with an altitude higher than 1200m (Araponga, Manhumirin and Simonésia), the incidence of the disease was 3.41% and 4.37%, in atomized and control areas, respectively. The maximum rates of Phoma stain, obtained in the 16 municipalities evaluated, were around 7.0%. In the case of Ascochyta stain, the disease was observed in all the municipalities evaluated, mainly at altitudes below 800m and, in the rainiest months (November, December, January and February); however, the incidence and severity was very low, ranging from 0.6 to 1.5%. As for the Aureolate spot, the disease was only found in three municipalities (São João do Manhuaçu, Reduto and Viçosa). As for production, a significant difference was found by the Scott-Knot test (p <0.05), in the six municipalities (Coimbra, Araponga, Porto Firme Canaã, Piranga and São João do Manhuaçu), in relation to the others. In these municipalities coffee plants produced an average of 43.26% more than that of the remaining 10. The average production of the six best crops was 39.11 Sc.ben./ha, while the other 10 crops produced an average of 22.19 Sc.ben./ha. Those municipalities that presented the highest productivity were those that presented leaf contents above the limits required for coffee. The correlation analysis between nutrients in leaves, percentage of rust control and productivity was positive and significant (greater than 0.95).5).
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Coffea arábica, Doenças, Insetos-pragas, Nutrição, Fungicidas
PERDONÁ, P. F.. Fatores bióticos e abióticos que afetam a produtividade do café arábica nas regiões de cafeicultura de montanha. 2020. 54 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Defesa Sanitária Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa-MG. 2020.